Grey's Anatomy


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
another one:
take it with a grain of salt... WTH??? what does that even mean??? i don't even understand how to use that one...
yea I've heard of this one too, but this one I have no clue. Whenever I hear it or someone says it to me, I'm just like uh huh.


WHAT???? i think i missed it!!! it didn't show a new episode, and even on the website it said tahtt he episode was a repeat! I hope i didn't miss it, i'll be really bummed!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
WHAT???? i think i missed it!!! it didn't show a new episode, and even on the website it said tahtt he episode was a repeat! I hope i didn't miss it, i'll be really bummed!!!
you didn't miss much 2 re runs!!!!!!! Ahhhhh I was so mad! I was expecting a 2 hour new episode!!


whew!!! i got at like 10:30 and checked my DVR and it wasn't there! I was like "NOOOOOOOO"!!! i'm so relieved now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
whew!!! i got at like 10:30 and checked my DVR and it wasn't there! I was like "NOOOOOOOO"!!! i'm so relieved now!
lol you're relieved and I'm beyond disappointed!! No wonder they didn't have any commercials showing the preview of the next episode!!


lol, i'm disappointed too! on the last one, they showed a preview for the next one, so i assumed that it would be this week. I hope they don't do reruns next week either, or i'll be really :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
lol, i'm disappointed too! on the last one, they showed a preview for the next one, so i assumed that it would be this week. I hope they don't do reruns next week either, or i'll be really :mad:
O yea, I'll be :mad:
too. All I can do is cross my fingers! lol. It's amazing how addicted I am to this show. I cannot believe it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
i know!!! it's sad...
lol I know!!! We don't have cable or satellite right now so I have all my shows set.
Sunday: 9pm Desperate Housewives
10pm Brothers and Sisters
Monday: 8 Wife Swap
9 Bachelor
10 What about Brian
Tues whatever is on
Wednesday CSI
Thursday: 9 GREY'S ANATOMY!!!!
10 CSI
and the rest of the days until Sunday I don't really watch TV. It's pretty sad how addicted I get to TV shows!! I'm not home during the day so I guess all I have is primetime shows!!


i'm only watching 3 shows right now: america's next top model (don't ask me why...i watched it once and got addicted), smallville, and grey's anatomy...
during the summer i watch psych, that show's good
i never got into desperate housewives... it's like a bad soap, and i know that's what it's supposed to be, but i can't stand it.
i also like law & order SVU, and i watch plastic surgery shows all of the time......
and SPONGEBOB!!! of course!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
i'm only watching 3 shows right now: america's next top model (don't ask me why...i watched it once and got addicted), smallville, and grey's anatomy...
during the summer i watch psych, that show's good
i never got into desperate housewives... it's like a bad soap, and i know that's what it's supposed to be, but i can't stand it.
i also like law & order SVU, and i watch plastic surgery shows all of the time......
and SPONGEBOB!!! of course!

Oh, if you want to talk about cable/satellite shows REAL WORLD is the best!! I'm sorry but I'm 19 almsot 20 and I lvoe that show. Always have. Oh yea and American Chopper b/c Pauly JR. is hot. lol
P.S. let's hope for a good episode next thursday. Oh yea, desperate housewives is kind of trashy IMO, but idk, I'm a sucker for those kind of dramas!! It's so easy to laugh at them!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
YAY! a new episode... i'm still going to kill merrideth.....
Ugh, yea she's annoying. But Christina pissed me off too!! She is going to get into so much trouble w/ erasing Bailey's name from the board! I understand what she is doing and I can appreciate it b/c I would do the same for my boyfriend if I had to. But I can tell you this right now, Burke is very independent and I don't think he likes Christina running the show for him. I wouldn't either!! And eventually everyone is going to find out that Preston Burke can't do surgeries on his own because of his hand, and in the process christina is going to lose him, and she's also going to lose her friends because they all think she's hogging all the surgeries b/c she's preston's gf.


it pisses me off that no one will listen to him, though!!! wth??? he's been trying to tell everyone that his hand isn't working right, but everyone is so wrapped up in their own lives that they won't listen to him!!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!! and i don't think bailey's going to get christina in trouble, but i think she might know there's something wrong with burke. I have mixed feelings about burke. i can't quite figure him out...


Dont know why I like it so much either,because it's a glorified soap opera,but my wife got me started on it(sure she did)It's a shame that Arrested Developement got cancelled that show genius!


Active Member
Idk it's a toss up between Burke and McDreamy. Both are idk, mysterious? Burke is way worse though. He doesn't say much and it's like Christina just talks for him? McDreamy is obviously concerned about one thing thus far...S-E-X!!! I'm glad he's taking a break to have his "space". I really like Bailey and I can totally sympathize w/ her on people not thinking she a good enough surgeon b/c one shes a woman and two just had a baby. If I were her, I would be causing hell b/c thats BS that people are thinking what they are thinking about her b/c she is a woman and had a baby!! Just b/c she's compassionate when someone's wife dies doesn't make her a softie!


I agree whole heartedly.How about the $8,000,000 check still up on the fridge and she's still under her friends roof,renting a room?I have 3 words of wisdom "I'm RICH BEEOTCH"


Active Member
Originally Posted by pete43
I agree whole heartedly.How about the $8,000,000 check still up on the fridge and she's still under her friends roof,renting a room?I have 3 words of wisdom "I'm RICH BEEOTCH"

Oh God I know!!! If I was here, yea I would be really sad, but come one she was engaged to a heart patient! I cried when he died, so I can only imagine how I would feel if this happened for real! But more or less, she killed him but cutting that wire! And if he cared enough about her to give her all his money, I would have cashed that check in a heart beat!! And probably set up a charity for heart patients like him. But come on 8 million will get you alot of charities!


I still think there's something we don't know... Remember during Denny's surgery, Bailey kept trying to get the main surgeon's attention? She kept repeating her name and the surgeon kept saying, "wait for it, wait for it"... I think the surgeon screwed something up, I don't think the transplant was smooth...