H Tusk problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So why is it that Australian Tusks actually look different? Couldn't it be that they are just naturally more hardy than the Indo Tusks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
So why is it that Australian Tusks actually look different? Couldn't it be that they are just naturally more hardy than the Indo Tusks?
There are often subtle differences in a lot of fish from different regions....Regal Angels being a good example, Emperor Angels too. As to the 2nd question,
...it's possible I would think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
There are often subtle differences in a lot of fish from different regions....Regal Angels being a good example, Emperor Angels too. As to the 2nd question,
...it's possible I would think.
Yeah, Flame angels, and many other fish & animals are just more examples of regional color differences.
As to Aussie tusks being hardier, I guess its possible. But, in general, I think all Aussie & Hawaiian fish do better simply because of the way they are caught, handled, and transported. Read what Fenner has to say about Hawaiian fish. Its a lot quicker to get a fish from these areas to the U.S. than from a Philippine out-island. The amount of government oversight is also a big factor. I think there are lots of great fish collection facilities all over the world; Tahiti, Christmas Island, anywhere Walt Smith does business, the Maldives, Red Sea, etc. all come to mind. There also is an industry group (I forgot the name) that claims to offer only cyanide-free fish. I really don't know how anyone could enforce this claim, but they're trying. I KNOW that my favorite source for fish has some cyanide problems; but I think the 3 companies on this post are as good as they get. Anytime a fish is bought, its a roll of the dice. But, IMO & IME; knowing and trusting your dealer goes a long way. There is no reason a lfs cannot document where & how a fish was caught--they can't guarantee it, but should at least know how to get this info. Unfortunately, I've seen a few wholesalers lists supplied to a few lfs that mention nothing but price.


Active Member
Hey Steve, Aqua (or anybody), are fish from the Red Sea being caught by the Saudi's, or in Africa, or some of both?
Just curious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Hey Steve, Aqua (or anybody), are fish from the Red Sea being caught by the Saudi's, or in Africa, or some of both?
Just curious.
Not sure, I've always thought it was the Egyptians. But the way the Saudis system works; it could be Egyptians working for Saudis.