Grocery store strikers=children


can we possibly be any more pathetic? these people have been at it for over half a year.
the big ol' dilemma?

somehow this gives them the excuse to parade around in zombie-like circles and hold up signs for the rest of WORKING AMERICA to read and feel sorry for them. they still get paid the whole way through. now let's address the equally lame "justifications":
What happend to them was unfair-
nothing is fair. i get screwed on stuff left and right. that's life. get used to it children. how old do people have to get before they realize that it's not where you stand but in which direction you move and that's what tells yourself and the rest of the world what type of person you really are. got yer benefits cut? get another job or get a second job. be responsible.
hey my client double-app'd me today on a loan and i lost the deal after working on it for over 2 months. guess i'll just go picket in fronna their house!
it's their right!-
just because something's your right doesn't make it right. it's my right to cross the street but i think i'll wait till traffic clears out first.
these people have taken a method once used efficiently to promate healthy and safe work environments back when their were REAL issues at hand and have exploited it in a baby-like manner so that the following DIRECT results can, will, and ARE happening:
a) stores with strikers have cut hours, raised prices, and cut inventory.
b) people are harrassed and given guilt trips by doing shopping for basic commodities
c) an estimated $500 million has already been lost
d) non-striking stores have also raised their prices and people stand in ridicolously long lines.
e) strikers are still paid and i have personnally witness them having picnics in parking lots, having tailgate parties, lounging in beach chairs, tossing footballs, starting numerous verbal and even physical fights with people who dare cross their silly lines.


seriously folks, how can these people look themselves in the mirror every morning knowing that millions and millions are working hard to make a living??? some are even fighting for our country to protect the very same rights that these people are trampling all over for the sake of their own laziness.
it's like the little fat kid in the neighborhood crying "well if i can't play then i'm taking MY ball and going home!!!"
and i KID YOU NOT when, on the front of the paper this morning, i saw the following quote from a picketer:
"All i want is peace of mind."

JOIN THE CLUB. everybody wants peace of mind!!! you find me one single person out there on this entire rock we live on that doesn't want peace of mind. i hate these people.
what's worse is that there are millions and millions of children learning from this.......example. yeah so from now on, if mommy says you can't have a cookie outt've the jar then just whine and throw a temper tantrum until she gives in.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Purity
"All i want is peace of mind."

JOIN THE CLUB. everybody wants peace of mind!!! you find me one single person out there on this entire rock we live on that doesn't want peace of mind. i hate these people.

Couldn't agree more.
I could sit and talk with you about things for quite a while. You remind me of me. While some people ***** about your posts, I still can't help but read them. Of course people will disagree, but for the most part, I am in agreement with what all you just said.
People need to stop making excuses.
This country is on its way to a rough ending, probably in my lifetime, but definitely in my children's lifetime. Soon the blind will see what has been going on while they were not paying attention.
I didn't know they were getting payed too. It's like when cops here are in court cases. They get 100% payed leave of absence. Let me think, you're going to pay me and I don't have to come to work? WTF is that all about?
If I had a guaranteed job in another country, no family business, and no family, and no language barrier I would move out of this country, not look back and not think twice.

tony detroit

Active Member
I once spoke with a man from Turkey that had recentely came to the US. He said "The scary thing is that all these people think they are free".
OR better yet for the Rage Against the Machine Fans-
"Whoever told you that you're free is your enemy"
Zach de la Rocha


What was the strike originally about regarding benefits?


Active Member
been there done that in St. Louis for awhile. The stores (competiors) went arm and arm to the tables and wouldn't budge. The employees finally voted on the same contract that they rejected with the exception of sick days. :rolleyes:


here's the way i see it in regards to human progression:
at the first stage of civilization we are dedicating our purpose towards survival. eventually we're able to survive and now we've taken survival to leisure.
however, we're still left with that instinct of CHALLENGE. people need challenges because all forms of life must be problem solvers in order to survive. so this instinct will never go away. at this point, while living in leisure (yes, it's leisure. compare our lifestyles to the many in a world history book), we CREATE challenge. all of us do it everyday in our own ways.
some of us chose to gear our purpose in life towards helping others. simply put, challenging ourselves to be generous and kind. while the other half are now challenging themselves to becoming even MORE self centered. i find that most problems that people deal with nowadays arise from these people who make the 2nd decision. this decision is based on the primitive principle of short term gain with disregard to long term loss.
funny how God's been warning us about this from the start.
ok my head hurts now.


