Grocery store RO or DI


with test results that High I wouldnt contact the water company first I would contact the EPA and find out what are acceptable parameters and then tell them what you are testing at and ask what to do. Thats ridiculous.


Active Member
That's what I was thinking when he posted those levels..... :scared: I thought in the 300 range was about the limit???? Maybe it depends on the area you live as to they might have different standards....
I've like the faucet water better than the RO water....I guess it's the bad stuff that gives it the good taste?? :notsure:

bang guy

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
with test results that High I wouldnt contact the water company first I would contact the EPA and find out what are acceptable parameters and then tell them what you are testing at and ask what to do. Thats ridiculous.
Many municipalities have hard water. This excessive Calcium is going to read high on the dissolved solids meter. It's not unhealthy. But it will kill a water heater or showerhead real fast.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Nope... definitely soft water here... soap lathers just looking at the water.
Lucky dog, the water in my town has always been on the hard side. Don't even use it to wash the outside of the house windows . . . otherwise, it's waterspot city.
Clogs showerheads pretty quickly, and I don't even want to think what the inside of the waterheater looks like (Going with a tankless heater in probably a month or so).