Looks like I'm gonna have to add a few more Lawnmower Blennies. I have one and he cannot keep up. Even though he's a fatty, he's got a belly like Santa Clause!!!
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
foxface will devour your shrimp dont add that fish! i have been using algaefix marine with very good results. also some urchins will help. if possible remove the rock and scrub in old tank water getting as much off as possible . check for nat sunlight issues, then start the algaefix every 3 days. algae eating blenny's a good to add. good luck
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
foxface will devour your shrimp dont add that fish! i have been using algaefix marine with very good results. also some urchins will help. if possible remove the rock and scrub in old tank water getting as much off as possible . check for nat sunlight issues, then start the algaefix every 3 days. algae eating blenny's a good to add. good luck