I agree but might inject civilization between survival and leisure . . . and last? Complacency; in my opinion headed straight for it . . . then the cycle repeats . . .

tony detroit

Active Member
With the amount of taxes we pay their should be government subsidized health care. Health care strikes should not be existent. But our government screws us over and we end up with these problems.



Originally posted by rbmount
If they didn't strike, all that would be accomplished is the gap between the rich a$$es and workers would widen. I don't know who pays for healthcare and who gets it in a benefits package, but I for one would rather spend $15 bucks for a doctors visit than $100. So yes, in my opinion a strike is worth it.

to do that crap for over half a year for $85/month?!?! in THIS day and age where the average American consumer spends an average of $1,600/month on material items designed to make one feel more elite??
i'll agree that it's probably unfair what's happening to them. but they've taken something bad and made it worse. and they've done it in the name of protest, therefore making their cause gain less respect everyday.
and about the gap between rich & poor. that will always be wide. and it's wide for a reason. but striking will do nothing to close it in. if these people wanted to be closer to being rich then they could have studied in college and worked their way up the corporate ladder like every other exec in their companies. instead they chose to stalk bananas so bananas they will stock.

tony detroit

Active Member
Our company pays 1000 a month for a guy and his wife. That is without dental and optical too. Healthcare needs major change.

tony detroit

Active Member
You must also realize this however-
If a grocery store was to provide healthcare for all its employees and a 401K program for everyone that worked there, your can of Campbell's soup would cost you 4.00 instead of 75cents. They would lose all business because their costs are so high, and eventually would go bankrupt.



Originally posted by rbmount
B.S. What benefits do you get from your job that you don't pay for? Then how would you feel if your company decided to take them away and you pay the full cost??? I've been with Bellsouth for 33yrs, I would hate to see what my health insurance(which thank goodness I use rarely) would cost a month. And if you felt something was worth it, would you make a sacrifice or reap the fruits of someone else's sacrifice???

i'd make the sacrifice and go get a 2nd job or find somewhere else to work rather then being a baby and pout over it.


great. while yer out making sure the world doesn't get the best of you then i'll be out earning a living and making money. in the end, if you're lucky, you'll be right back where you started but at least you stuck up for yourself. i think i'll try the problem-solving technique, move on to greener pastures and position myself in a much better financial position.


what'll hit home? that pride is the most important trait to dictate your life's actions by? no thanks man. i think i'll go with what makes sense.
if someone screws me over then i solve the problem, move on, and make lemons outta lemonade without ever looking back. i'll do it quick and to the point. boom! done. nuff said. next?


You can be right, or you can be happy.........but you can't always be both.
I too would stop whinning and go elsewhere.


