H Tusk problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hey Ladies and Gents!! I'm new to the forum but not new to the hobby. I read these boards all the time and it's been very helpful. My H Tusks was perfectly fine 2 days ago and all of a sudden he wasn't swimming or eating!! I wasn't sure if he hit the lion or what? Also, its not an Aust Tusk.
Ps can anybody help me figure what I should add next?? Looking to add one more fish.

el guapo

Active Member
Well what are your water peramiters like ? How big is your tank? What is currently in the tank ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
he toast
they have weak systems.suks but good luck
IMO & IME; there is no basis for this statement: I'd ignore it. Tusks, once acclimated, are long-lived, disease resistant fish. They don't like a lot of aggression in the tank and your profile says you have 3 aggressive triggers. Are they harassing him? How big is he? If you'll get back with answers to this & the above posts, we may be able to help.


hey mr tusk! Thanks for replying. He did have one nip on his tall a week ago but nothing else. he's about 5 in and bigger then all the triggers. Thanks again

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by killrbee3636
hey mr tusk! Thanks for replying. He did have one nip on his tall a week ago but nothing else. he's about 5 in and bigger then all the triggers. Thanks again

Well with the amount of information you have given us theres not a whole lot we can say .


Active Member
Size isn't everything. A smaller trigger could certainly pick on him. Keep a close eye on them for awhile and make sure this isn't the case.


Well my peramiters are coming up fine and my tank size is 210g. What other info did you need? Thanks again.


Well I did notice tha my mj angel was picking on him yesterday.


Active Member
Is the Tusk still not eating? I know mine will go through periods of inactivity where he likes to hide out, but hes always comes out for food.


I put the food in yesterday and he came out but didn't eat. Now he's just laying next to the rock. He's breathing normal too.


The reason I asked how long you've had it is because non Australian Tusks don't live long in captivity. Not all but most. So if you only had it for a month or two, this maybe why is not doing good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
The reason I asked how long you've had it is because non Australian Tusks don't live long in captivity. Not all but most. So if you only had it for a month or two, this maybe why is not doing good.
Good point, many indo tusks are still captured with cyanide, and they can appear fine for a period of time before unexpectedly dying. Was he eating well prior to the problem? Many times a fish that has been exposed to cyanide will die shortly after beginning to eat again.
The key to picking a tusk is to make sure it is active and eating in the dealers tank, as stated above once settled in they are hardy long lived fish. They also don't handle aggression well despite their tough appearance they can be bullied by fish much smaller than themselves.
Welcome to the boards, good luck.


I had him for about a month. Yeah, he was eating good. It happened suddenly! It was really weird. just 2 days ago he was stealing food from all the other fish.


Active Member
About a 1 month (month and a half) was when my Indo Tusk took a turn for the worst. He was strong and healthy, but after 3 days total in my display after QT (4 weeks), broke out with lympho. Removed him back to QT, where he later stopped eating (did eat for couples days after being re-introduced to QT) and slowly became worse and worse with heavy fin rot and nasty infections. I eventually decided that the infections are painful and all he was doing was breathing. He was past of the point of doing the "death spirals" doomed fish do, yet he lived on for another 2 days lying lifeless on the tank bottom, till I put him down.
I had 2 previous experiences with good Indo Tusks living for many months before being lost to stupidity (one jumped, one lost to Ich/Velvet outbreak). So not every Indo Tusk is doomed. However the experience has left me jaded, and I will never again purchase and Indo Tusk nor recommend buying an Indo. The bottom line is there are reasons Austrailians are over $150, yet if you know where to look, you can find Indo's for $39.99.
My theorm on what happened to mine, is Cyanide collection damaged a major internal organ or imoprtant internal system, that eventually failed.


Sounds like that's what's happening. Thank for the info! That really sucks!


Active Member
Please see posts 12 and 18 from the owners of BZ and SWF.com about cyanide and Indo Tusks. Seems a bit irresponsible to me to claim only Aussie Tusks are likely to live. My Indo is on his 5th month in captivity. My Indo certainly wasn't $39, try $75 and that was with a 40% weekly special.
Question, how is the flow in your system? My Tusk's behavior improved 100% when I doubled the flow in my tank after I had him for a month.