Hair Alage!!


There are a number of ways to rid yourself of hair algae. Depending on your tank and if it is big enough add a quarantined Tang. Ctenochaetus surgeons are the best such as the Kole Tang. There is a reason you had a hair algae outbreak in the first place. There are a few reasons. A new tank, high nutrient levels(i.e nitrates), old bulbs, lack of water changes. You should check your levels and if high, do water changes, adjust feeding amount, improve filtration, remove fish. If you have no photosynthetic inverts then I would completely black out the tank and this will help as well. Also reversing the photo period will help as well. T


Active Member
I had a very small case of hair algae and immediately got a lettuce nudibranch and it was all gone in two weeks. The nudibranch has disappeared
(starved, probably), but the hair algae hasn't returned in two months.


Hey shy -got a get a fuge of some sort. With that cannister filter you will be plagued with the evil scurge. I know your on a budget bro but you have to find a way to eat those nitrates your filter is producing. In the mean time you can get a scrub brush at the dollar store and scrub the rocks every week or two. Pain in the butt I know but until you knock out the algae food it will keep coming back.


I just got new MH lights..still acclimating and am in the beginning stages of FUZZY algae....I have 3 tangs, a lawnmower, and a mandarin...any other suggestions...I was thinking of getting a sea hare too....BUT I think my stingray likes slugs...LOL....and shrimp...can't seem to keep them...they disappear. or crabs either OH YEAH...nitrates are ZERO...


Nitrates are zero because hair algae is eating them up. I grow massive amounts of hair algae in my fuge because of this. Nothing can knock down nitrates like hair algae. Problem is you don't want it growing in your main tank so give it somewhere else to grow.
By the way no critter will eat this scurge. I spent literally hundreds of dollars on critters trying to eat it up to no avail. The only one I never tried was a sea hare so that may be worth a shot.


This is soooo frustrating...I do not have a sump/fuge I have nowhere else for it to grow...I am ordering a seahare today...maybe I'll have it by tues.