New Member
So, you're saying that the workers ought to bend over for people who want to screw them, or just trot off and get another job eh? Better to take it on the chin, or pass the problem on to illegal immigrants who don't matter to the rest of society, so that uninvolved people, such as yourself, don't have to be bored by the whole irritating mess?
Sounds great if they have the qualifications to do it and without any family and financial ties that bind.
So, what industry do you think these unskilled grocery store clerks should go into then? Factory work? Well, maybe they can't afford to move to China to get those jobs. How about telephone service jobs? Well, India is a long way from home. How about taking up a trade? Plumbing maybe? Might take a few years of living on nothing but air and sunshine while they get trained, but after that they'd be just fine right? And that's assuming they can afford the training and certification to start with.
Maybe they ought to go into law? Seems to be the only profession making money in America. Of course, they might have to sell their bodies to pay for the college education (if they have the credentials to get into lawschool int he first place, and assuming they look good enough for someone to pay for it).
Thankfully those pesky grocery store clerks all came from rich families who made sure they got their university education taken care of before all this mess. :rolleyes: This is all about the worker's laziness and bad attitudes isn't it, not their lack of realistic options while they raise families and try to keep current with the rent. I'm sure their landlords won't mind waiting for the rent 'til they get a better paying job. I'm sure the doctors will treat their children for free in the interim, and the magnanimous drug companies will support them by supplying their prescription medicine free of charge while they search.
There comes a point when your ability to survive is threatened. Workers have only one weapon in their arsenal to combat exploitative employers and societies that turn a blind eye.
So long as consumers constantly try to nickle and dime for everything we'll get more of the walmarts, petsmarts, *****, and we'll wonder where all those wonderful mom&pop stores have gone. And we'll keep griping that their sales staff are spotty kids without a clue while knowledgable people who once saved your tank with their advice have been forced to go work at pumping gas because the pay is better than at the pet store. And we'll buy that 75c can of soup knowing that the person who sold it to you can't afford to take their kid to the doctor. And then scream bloody murder when we find our home has been burgled while we were at the store (by some poor schmuck without a good education who needs the money to buy his daughter an inhaler).
funny how God's been warning us about this from the start.
Funny how complaining about self-centered grocery store strikers seems awfully self-centered when the compainers don't have to pay the cost of that health care coverage. God talks a lot about looking after the poor Purity, not so much about making the rich richer. Lest ways, not it the bible I read.
Here's an idea, let's stop paying corporate farms huge subsidies and use the tax money saved to pay for more healthcare for all Americans? Or how about /not/ invading foreign countries who weren't involved in the 9/11 attacks and putting those billions into health care? Might have a few less widows looking for army pensions too. More importantly, reward good employers by doing business with them rather than trying to save a few cents at the local *mart.



Originally posted by Giarc
So, you're saying that the workers ought to bend over for people who want to screw them, or just trot off and get another job eh? Better to take it on the chin, or pass the problem on to illegal immigrants who don't matter to the rest of society, so that uninvolved people, such as yourself, don't have to be bored by the whole irritating mess?
Sounds great if they have the qualifications to do it and without any family and financial ties that bind.
So, what industry do you think these unskilled grocery store clerks should go into then? Factory work? Well, maybe they can't afford to move to China to get those jobs. How about telephone service jobs? Well, India is a long way from home. How about taking up a trade? Plumbing maybe? Might take a few years of living on nothing but air and sunshine while they get trained, but after that they'd be just fine right? And that's assuming they can afford the training and certification to start with.
Maybe they ought to go into law? Seems to be the only profession making money in America. Of course, they might have to sell their bodies to pay for the college education (if they have the credentials to get into lawschool int he first place, and assuming they look good enough for someone to pay for it).
Thankfully those pesky grocery store clerks all came from rich families who made sure they got their university education taken care of before all this mess. :rolleyes: This is all about the worker's laziness and bad attitudes isn't it, not their lack of realistic options while they raise families and try to keep current with the rent. I'm sure their landlords won't mind waiting for the rent 'til they get a better paying job. I'm sure the doctors will treat their children for free in the interim, and the magnanimous drug companies will support them by supplying their prescription medicine free of charge while they search.

so what i'm saying is what i already said and every point you brought up was already addressed. as much as i'd like copy & paste i think it would be more convenient if you hit that little arrow pointing up in the top right screen and try again.
how easy it is to find reasons why you can't succeed rather then going out and making it happen. and don't give this whole OH I'M UNSKILLED AND CAN'T FIND BETTER WORK crap either. oh Pookie Bear i feel so sorry for you!!! puhleeze!! i was 16 years old working 16 hours a day at 2 jobs just to buy myself a hunk of junk car and have been working hard ever since making my life happen. OH I DIDN'T COME FROM A RICH FAMILY!! BOO-HOO!! EVERYONE PLEASE FEEL SORRY FOR ME!
ever heard of student loans/grants?
ever heard of saving money?
ever heard of entreprenuership?
ever heard of dedication and sacrifice?
i'll tell you what. you tell me an impossible situation, i'll tell you how to make it possible, and then you do what you do best and make an excuse of why you can't accomplish it because you're lazy.
Originally posted by Giarc

