Green Hair Algie


The long hair algae is taking over my tank. Once a week I have to pull this off my LR in hand fulls. Its been around 4 months now and it will not go away. I bought a Foxface as I was told they will eat it. Well its still out of control. I also have 3 tangs which I thought might eat it, but still no luck.
Is there any other fish/invert or anything that will kill/eat this long green hair algae without effecting my Reef tank ?



Active Member
i had hair algea too, but mine looked like real a$$ hair. i pulled 200lbs of rock out scrubbed, then a week later another out break.
so one day at a LFS i noticed these huge turbo snails. now i mean huge, each one was 1.5" or bigger. so i picked up four. Two of them that i bought were about 2.5". well to end this paragraph, them mopped up the tank, and the sump. and you can see where the new shell grew from when i got them. especially the two little ones.


Worth a try. I will pick up 4 TURBO SNAIL's this weekend. If anyone else tried anything else, please let me know. Thanks.


Active Member
hi there , i wrote this up a while back mabie u could find it helpfull. also adding more fish is just increasing your bioload.
GREEN HAIR ALGEA: who hasnt experienced this.this algea loves bright light and astablished reef tanks. Green hair algea consumes excess nutrients faster then any other algea.Below are measures and steps of riding this FOREVER
1.-make sure u have a protien skimmer and its suitible for your size tank, for proper working conditions make sure u clean out skimmer cup every other day to have 100 percent working capability also make sure your pump stays clean for maximum flow
2. decrease lighting just like with the cyono cut your light in half
3. perform regular water changes again i like 10 percent weekly, when doing a water change suck out as much algea as possible, use only di water or rodi.
never use tap , tap water has high nitrates, phosphates and nitrites.
4.phisicly remove the algea by riping it of the rock,keep a cup of di water next to u to rinse your fingers each time u put your hands back in the tank to insure all spores are off and your not reintroducing the algea to your water,after about 20 hrs of manually removing the algea your inverts aka cleanup crew should keep it under control.
in colclusion please do regular water changes, feed small amounts every other day, only use rodi or di water and dont keep your lights on for more then 10 hrs a day. everyone experiences algea blooms in there tank i hope this help in managing the problem algeas


just get some turbo snails, some like red or blue legged hermits will do the trick. what kind of water are you using?


Active Member
Originally Posted by monkerz
RO water is what I have always used. Last week I started just using tap water.
Shouldn't have said that... here it comes.
The big turbo snails are called mexican turbo snails. They are abotu 1.5 to 2 inches big. And they eat a ton. I have two in my 46g and they really clean up the glass.
I think having a really good clean up crew will help in controlling this issue.
I have never had hair algae, knock on wood. But I always have a good clean up crew.
I currently have:
20 turbos
20 nassarius
15-20 red hermits
2 mexican turbos
2 sand sifting cucumbers
5 cleaner clams
2 queen conchs
1 coral banded shrimp
4 emerald crabs
I rarely see any algae in my tank!


Active Member
you have to find the source and eliminate it.
what i did to beat my hair algae outbreak was stop pulling it out.
i grabbed me 4 mexi-turbo snails, i cut down my lighting from 12 hours to 4 hours, stopped doing water changes, and cut back my feeding to like, 1x a week.
my hair algae was non-existant within 6 weeks.
it was a combo of my feeding, lights and water that was feeding it.
now, i no longer do water changes- only top offs.
my lights are on 9hours a day, and i feed every other day.
been doing this for 2 months now, and not a singe piece of hair algae in my tank (knock on wood)


emerald crab!!!! Keep an eye on them... Thay got big and started to eat my fish.. So make sure thay are nice and full... LOL


Active Member
I've never had an emerald crab eat a fish or anything else that I have witnessed.
But I see them give off a seizure type move to other fish if they get too close.


