Hair algae

I have had hair algae since my tank finished cycling and hate it.
I keep tring to get rid of it but it keeps growing back.
What fish or inverts will eat it? I have tried snails but they always die. And I do have blue leg hermits.
I was thinking about getting a Yellow tang but will it grow to big for a 46 gallon tank?
Or what about an angel?
I have a lawnmower blennie but it is lazy and waits for the flakes and brine.
I have tried hermits but I found one of the eating my corals and snails always die on me.


im fighting the same battle, how long has your tank been set up?
I have tried rock scrubbing, which did greatly reduce it and so far most has not grown back. I do have some calupera growing, my thought is it would eat up most nutrients and reduce them. I also got an angel, which loves the stuff, and I have some cerith snails ordered, 'cause I heard they loved the stuff. That in addition to water changes has helped me.
What kind of angel do you have.
I would do the rock scrubbing but it is so hard to get back the way I like it and there is so many other different kinds of algae growing too.
My tank has been set up since November.


I hear what you're saying, and it didnt go back the same way, i tried it for a couple hours. but, the way I look at it is: desparate times call for desperate measures.
I have a coral beauty.
[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


Active Member
ok, you need to do alot of water test!
give us all the readings. snails etc just do not die. there is a reason!
give us all the info you can.
At the time of the snail deaths the tests reveiled:
Phosphate:.1 ish
I have three 55 watt bulbs. PC. two white one atinic.
46 gallon tank
protien skimmer.
wet/dry sump
30 lbs lr
30 lbs ls
two percula clowns
one watchman goby
one lawnmower blennie (lazy son of a B@#*^)
one green cromis.
Did have a scooter dragonet.
five blue legs
one cleaner shrimp
and a handfull of corals.
I have tried to keep snails several times but they always die.
Is the yellow tang a good Idea or not?
Please I need to know by noon tomarrow when I go to the lfs.


5 hermit crabs would be great for a 2 gallon tank. I have a 55g with approx 40 crabs and 40 snails and the algae stays to a minimum for the most part. Are your lights old? I've heard old light bulbs cause more "bad" algae growth...
The hair algae started to grow on the branch lr around Feb. Since then it has slowly spread to the other pieces and some of the hard corals. The lights are kind of old two of them have been in since Dec. and the other one was just replaced.
I do scrub the branchy lr but It is just not worth doing since it grows back in almost no time That is why I want most preferably a fish to get rid of it.
It is growing everywhere. In the holes in the rock, on the filter return, in the overflow, on the rock and the hard coral skeletons, basically everywhere but the sand, powerheads and living corals.


Active Member
There really is no fish or invert that will get rid of hair algae once it has taken over a tank. Do you use r/o water? It is getting its fuel from somewhere. Several water changes a month over two or three months with r/o water and sucking and scrubbing out as much as possible with each change is your best bet.


New Member
Try adding Caulpurnea Racemosa. This form of algae will suck up all excess phosphates and nitrates, not giving hair algae a chance to grow, can be easily pruned and is rather attractive, being similar to fluoro green grapes. :D
No I use tap water but CAN NOT afford an ro unit. The hair algae is about and inch tall on the branchy rock but only about a 1/4 of an inch on the larger pieces.


Thats why you have the hair algae tap water contain high levels of toxic substances.
try this:
-Feed livestock very sparingly,once a day is usually sufficient for the majority of species.
-Do nat overstock or add any new stock while hair algae persist.
-Reduce stock if necessary.
-Maintain good water circulation at all times.
-Do not use algal fertilizers or invertebrates foods.
-Continue to use pH buffers and trace alements.
-Make sure all filters are efficients and working oriperly with the correctly rated umps.
-Carry out proper regular maintenance and try to use High-Quality Water for water changes every two weeks.
-Do not over-estimete the nett capacity of the aquarium.
-Allways operate a Good Protein-Skimmer.
-Check lighting is of good quality and enough variety exist to provide a correct spectral range.
-Do not alter the lighting period outside recommended limits.
-Do not add Algae until the hair algae its under control.
-Use purified water to topping up evaporated water.
-Siphon hair algae away from corals and rocks as often as possible.
-Expect improvements to take place slowly but surely once positive preventative action has been taken to remedy the situation.
I hope this will help you.


I was fighting the same battle (hair on rocks, sand, intakes, overflow...) for over 6 months and did all the logical/textbook things that Salttrigger suggests. But only saw minor improvements.
I then added about 75-80 Scarlet Reef hermits and ~ 30 bluelegs. In addition, I upgraded my sorry a$$ protein skimmer. In less than a month my tank is hair free.
So, in addition to the good advice from Salttrigger (including good skimmer), consider ~30 Scarlets to help with your heavy fish load.


I absolutly agree with Salttrigger and 7up. The only thing I have to add is no, don't get the tang. You would just be treating the symptom, not the problem. If snails are always dying, and you have hair, there's a problem.
I know I have a crappy skimmer it is a Lee's counter current you know the inside the tank.
It was just something to get me started.
I can not afford a large really good skimmer just yet but,
How much better is the Berlin Air Lift?
I know the tap water is a prob. and I can not afford an ro unit.
Our town though does not put alot of crap in the water they don't even use chlorine.
I would get the scarlet hermits but I have yet to see any in the pet shops around here.
I have checked the packages and they are more than I want running around the tank, also they are expensive.
If I were to order not a package the shippking is like 30$.
I was also informed not to add anything except ro water when I do changes.
[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]