Originally Posted by
hjm9329 http:///forum/thread/382219/green-spotted-puffer#post_3334160
So this is what I was thinking. I wanted to start a green spotted puffer tank. I have a 35 gallon hex right now. How many fish can I have in this tank? Can I use play sand? How much salt do I need? Is this a good fish choice? What types of things do I need to put in the tank for the fish? Is a normal cycling filter going to acceptable to use? Does the tank also need air bubbles or is a filter enough? What other types of equipment is a must? Things such as powerhead, skimmer, etc. I am new to this and I really need some help. Please let me know your input! Thanks!
Personally, I don't know if a 35G hex is the best place for a Green Spotted Puffer, nor do I think it's a wise first fish choice.
Depending on what fish you put in the tank depends on how many you could have in there.
I would not recommend play sand. It's a smaller tank, use live sand, you won't need that much of it.
You need live rock and live sand and the tank must cycle before any fish are added.
You can read boxes and buckets of salt and it will tell you how many gallons the salt will make at a specific reading. You want your salt level to be 1.019 - 1.025 at the tank to be about 79*F.
What do you mean by normal cycling filter?
Yes, you will probably also need a powerhead. I'd recommend a Koralia #2, but this depends on how strong of a filter you go with.
No air bubbles, air bubbles are bad.
A protein skimmer is always helpful, but if you stay on top of your water parameters (test often, don't overfeed, do proper water changes) it is not necessary either. I do recommend running one if you can, they do help.
Honestly, you need to read through the new hobbyist section and familiarize yourself with what this hobby entails before you go any further. Not trying to be rude, but you have a lot more research to do.
If it were me with this tank:
Filter: AquaClear 50 A-610 Hang on Back filter OR Penguin 200 Hang on back filter
Salt: One bucket Instant Ocean Salt
RO Unit, or at minimum Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter
5G CLEAN bucket (you can get them from Home Depot), you'll need this to mix your salt water in
Koralia 2 and Koralia 1 (the K1 is for the 5G bucket that you'll mix your water in, you need to keep the water aerated and moving for 24 hours before it goes in your tank)
Jager 150watt Submersible Heater
40lbs Live Sand (CaribSea is good)
40 or more pounds live rock (not necessary, but will every little bit helps with filtration)
API Test kits - you need to test: Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, High Range pH, KH (alkalinity), Calcium, Phosphate
Refractometer (tests salt levels)
Coralife Digital Thermometer
ChemiPure Elite (remove all the stuff in the filter and place this in there instead)
Some sort of lighting (although fish only tanks don't "need" lighting, it's always good to have your fish on some sort of lighting schedule.