green carpet, got one now what?


Active Member
Oh, hubby loves me. I got back from a business trip today and he had started a remodel and removed a wall...but that's another story. He also bought me a green carpet and I don't mean for the new room. It's in the tank. I don't really know anything about them. It's not going to eat my other tank inhabitants is it? How do I care for it?


I have a green carpet anemone, and would be a little concerned. Mine is agressive with a nasty sting. It has taken out 4 damsels and a hippo tang. They grow big. Mine is close to 14 inches across and still growing. From what I have read, bottom dwellers are especially prone to becoming a snack. I'd be nervous with the mandarin. How big is it? Mine likes intense light, and is fed once a week with shrimp, squid,etc.Meaty foods. I just stick a couple small chunks to it(and believe me, it sticks like glue) and it pulls it into its mouth. It does not move around much at all. Also, it is at the bottom of thetank. Hope this helps a little


Active Member
in the wild they typically live in sandy substrate,m adn bury their foot very deep. this can occur in the aquarium and this is good. they do have a very powerful sting, and will eat almost anyhting, and like intense likght and intense feedings. They tend to settle in one place, but do grow very large. if you are questioning it at all, i would reccomend maybe taking it back
good luck


Active Member
My husband can vouch for how sticky it is. It was stuck to his hand when he put it in. He did put it on the sand in between a couple rocks and I hope it stays there. I don't know how big it is yet because it isn't open all the way. It's supposed to be a small one but it looks like it could easily be 6 inches across once it gets all the way open. It's not near any other corals. It better not eat my mandarin. My cleaner shrimp keep getting all over it though. Will it eat them? I thought it was one that clown fish hosted with. It won't eat my tomato clown will it?

bang guy

I believe it WILL eat your Clown AND your Mandarin. Your Six Line and Yellow Tang are fairly safe for a few more months but not much longer. Carpets eat fish :) and they are very very good at it.


Active Member
Oh great, scary advise from two guys whose advice I trust:eek: BTW Guy did you get the check I sent you?

bang guy

Yes Debi got the check :D thank you!!!
Quite a few Clowns can successfully live in a Carpet... but Carpets are notorious for eating their Clownfish :(
Tangs are usually fine until something spooks them and they accidently dive into the anemone. The Nematocycts on a Carpet are very strong... strong enough to stun even the strongest fish.