Green Water in 155 Gallon Aquarium


when walmart water gets too expensive you might want to look into an ro unit. kent makes one that retails for around 100 bucks. you can get a fancier model with more filtering power off of ---- for about the same. not sure what you are paying per gallon, but by the time you figure in your time and the gas to drive to walmart, a 100 dollar investment might be the way to go for water that is just as pure right at your own house.


Krux you are right I need to invest in a RO Unit.
What is the best filter I can buy at the best price to help take care of my 155 Gallon Aquarium ??? I have been thinking about buying a Eheim 2229 wet/dry canister filter I like what EHEIM says about the 2229 but I have been reading that the Eheim want perform like it is said to be able to perform.
Me smells a trolling phoney baloney.
This whole thread is crazy and reminds me of some former pranksters who have lost their right to post here.


I would not put anything in the tank that kills anything. No medications no algea controllers nothing. Green water is good water, as long as it does not smell and the algea into collecting as slime. Leave it cut down on your lighting time and get some snails, or other algea eaters. If you add some live rock or ever fake decorations, it will allow for the algea to settle down, and it stop floating around. It will not change the water color, but it will also provide food for many oraganism. People will kill me for it, but if water conditions are right DO NOT DO WATER CHANGES for the sake of making a water change, however you should monitor water conditions more closely.


I used Algone in my filters and I was surprised after about 3 weeks my water was almost clear. I had a 55 Gallon Aquarium for years and never had a problem like this so I would like everyone to check


I had a 30 gal fresh tank that developed green water after years of being set up. The water was so green you couldn't even see the fish! I removed two of the fish and the green water went away and has never returned maybe it's overstocked?? Just a thought!


I had 11 Fish in my 155Gallon Aquarium and lost all of the fish except 2 and thats the only fish in my Aquarium. I lost a Large Lion Fish a Large Yellow Tang and 9 other fish Clown fish etc.