Guess the coral!


Active Member
Originally Posted by actionjack
lol, so it ISNT that obvious! That was my guess emperor :joy:
LOL..sry, didn't even see your post!


Viper... how bout a type of plate coral? Heliofungia actiniformis, AKA plate anemone or disk coral??? Never seen one in that color tho.... i used to have a purple one, was that small tho..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Nope, not a plate.
So far actionjack has the closest guess.
This is so much fun! :hilarious for you.


Active Member
Not a Tubastrea sp.
Is it even in the Family of Dendrophylliidae
?? Interesting color if it is...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Is it even in the Family of Dendrophylliidae ?? Interesting color if it is...
In fact it is. Got a guess on the species?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
In fact it is. Got a guess on the species?
Turbinaria patula (a member of the family dendrophylliidae)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
I think so too....Duncanopsamia axifuga
What K is the lighting ??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think so too....Duncanopsamia axifuga
What K is the lighting ??
YES! That HAS to be it. YEAH...Dogstar..we stopped Viper dead in his tracks! However, it dpends on the kelvin rating of the bulb as you said, because of the color his appears to be.


Active Member
Yup, Duncanopsammia axifuga is correct!

I'm actually suprised you were able to get the right ID on it. This coral is almost non-existent in the US because it's only found in Australia and not allowed to be exported. I was fortunate enough to get this piece from a local coral farmer. There were three pieces available and he claimed that was about half of his total stock. I got 2 big polyps plus 6 smaller ones starting to grow on the sides.
Did anybody else happen to be at the BA-CFM on sunday?