Guess the coral!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Oh yea forgot to say, it's under a 14kk Phoenix bulb.
Very cool. Someday, when I get better lights, is this something you could frag?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
How about a thumbs up?

...okay...LOL :hilarious
A thumbs up, works for me! I'm kind of proud of myself. LOL


Active Member
14 K oh no wonder, I thought you were doing some Photoshop majic with the color. Heres mine.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
Very cool. Someday, when I get better lights, is this something you could frag?
It should fragable like any other branching LPS. If I can keep up with normal feedings I might be able to get a nice frag in a couple months or so. Duncans are supposed to be fast growers. It's hard to put a price on it since they're so rare, but I know it'll be at least $100+ per polyp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
It should fragable like any other branching LPS. If I can keep up with normal feedings I might be able to get a nice frag in a couple months or so. Duncans are supposed to be fast growers. It's hard to put a price on it since they're so rare, but I know it'll be at least $100+ per polyp.
Hmm...well, maybe eventually I can get a nice selection of corals going, and we'll do a trade. Not for a while though. LOL I'm kind of starting with the cheap stuff (I'm 13..very small budget), but I'd love to get a polyp or two of that stuff.


Active Member
Haha Dogstar I was about to ask why the heck did it take you so long to ID if you already had one.

Axifugas are photosynthetic, but they don't require high lighting. Minimal PC/VHO lights will suffice. In addition to light, they do need to be spot feed some meaty foods once in a while. I plan on feeding once a day to speed up the growth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Haha Dogstar I was about to ask why the heck did it take you so long to ID if you already had one.

Axifugas are photosynthetic, but they don't require high lighting. Minimal PC/VHO lights will suffice. In addition to light, they do need to be spot feed some meaty foods once in a while. I plan on feeding once a day to speed up the growth.
Cool! So you think 2x65 watt PC's over a 20 gallon HIGH would be sufficient? Keep me in mind, when your frag gets large enough to frag.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Yup, Duncanopsammia axifuga is correct!

I'm actually suprised you were able to get the right ID on it.
My PC was smokin from all the googleing........
Yep, very rare piece.
Viper, good luck with it...


Active Member
Thanks Dogstar, and great job on the ID and Emperor too. I'm really hoping it does good, especially since it's irreplaceable. It's aquacultured so that's an extra plus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
My PC was smokin from all the googleing........
Yep, very rare piece.
Viper, good luck with it...
LOL..mine's being slow now too, after all my googleing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
The hint was that it's close to actionjack's guess (tubastrea). fun. :joy: