Originally Posted by
Sorry, I missed part of that earlier, but it brings up the great point of it costs a helluva lot more to pay an Australian man to catch a Harlequin Tusk on a barbless hook, than it does to pay a Philippino man to catch a Harlequin Tusk on a barbless hook. A fact that just shouldn't be ignored.
Also; there is a very distinct color difference in the IO and Aussies. It might be just me, but I think Aussies are a bit more "robust" that the IO variety. But, this could just be an optical illusion based on color pattern. I noticed that a dealer is stating that some tusks are from Bali; part of Indonesia that is close to Australia, but on the opposite side of the Australian continent from where the tusks live. and it looks like these fish actually look like a mix of the two varieties.
BTW; I've never heard of a tusk from the Red Sea either; but some of my favorite fish come from there and they all seem to thrive.
One last comment on fish prices at the retail level. Of course, getting a live fish acclimated, boxed, shipped thousands of miles, then going through the same thing on arrival in the U.S. is very expensive. But the number of fish lost in the process also is much higher than we like to discuss. I expect we just don't want to give fuel to the fringe group that thinks we destroy the environment. Like I say (too often), on a moral level whats the big difference between the fish in my QT and the tuna sandwich I had for lunch? A lot of the fish we pay a fortune for, like big angels, are just dinner in another part of the world. Sorry, it must be just the political season!