Green Mushroom


My once beautiful Green Mushroom doesn't seem to be happy. It was once a deep green color and had split several times for me. Does anyone know what I can do to make him happy again?
NO3 - .1
NO2 - 0
Alk -High
Ph - 8.2
Amonia - .2
SG - 1.022


Well.... what type of lighting do you have plus how old is your tank? Water conditions are important but so is your lighting and what type of filtration if any?


I have 110watt lights (i don't recall the make), and an emperor 400 filter(hang on the back). Along with 80lbs of LR. Tank is still relatively new. (Less than one month old.) In the old tank (since broken down), he was at least twice as big, and much greener. Maybe it will just take some more time.


Oh, if the tank is less than a month old you are probably still cycling. I would leave him in the old tank until the new tank is at least 2-3 months old. Live corals no matter how hardy they are shouldn't be put through a tank cycle.


Hmmm, you broke the old tank down. This one maybe tough, if you know someone that could hold it for you, maybe this would be an option.


These are the SAME lights I have been using for a while. I am hoping it is just the cycling. When the lights are off, it looks much greener in color. I have three, and they are all attached well to their rocks, their color is off and they don't seem to be quite as big. I am fairly certain it is not lighting. Haven't done a water test today yet, but I know the tank is still e-cycling after my disaster (very long story). Unfortunately, I don't have access to a more stable tank for now, so moving them is not an option.


Active Member
3 inches on NO lights could be a huge difference - 3 inches closer or further away?? Also - how old are hte lights ... could be in need of replacing