guppies/snails fs, AND looking for low light coral


Active Member
this isn't saltwater, but i got WAY too many guppies and snails.
i got ramhorn snails, and black trumpet snails
i also got like 20 or more baby guppies i can sell. each is around a cm long or so. some have yellow tails and some have orange tails. great addition for any community freshwater tank.
i'm looking for any small frags of low light branchy corals. any sort of fan, gorgo, anything branchy a seahorse would like to hitch to. not planning to spend too awful much.


Active Member
i'll go try to get some pics right now! i don't want much...i got too many, i have sme in a tin tub right now cause there wasn't enough room for them all in the 10 gallon guppy breeding tank....btu all my adults except one died last night from temperature shock.
anyway, i got younger ones and some older ones. I'll go get pics.
i'll also add a bit of java moss in with the baggy to anyone who buys any of the freshwater stuff.
remember who hooked u up with satrs & stuff wink wink!!! LOL
I will show Lilly the pics tonight to see if she wants any she lost hers not too long ago and beggs me every time we go to a LFS for more


Active Member
i'm looking at pics i took now. there terrible with my dads camera, it ca'n't take a pictre of a fish in a tank for it's life. so i'll post some pics of what i took, and i'll have to get a pic of what they look like on the internet to go with it. there sitll wrong so most don't ahve much color.
there not big colored fancy liek you ay find a t an lfs. i'm int he cycle of making my own strain...and i started the hard way = feeders. so they don't got too much color. but the mix of there parents' colors should be pretty enough for just a pet

i've also got 2 crawdads and a large freshwater clam for sale now.


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Active Member
well it seems it doe sthis with everything. i tried uploading to this site, and about three others. the mac won't letme upload. i'll have to have my dad look at it, thos epics are alll i can do for now, soryr.


Active Member
i have never sold young guppies like this. i have no idea on prices

i'll look online and get an idea of a cheap price for you


Active Member
the guppies or crawdads? the crawdads i've only had for liek 6 months and i don't know how to tell there gender, never had crawdad babies yet, though i would like to try next year.
the guppies are all young, most don't have much color yet either. so either way, no mated pairs unfortunatly. but guppies will have babies with just about anyone...


Active Member
@ ny :
i looked on ----, and most guppies are selling 1-5 bucks each. those shwo guppies are nuts, lol.
anyway, i would sell these young ons for like 75-50 cents each?
That sounds good to me.....any idea how u would ship? LMK what u think and if shipping isnt too bad maybe I will take 8 or 10 of them....u can get a heat pack for shipping right? I wouldnt want them to freeze


Active Member
yeah freezing would be a bad thign. would walmart or something have heat packs or would i have to buy special ones at a fish store?
never shipped in winter before so never needed one.
i would double bag them with shredded paper and newspaper for extra padding.
whats your zip?
Yeah any sporting goods store or section should have heat packs. I have never used them but have heard u can get them ay Walmart


Active Member
what size tank is it?
overnight will be like 30 bucks and priority would be 8
they will be well packaged, don't want any DOAs


Active Member
if the shipping is too much, i can put them all in one bag and try to use less shipping stuff and see if i can get it cheaper.
Sorry it has been a lil crazy the past few days....ya know with the lost ponies and all.
Ummm I dunno Im not sure the shipping is a bit much but I bet after what I just went thru with the poor ponies they would be ok going priority just make sure they have heat packs and are well packaged.


Active Member
Yes they sell heat packs at walmart. they have 8 to 24 hours ones. u can get a 3 pack of 24 hours for 1.97 if they have them. When i go and they have them i buy all of them they have. LOL


Active Member
if you want some, pm me how many and your adress. i'll try to pack well and lightly so it don't cost to much. i could ship, then you pay shipping after i find out how much it will be? then you won't end up spending more then the shipping or anything.
i think i can trust you to pay after i send can't i?