There comes a point when your ability to survive is threatened. Workers have only one weapon in their arsenal to combat exploitative employers and societies that turn a blind eye.

ability to survive threatened??? somehow i just can't link being cornered in a room by a hungry siberian tiger to having to come up with an extra couple hundred a month for insurance. ability to survive vs. inconvenience....2 different things bro.
Originally posted by Giarc
So long as consumers constantly try to nickle and dime for everything we'll get more of the walmarts, petsmarts, *****, and we'll wonder where all those wonderful mom&pop stores have gone. And we'll keep griping that their sales staff are spotty kids without a clue while knowledgable people who once saved your tank with their advice have been forced to go work at pumping gas because the pay is better than at the pet store. And we'll buy that 75c can of soup knowing that the person who sold it to you can't afford to take their kid to the doctor. And then scream bloody murder when we find our home has been burgled while we were at the store (by some poor schmuck without a good education who needs the money to buy his daughter an inhaler).

i like walmart. and spotty kids without knowledge have been holding store clerk positions ever since stores had clerks. plus, since yer so upset with the changing times, next time you need help on something then just hop on the internet and find a bulleting board that's dedicated to the subject. that's how i found this place and i get WAY better advice here than the LFS.
Originally posted by Giarc
Funny how complaining about self-centered grocery store strikers seems awfully self-centered when the compainers don't have to pay the cost of that health care coverage.

i'm 25 and, up until last june, had been paying my own health insurance since i was 18. it's not the end of the world.
Originally posted by Giarc

God talks a lot about looking after the poor Purity, not so much about making the rich richer. Lest ways, not it the bible I read.

then go back and read it because the reference you're citing is from when God talks about us helping the poor by being generous from what we earn, not protesting things that seem unfair. as a matter of fact, there are plenty of references where even slaves themselves are told to obey their masters and taxpayers to pay the tax collectors without grumbling because in the end God will do justice.
Originally posted by Giarc

Here's an idea, let's stop paying corporate farms huge subsidies and use the tax money saved to pay for more healthcare for all Americans? Or how about /not/ invading foreign countries who weren't involved in the 9/11 attacks and putting those billions into health care? Might have a few less widows looking for army pensions too. More importantly, reward good employers by doing business with them rather than trying to save a few cents at the local *mart.

sounds good t' me :)


New Member
Least we agree on soimething Purity :)
ever heard of student loans/grants?
ever heard of saving money?
ever heard of entreprenuership?
ever heard of dedication and sacrifice?
How much have you managed to save while working for minimum wage plus paying for your own health care, Purity?
Student loans? Just paid mine off. Ever hear of entry requirements for university Purity? Ever hear of living expenses while studying? Do Student Loans cover health insurance while studying?
Dedication and sacrifice? Some people dedicate and sacrifice their future to take care of their kids/elderly parents in the here and now. I guess that it's their own fault then when they end up in a low income no future job then.
Ever hear of compassion Purity? Not everyone has choices that are easy or clear cut. Walk a mile in the other persons shoes.
i'll tell you what. you tell me an impossible situation, i'll tell you how to make it possible, and then you do what you do best and make an excuse of why you can't accomplish it because you're lazy.
54 year old woman with lithium imbalance that results in problematic behaviour when placed under prolonged stress associated with long hours (more than 6 hrs per day). Results in severe depression. Husband left her 25 years ago because freaked out by mental illness. No savings because swindled out of what little she had by a worthless boyfriend/conartist. Has high school diploma but no long term work history for several years. No special skills. Does not qualify for student loans due to age. Children moved overseas. One lung thanks to bronchiexodud and has beginning emphysema.
So, you tell me how she can make that first million and I'll make sure she sends you 25% of it when she has it.