Your tank filled with hair algae looks like my tank.
I use ro/di water, I just bought 4 more turbos and hopefully they will do the trick. I have cut down my Metal Halides to 4hours a day and compact floursecent to 8hours. My clean up crew is only turbos and the 2 small type snails. The reason why I dont have any emerald crabs or shrimp is because I have corals. The emeralds tend to try to walk on my bubble coral or pick at them thinking its bubble algae. I didnt want that happening. Hopefully I can get rid of all my hair algae as well. Its growing on the sand as well like grass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
Your tank filled with hair algae looks like my tank.
I use ro/di water, I just bought 4 more turbos and hopefully they will do the trick. I have cut down my Metal Halides to 4hours a day and compact floursecent to 8hours. My clean up crew is only turbos and the 2 small type snails. The reason why I dont have any emerald crabs or shrimp is because I have corals. The emeralds tend to try to walk on my bubble coral or pick at them thinking its bubble algae. I didnt want that happening. Hopefully I can get rid of all my hair algae as well. Its growing on the sand as well like grass.
You just don't have enough clean up crew. Over do it. I've never heard of an emerald not being reef safe. Get some hermits, some emeralds, some sand sifting cucumbers... and some mexican turbos will really eat the *** out of algae. They cover ground quick too. I like the nassarius snails too, they really like the sand beds!


Here's the cure-all I posted originally way back.
If your algea problem is fixed by adding a lawnmower blenny or a seahair trust me, you may have some algea but you dont have a real problem
Here's my algea 101 rant
I'm gonna give you my advise on the nasty hair algae curse. Not everone will agree with me on all of what I have to say but I can asure you I've had a reef up for over ten years and I've been to hell and back with this stuff and I'll tell you what works, for sure, some of the time, part of the time, and non of the time. It is true that hair algae loves phosphates and silica, and ofcourse light, and eliminating or reducing these things will help curb it to a degree, but here's the thing a perfectly healthy reef with good water quality can grow hair algae, especially if your reef has ever had it before. Water changes are the quickest way to get your PO4 under control assuming your using RO/DI water or a water source that has no PO4 in it. Here's the hard part and the part that always makes me laugh when people pipe off and say it, that is, all you have to do is worry about water quality and get it right and the hair algae goes away. Thats a joke and not true! The hair algae that is in your tank stores enough nutrients WITHIN ITSELF to grow at an alarming rate with perfect water readings!!! Dont be fooled just because the test kits read zero! Its like a heart problem, once you have, you dont cure it, you manage it. So, here's my 2 cents on how to get rid of it including all the blatent obvious things that are repeated over and over again. Bigger and longer established tanks are harder to treat than smaller ones.
1) Do water changes ofcourse, but rig yourself up a rigid length of clear tubing to your siphon hose to control and vacuum up all the loose algae and reef dust. If your not using ro/di water you dont have a prayer!
2) To really get a head start take the rocks out of the tank and dip them into a bucket of salt water and scrub the holy livin hell out of em with a toothbrush.
3) Cutting your light time, and reducing your feedings are certainly helpful at least until you get it under control. Poeple say that older lights cause algae, its possible but changing them wont help much.
4) Get or make sure your skimmer is running properly! And replace your prefilter media constantly.
5) When selecting a clean-up crew, be careful not to over do it at first! Its great to have a snail for every gallon like some people say, and I dont totally disagree, but if you put a lot them in and some die off, you've now created more fuel for your algae.
6) Dump in some long spiny urchins, you cant kill hardly em, and they really mow! They can tip things over though.
7) The phos-ban products do help, but their expensive and with all the other factors they alone wont eliminate your algae only help manage it after you've gottin rid of a lot of it. I like the slower acting stuff for a long term preventative measure.
8) UV stearlization is good for some things, but worthless for hair algae.
The bottom line on all this is to get it under control you have to get a little drastic, or you wont get it under control. Then from that point on its prevention. Hope this helps.


With cyno and hair I've had success with:
ONLY RO water. No tap.
Turbo snails.
Back your lighting cycle way down. It is uncomfortable to drop it to like 4 hours a day. But, drop it down and slowly reintroduce time back in after it is under control.
I like to do 25% water change twice a month.
Install a refugium to steal micro algae food from the tank.
Scream at the hair algea. It feels good. Give it nasty names. "F U hair algae!"


I don't know if you have any hermits or anything, but I bought 12 hermits this past weekend and they've done more work in my tank taking out hair algae in 2 days than my turbos have done in one month. Just my 2.


I had a hair algea problem and i bought a few mexican turbo snails and they wiped out the problem quick. You can set them on an algea spot and watch the algea disapear. Mexican turbo snails rule. I also started to baste my live rock with a turkey baster.


I heard that a rule of thumb is one snail per gallon (and one hermit per gallon). My cleanup crew for my 35 gallon reef is 15 turbo, 10 blueleg, 2 emerald, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 arrow crab, and i also have a golden headed sleeper goby (not sure if that counts). My tank is really clean, they got rid of all the hair and red slime algae i had.