Green Hair Algae


My tank is starting to get a ton of green hair algae. I have a few rocks that have a ton on it and my poweheads and filter are covered with it. I have a 46 gallon tank with skimmer and bio 400 hob filter. I'm feeding every other day, using ro water. I do water changes biweekly. I run my around 10 hours a day. What can I do to get rid of this? Should I turn off the lights for a few days? Will this kill it? I have a CUC, do I need to get a sea hare? Thanks.


You can run the lights shorter...
what are you feeding, and how much of it?
You can take out the powerheads and clean them (out of the tank)
what livestock do you have in the tank? What do you have for a cuc?
emerald crabs and sally light foot are good, as are turbo snails...and yes a seahare is too


Well-Known Member

What are you feeding every other day? You didn't mention fish...
What are your water test results?
Overfeeding and high phosphates are primary causes. Take out the rocks, and scrub them in saltwater...clean up the power heads in fresh water. This will give the CUC a head start. You need a lawnmower blenny and some emerald crabs...your tank is too small for a tang or I would suggest that.
You have to clean up the hair algae first and then the CUC can do their job. You can't just buy a CUC and hope they can get it under control.


I alternate feeding pellets and mysis. I've had a CUC the the whole time i've owned the tank. The cuc consists of turbo snail, astrea snails, and hermit crabs. I also have a cleaner shrimp. For fish i have a coral beauty, 2 clowns, and a firefish. I see SWF has lawnmower blenny's for $9.99. I think I'll get one of these and maybe an emerald crab.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
You can run the lights shorter...
what are you feeding, and how much of it?
You can take out the powerheads and clean them (out of the tank)
what livestock do you have in the tank? What do you have for a cuc?
emerald crabs and sally light foot are good, as are turbo snails...and yes a seahare is too
dolabella seahare!


Active Member
scrub them with a toothbrush then do a water change.
then do weekly changes 10-20% and feed less. Anything that is left on the bottom after the first couple minutes is simply waste food, and will only feed more algae. You can cut the lights off for 2 days, then put them back on for 4-6hours a day while your doing your water changing period. Ill bet within a month your tank will be clear.
Then its a matter of preventative maintenance.
1. Clean the glass daily. seriously, it only takes 5 min.
2. wipe problem algae away right before you do your water changes from now on, a toothbrush is super handy at this stage, or a larger dish scrubbing brush(use a brand new one).
3. Use your siphon/pump in the midst of the densest part of the algae cloud the appears.
4. Feed less, your algae wont grow as fast if its not being provide with nutrients that come from over feeding. Its doing its job, keeping pollution down. And to speed things up reduce lighting till the problem is gone.
Two tips:
A GFO/Carbon reactor. Cheap to setup, and keep running(about a 100dollar investment gets you reactor,media, and pump). Great for people who want the crystal clear pristine water. Keywords to google are "bulk reef supply"
Also read up on turf scrubbers. I am running mine in a skimmer less system. And The only time I ever get faint readings of trites/trates is when I clean the scrubber and it needs a couple days to catch up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jw1977
I see SWF has lawnmower blenny's for $9.99.
I got one from and it starved the other day in a tank that had plenty of algae of all types, as well as a healthy mix of foods hand fed daily. They credited me back, but it was still frustrating I had to eat the shipping costs.


no clue what that guy was talking about...killin my lights for 2.5 days really knocked out a huge portion of the problem tho. i'd reccommend that.


Do the lawnmower Blenny's work to get rif of hair algae? Everyone recommends a sea hare but SWF never seems to have them. What about a lettuce nudibranch, will that work?


forget the lettuce nudi...mine always disappear...and I have never seen them eat anything
the dolabella seahare is great....yes Lawnmowers eat it too...mine is a fat sucker
turbo snails, emerald crabs, sally light foot etc


Active Member
Scarlet Leg and Blue Leg Hermit Crabs to eat the algae. Also, if the calcium levels are maintained above 350 PPM, the coralline algae will compete for attachment sites. Nutrient control is still essential .The two principal nutrients we need to control are nitrate and phosphate.


yea those hermits really go at the stuff. i sometimes pick a bunch of mine up and place them in an area with concentrated algae growth. they have polished off a couple rocks in my tank!!! emerald crabs love the algae too...get a couple
Hair Algae grows do to your tank having too much nutrients. It's a better idea to figure out the problem rather try to fix the effects of the problem. Your nutrients are high because of a multiple of things.
1.) Over feeding
2.) To TDS high in water change water
3.) Skimmer is too small for bio load
4.) Build up in Canister filter is dumping Nutrients into tank
5.) Circulation in tank is too low.
If it was my tank I would get a TDS meter and measure the TDS in my water change water. Maybe look into upgrading Skimmer. Feed less. Scrub Hair algae off of rocks and do weekly water changes of 15 - 20%. Increase circulation.
More advanced solutions:
Read and learn about Increasing Mag levels which has been know to kill off Algae
Read and learn about dosing Vodka which has been known to be very effective at lowering Phos & Nit levels to 0. (If you do it right)