Gun Control


New Member
First it's a right that I can own a gun , not a law saying I can......

Two years ago , while I was living in Arizona. I was in a public park with my metal detector looking for coins and any other things I could find. I used to take it out to the mountains to look for gold and such..
Well while out there looking around I saw about 5 men , that you could say looked thugish as in looking like gang members.. I would not think to much of this , living in AZ you see people dress and looking like that. But these guys were talking and looking and pointing in my direction. So that set of the alarm in my head. Just stay on my toes and be aware..
Anyways I went back to walking and got a signal so I bent down to dig and see what it was , as I was bent down I saw shadows from behind me. I could not hear good as I had the headphones on to hear for the signals. I stand up and turn around and it is those guys coming at me pretty fast. :notsure:
So I said thats that's close enough , can I help you guys???
The did not say anything , looking at each other as to see who will do what first.. One of them steps towards me , and can see in his hand a knife!!!! As he came towards me the other 4 went to go around me. :help:
About 12 feet away from me , I dropped my metal detector and drew out my handgun. As soon as he saw my gun his eyes bugged out :scared: and stoped.. He stood there for a sec and started to run , an yelled he has a gun!!! The others broke off in other directions running damn fast!
My heart was going to jump out of my chest!! I was shaking so bad as I go to my truck as fast as I could. Once I was in my truck I called the cops and waited at the park until they got there.
When the officer got there I told him what happen and he made a call to other units to look for the people I described. He was very nice and said I did a good job with what happen.. Anyways..
I believe if I did not have my gun on me , I could have very well have been stabbed and robbed...
Remember the right to keep and bear arms are your rights too. They are not for one political group or people. They are for all of us.
Thats all I have to say , thanks for reading.
P.S. I know this is a old thread , but I saw it and had to post my 2 cents.
Also be safe folks while your out and about living your life , you never know who might be watching you and what thire plans are. Stay safe.

"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
--Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787.


Active Member
Glad to hear it worked out for you. I would hate to think what would have happened if we allowed the gun grabbers to have thier way. Another valid reason our second ammendment rights must be protected. Criminals dont buy their guns from stores.


Active Member
i personally dont own a gun , mostly because i have a child, i just here of more accidental gun related deaths , then criminals dieing over guns, most people that brake into a home dont have a weapon on for me i probably will never own a gun but i wouldnt live without my german shepard


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i personally dont own a gun
Ours is in a lock box, and the key is way out of reach for our four year old...


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Ours is in a lock box, and the key is way out of reach for our four year old...
thats a good idea i just here so many horror stories


Active Member
I have small children also. The guns always remain locked up. Always. More children are harmed per year from poison then gun related accidents. It is the parents responsibility to protect their children.


Active Member
The accidental child deaths are from irresponsible gun owners, who are also parents. I wholeheartedly believe that when a child dies of gun accidents, the parents should be locked up for negligence and/or manslaughter/murder.
I have no children in my house and I still keep weapons and ammunition locked in two different gun safes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
I have no children in my house and I still keep weapons and ammunition locked in two different gun safes.
Note to self:
When attempting to rob AW2 house, make sure he can only get to one of the two boxes..Kidding..I know what you mean


I support gun control.
Stupid people shouldn't have guns. Felons shouldn't have guns. There are more of each than I'd like to know. I don't think a limitation on the number of guns and/or type a civilian can own would be out of line either. Further than that, in my opinion, isn't necessary.
Going back to that stupid people shouldn't have guns statement. When I was about 9-10 I stayed the night at a friends house. His father had an antique pistol (the wierd shaped kind that used flint and spark tray thing) which he kept locked on the top shelf of his closet with the key in a different spot. My friend knew where the gun was and more importantly where the key was too. He decided to show me this gun. I didn't want him to and made sure he knew that. He ended up pointing it at me with me nearly sobbing begging him to quit. Even though the gun was likely empty and probably wouldn't even fire that was a terrifying experience i'll never forget. Parents that don't think their child (by child I mean one that can walk and speak well and watches their own TV) will ever know where or can't get to their gun are - and pardon my bluntness - blind and ignorant. There are a few that take extra steps and precautions - like combination safes - that might not fall into this category. But if a gun is anywhere in a house where kids are, locked away somewhere with a key, and if that key is stationary for long amounts of time, the kid has the ability to, and might already have gotten hold of that gun.
Of course there are exceptions - like those that have maybe 2 lockboxes with 2 seperate keys which they keep one on them at all times. But not many gun owners care to secure their weapons so extensively.
Just my opinion, i'm probably biased....but can you blame me?


