Hairy mushrooms


I have had 3 hairy mushrooms for about 4 months know and they have been doing pretty good.Recently my percula clowns have been fanning and acting as if they were anenamones. Is this normal? I moved the rock with the mushrooms on it and they are leaving it alone, but they look horrible. What can I do to bring them back?


Just make sure that they are high up in the tank and that your water p[arameters are ok - that should be all they need. I have never heard of clowns bothering shrooms.

bang guy

My Mushrooms have really thrived with the Clownfish (a pair) living in them. The Clownfish even feed them.


That looks awsome. I have a 55gal. I just purchased a twin light fixture. I put in it a 40 watt 20000k bulb a 40 watt atinic, and I have 2 15 watt 50/50 bulbs. Do you think this lighting is ok for the hairy mushrooms?


Active Member
my 29gal has 2x65 watt PCS 50/50
right now mine are placed about half way up...maybe slightly lower...should i raise them? they dont really get very big.

bang guy


Originally posted by pyro383
How should they be fed? I use dt's.

Take a thumbnail sized piece of marine meat and place it on the disk and let the Mushroom curl around it and eat it. I use scallops or Silversides.
They don't eat phytoplankton as far as I know.


I didn't know you had to directly feed hairy mushrooms. Is that just for the hairy mushrooms or for all mushrooms? My tonga hairy mushrooms have not been doing good lately and I don't know what the cause is either.

bang guy

I do not believe you need to feed hairy mushrooms if you have plenty of light. Mine grow 10X faster and 4X larger when fed. (numbers are approximate ;) )