Green Water in 155 Gallon Aquarium


Active Member
This is beginning to sound oh so familiar:( Thomas, that was an interesting article you posted though, not sure I completely agree but very interesting.


I'm going to say thanks to everyone who helped me will my problem.
As for BANG BOY he is the kind of person who makes Police Officers lower their self to his standards so that is why he has the name BANG BOY.


Active Member
skeetw, I was just trying to lighten up the thread a little bit. Bang Guy is one of THE most knowledgeable people you will ever run across in this hobby. He has helped countless people, including me, sharing his knowledge as well as stuff. I would not have a refugium if it wasn't for him. He has helped me in many other ways too. We are lucky that he gives so much time and advise to this board. Please listen to his advice, it's some of the best you will ever get. If you won't act on the advice that both he and Thomas have given you then he is correct in the advice he gave you in his last post.


I said I thank everyone for there help.
With the advise that I have gotten things are looking better.


skeetw - I think what your doing is looking for a cure in a bottle. If this Algone kills algea it would be a bad thing IMO, not that I have used it or even researched algone. However algea is a nessesary thing in the ocean and in a reef tank, using a chemical to NUKE that tank is the wrong approach.
Finding the cause of the problem and solving that problem is the right approach.
Have you orderd a test kit for phosphate?
Did you go out and get any RO/DI water?
Are you running any PO4 remover?
Have you done anything for the tank at all other than change the filters twice a day? And yet you don't tell me that your skimmer is filling up at all? Is it?
How about this. Why don't you post your State and City and we will see if any members are near you. Perhaps we can find a volounteer to come see this Hulk Green tank of yours and give you a hand.


Thomas, I think that your status as a shark underestimates your willingness to help. You have my vote as "Saint" for your continued help.
Bless you.


I went to Walmart a bought the water and yes the Skimmer is doing fine and I live in Sylacauga, Alabama. Sylacauga is 40 miles South of Birmingham.


Should I have the light on at all or should I turn them off for a while ???? If I should turn the lights for how days should they stay off.


I have had over 570 people view my problem and 57 replys. If you have anything to add about Green Water reply.

melissa v.


Originally posted by skeetw
Your right I was just ckecking to see if any one else had anything to say.

You pretty much have the best trying to help you right now, just SLOW DOWN, and listen to what they have to say, even if it should sound strange to you do it anyway's THEY ARE SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE!
Melissa V.


The Green Water in my Aquarium is almost gone the Aquarium is starting to look good again.
Thanks for everyone's HELP ............................


Active Member
after reading this long post , I wondered do you, or did you have any livestock in this green watered tank?


Ahhh Plum I've been saving that one :( for a showdown.


I would like for everyone to know thanks to ALGONE my 155 Gallon Aquarium is looking good again and when you get time look ALGONE up and check it out. My problem my have been tap water but I'm doing water changes with Wal-Mart water now.