Active Member
Originally Posted by windmill
Stupid people shouldn't have guns. Felons shouldn't have guns.
Professional athletes should not have guns...I could go on, but at the risk of being biased..


Professional athletes should not have guns
It's kinda hard to see the logic behind can if you try , but that serves little purpose. Now if you typed "Rappers shouldn't own guns" that'd make more sense.


Keeping guns locked up when children are in the household is the first step. As far as I am concerned the next step is teaching the kids how to shoot, when they are old enough, so that they learn to respect the gun for what it is and what it can do. I have taught both of my sons to shoot when they reached age 10. I begin every session with "This thing will kill you". The younger one is actually a pretty good shot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by windmill
It's kinda hard to see the logic behind can if you try , but that serves little purpose. Now if you typed "Rappers shouldn't own guns" that'd make more sense.

That football guy from the Bears had an aresenal..All those NBA guys that openly state they they carry weapons..Those are the ones I was talking about..I could care less if Tiger is


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
..All those NBA guys that openly state they they carry weapons..Those are the ones I was talking about..


Active Member
All I know is those who have guns have the capacity to kill. While I believe in the amendment to bear arms, I also believe in the ability to control people's ability to easily obtain them.


OK--finally a thread i can really get into..jk I grew up in a pawnshop (with a Federal Firearms License) in a small town outside Charlotte, NC. I am an only child and was very board growing up. I started collecting guns when i was young. As far as the gun in the hous with children thing, my Dad kept things locked up but he instilled in me that if i wanted to see or hold or shoot the guns, i could antime i wanted to as long as i asked him. That took the mystery out of it. Parents seem like they aren't talking to kids anymore. (No offense to parents, just what i see) That mystery affect will get youinto trouble. When kids no it's forbidden, kids want it more...
As far as the full auto subject, in NC you can fill out the paperwork and for $200 you can get the permit to own full auto and silenced weapons. After you pay the fee, they do about a 6 month long background check on you and it goes through several different sections for approval. I have considered this investment in the past but never went there. Coming from an avid collector, i can see why a collector would want one, but can't justify the cost or responsibility at this time. Full auto guns were created to do one thing...Throw a whole lot of lead downrange. They were designed to inflict the most damage in the quickest ammount of time in a small package. There is no reason for hunting with this kind of weapon for 1 simple reason...You would tear up all of the meat. Also, most states have laws against hunting with full auto and silencers are also a strong no-no.(I am also an avid hunter) I do believe in hunting with semi-autos. I know people that hunt with semi-auto AR-15's, but it is the same thinking of 1 shot 1 kill. The only reason to even hunt with this kind of weapon is because of the accuracy of a military style rifle. Most deer hunters use bolt actions. Even with a semi-auto, the actual thought of shooting 2 deer or even placing a 2nd shot into an animal you missed, is almost absurd. Deer are fast.
All of these full auto style weapons are not that good for home protection simply because of the risk of shooting someone you aren't shooting with. It is a little worse than just shooting someone inthe other room with one of these. You could accidently shoot someone in the next house or even neighborhood if conditions were right. The only reason you would need one of these is if there were a bunch of people trying to hurt you but is one of those 1 in a billion. Most crimes that are random (like someone that doesn't know you they just want your stuff) are not going to continue once they realize it's not an easy meal so to speak. Just being armed at all is enough in most scenarios.
Another thing that isn't thought of as much is the responsiblity to keep that this style weapon off the street too. Don't get me wrong, if someone steals a shotgun it isn't good for the streets, but it's better than a full-auto. So owning one of these guns would require more security than the regular guns imo.
As far as taking guns from citizens, all you would do is take the guns from the honest. Do you really think the criminals would come turn their guns in too? All that would do is make crime go up imo.
Most people that i know (me included) are just as into there gun colections as most on here are into their aquarium. A lot of these guns are quite large investments that do hold or go up in value.
I didn't have time to read the entire thread yet, so if i repeated anything, sorry.


Originally Posted by Catawaba
All I know is those who have guns have the capacity to kill. While I believe in the amendment to bear arms, I also believe in the ability to control people's ability to easily obtain them.
To be honest, everyone on this website "has the capacity to kill." I own more kitchen knives than firearms, and I can invariable aim my car better than any gun...I could shoot it around corners should I choose to. Is it easier to kill someone on purpose or accident with a gun? Absolutely. But like these items, guns aren't dangerous when used properly and with the respect they deserve. Should they be handed out in Happy Meals, no. I agree that they should be suitably available as they do have the potential for destruction.