GregM779s 125G Reef 10 Months Old


The Blue line I got at Big Al's. It isn't the same as the Blue Throat.
It is about 3 to 4 inches.
I would never buy fish from Pet World. Is that where you were referring?


Gregg tank looks great
Do you sitll have the Feather Star? How is that doing? I'm waiting for mine to come in.


Active Member
That my friend IS A TANK. Very Nice!
Just about brings a tear to me eye. Ha! Awesome you should be commended and Proud.


Looking Great as always. Love the tank!!!!
Who said kent skimmers are crappy? lol
How do you get those big pic posts


wow nice tank thats what my 55 gallon is starting to look like and i hope that my new 120 will look lke that to


hey greg I have the same size tank and lighting fixture as you. How do you get your pictures of the tank looking so nice what lights are on when you snap these pics and what mode do you use on your camera i keep trying but can get pics as nice as yours


Thanks guys,
The trigger actually hasn't eaten any of my snails, the harlequin tusk loves to snack on those. I don't have any shrimp but I'm pretty sure he would take those out pretty quick, both the trigger and tusk love krill shrimp.
As far as cast, I try not to even think about it, I stopped keeping track of it on purpose but none of my corals are cheap so I'm sure it's up there.
The feather star didn't make it, I fed him every day and it still withered away.
druluv, I posted them linking to photobucket
I took the pics with both actinics and HQIs, this is actually a borrowed camera, I put it in manual mode, mess with the ISO, turn the macro on, and play with the OEV settings.

rainbow aq

Tank looks great! thats pretty full for only being that old...Probably took a nice chunk of change out of your pocket....


Active Member
Hey GregM
Fantastic tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long have you had your blue Linckia? It looks fantastic!


Originally Posted by Rainbow AQ
Tank looks great! thats pretty full for only being that old...Probably took a nice chunk of change out of your pocket....
Yeh, my wallets a lot lighter but all the corals are in and it's growout time.
Originally Posted by ophiura

Hey GregM
Fantastic tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long have you had your blue Linckia? It looks fantastic!
Thanks, I actually got the Linkia from a fellow reef club member that moved out of state about a month ago, it's a gorgeous starfish.
Here's another pic of him and one of my other star.



Active Member
Beauties :D
THAT is what a healthy blue Linckia looks like. FAT and CYLINDRICAL arms
Do you have any ideas how long the other reefer had the star? Right now I am trying to get a better feel for Linckia...there are murmurs that even in larger tanks they will not survive past 18 months or so. I don't know if I agree with that but we just don't have real firm statistics. And for fun how long have you had the other (maybe Nardoa


Originally Posted by ophiura
Beauties :D
THAT is what a healthy blue Linckia looks like. FAT and CYLINDRICAL arms
Do you have any ideas how long the other reefer had the star? Right now I am trying to get a better feel for Linckia...there are murmurs that even in larger tanks they will not survive past 18 months or so. I don't know if I agree with that but we just don't have real firm statistics. And for fun how long have you had the other (maybe Nardoa
Yeh, he's nice and fat! I'm not sure but I think the previous guy had him for at least 6 months and noe that I think about it he's been in my tank at least 6 weeks. He has tons of LR to graze on in my tank, nobody knows what they really eat but people with large amounts of LR that is really Live have the best success.
I don't know the name of the other star, I've had him since my last tank so probably about a year now.
Originally Posted by SSweet1
Only 10 months old???? Man your definately using steroids haha It looks fantastic!! Carrie
I drip a gallon of steroids a day.
Originally Posted by fishieness

siiiiiiigh... as always your making me jelous... haha!
that is a sweeeeeeet tank!
Originally Posted by T3D

Nice Tank Greg! How do you keep the sand so clean? :thinking:
Refugium, UV sterilizer, lot of LR, sandsifters


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Beauties :D
THAT is what a healthy blue Linckia looks like. FAT and CYLINDRICAL arms
Do you have any ideas how long the other reefer had the star? Right now I am trying to get a better feel for Linckia...there are murmurs that even in larger tanks they will not survive past 18 months or so. I don't know if I agree with that but we just don't have real firm statistics. And for fun how long have you had the other (maybe Nardoa
ok ophiura...i made my own little theory ((arnt u so proud of me)) :joy: ok my theory for linkias is that for best heallth in a linkia i would say the person must have a huge amont of lr and very good water quality not only for the linkia but also for the best growth on the lr. that way once the linkia does his sweep through the lr. by the time he gets back new growth willl be ready for him to eat. thus making a constant circle. the reason i think that pp made the 18 mounth llifespn of a captive linkia is because they probly had lots of lr(over 100 pounds)) and the growth did not keep up with the linkias feeding and it took approximatly 18 mounths to wipe out the food supply and slowly starve. so based on what i have put togther ..AKA my theory, what do u think. cool let me hear some input

nemo lover

Nice Greg a lot of growth and new corals in two months looks better than ever.
croweded ??? Never! He only has like a ton of fish, only a ton of coral...Come on Greg, let us know your secrets, How do you keep it looking soooo perfect!?
P.P.S. we are coming to the August meeting, will you be around? Also do you know where I could get a tank drilled down there? I am a little scared to do it myself. Thanks for any help.


Originally Posted by nemo lover
Nice Greg a lot of growth and new corals in two months looks better than ever.
croweded ??? Never! He only has like a ton of fish, only a ton of coral...Come on Greg, let us know your secrets, How do you keep it looking soooo perfect!?
P.P.S. we are coming to the August meeting, will you be around? Also do you know where I could get a tank drilled down there? I am a little scared to do it myself. Thanks for any help.
Thanks, I should be around before the meeting as long as I don't have to help Gayle setup, make sure you look at the site our meeting has changed. You can e-mail me or call me about a week before and we can figure it out, do you still have my number?
The best place to get a tank drilled is at Ocean's Below. He's listed in the local vendors section of our site. He drilled my refugium and my girlfriend's 29g.