Halliburton Thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Would you hold a (bidding sale) and go through the entire process if only one person showed up? Probably not.
No but I wouldn't make an under the table, closed door, multi-billion dollar deal when there may be other, possibly better options. If you want I can post the resources showing millions of dollars that have gone to Halliburton and are now unaccounted for. We essentially gave them a blank check.


Active Member

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
This is no joke.
I understand a company going for profit completely but when its at other peoples expense then I have a problem. since the companie the drivers were hired out of was based out of country somewhere she is having a hard time getting any resolve for the issues plus has a very bad mark on her work history because of this company. I was around helping her family during her time away. They would not give her a leave of absence when her husband had several bad strokes and several daily small ones and a heart attack. her world here was literaly falling apart then she was shot over there and was flown home at HER expense fired and funds recollected out of her bank account for the sign on she was left pennyless and wounded doing her job in very harsh conditions. does this sound like a company you would work f
or!?? Not me.
If you can't deal with the requirements and conditions of employment (or is this an independent contractor status) for this HIGH paying dangerous occupation. Then don't sign the contract.
If you do, and take the bonus, paychecks and then expect not to live up to the contract you signed?...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
No but I wouldn't make an under the table, closed door, multi-billion dollar deal when there may be other, possibly better options. If you want I can post the resources showing millions of dollars that have gone to Halliburton and are now unaccounted for. We essentially gave them a blank check.

Yes, I am curious.
And what options? Company list is sufficient.


Originally Posted by zman1
If you can't deal with the requirements and conditions of employment (or is this an independent contractor status) for this HIGH paying dangerous occupation. Then don't sign the contract.
If you do, and take the bonus, paychecks and then expect not to live up to the contract you signed?...

the contract part is fine and I understand but certain things they said didnt happen like military guard for transport *apparently part of the contract with the states* didnt happen and when something bad happened they turned their back on the drivers until it was public like the drivers that were abducted in reality they didnt do anything when it wasnt on the news.
I understand dangerous jobs and what it takes what I dont get is the complete lack of taking care of the employees that are putting their life on the line to make a company alot of money.
but after someone is injured doing their job and turn their back and make them buy their own plane ticket home and way to the airport because that employee wont be making them anymore money. I dont see how any sense of humanity thats right for a company to do.
i run a company that hits about 50,000 every period *4 weeks* and if my employee gets hurt I persoanlly drive them to the hospital or doctor and stay with them until they are released and if need be take them home its just the right thing to do they are my way of making money why not take care of them.
haliburton in my eyes is not a company with good ethics from the get go.


I like how everyone sidestepped what I said about Halliburton owning damn near every piece of IP related to oilfield technologies. You're going to end up giving them the money anyway. Perhaps we contract Halliburton to build a time machine so we can go back in time and prevent them from making savvy business decisions.
BTW, I'd love to see these "resources" (nice buzzword by the way) about how all these other companies could do the job (i bet some, if not most are British).


Also, in regards to Halliburton convoys and military support. Lets see, last time I talked to my cousin, a chopper support pilot (flys Kiowas), he was getting back from oh if I remember right, something like 6 consecutive support flights (their max is suppose to be 2 a day). Kind of gives you an idea of how big Halliburton really is when our military (2nd largest in world) can't keep up with their operations. Yet people still think another company could do the work. Like I said, unless you've worked in the industry you really can't say sheet about how terrible Halliburton is and how they stole the bid, etc etc etc, you just don't know what you're talking about.
-Sorry for the excessive use of the smileys I'm just starting to use them, so let me say this:
(haha dancing bananas)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Yes, I am curious.
And what options? Company list is sufficient.
Which part are you looking for verification of? Fraud, criminal activity, waste... take a look at these:
Overpayments... where's the money?
Halliburton will elude accountability for its criminal activity by moving outside the US
$3 billion dollars a year of Iraqi oil is unaccounted for (which company controls the oil?)
Halliburton recently paid an $8 MILLION fine for overcharging the US for work done in the Balkans.
$150 MILLION in overcharging for fuel contracts, allegations of bribery.
$300 MILLION IN PENALTIES to resolve allegations of bid rigging, fraud, delivery of faulty military parts and environmental damage in connection with other projects.
We pay Halliburton $1.62 - $1.70 per gallon for gas to Halliburton when the average wholesale price for gas in the Persian Gulf Region is $0.71.
$1 BILLION in overcharges by Halliburton
22 of 24 contracts awarded by the Defense Contracting Command violated federal procurement rules. Halliburton has received 52% of the $25.4 billion awarded in private contracts since war began.
$1.4 BILLION in overcharges classified by the Pentagon to be unreasonable and unsupported. $3.2 BILLION paid to KBR (division of Halliburton) deemed "questionable" by Pentagon auditors.
Missing money from fraud and price gouging...
We need Senator Leahy's War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007!!
What else do you want to know Darth? This was easy. I could find 100 more if I had the additional motivation.


Active Member
Something is going on with them and our gov't behind the scenes... We just need to get away from oil a bit. We need to become more energy dependent and less reliant on oil... this would eliminate many of our problems. But our gov't and big business is based on captitalist greed which is why they keep doing the same thing...our company is built on how can we make the most money, instead of what's best for our citizens.


Active Member

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
haliburton in my eyes is not a company with good ethics from the get go.
Huge difference in responsibilities -
Are they Employees or Independent Contractors? W2 or 1099...
If I worked for your company as an independent contractor
and got hurt and didn't complete the job you contracted me to do. Would they let me keep the bonus and pay for my trip home from TX? I am sorry to say Halliburton isn't the only company that would see this as a breach of contract. She certainly could litigate, if she feels they didn't live up to the signed contract.


from my understanding and the paperwork that was signed that I saw it wasnt an independant contractor situation. she was working for them as an employee driver useing there trucks and equipment to do a job she was assigned to. she went over there under a unknown job status once they found out she had a CDL and drove truck in the states she was assigned to a driving job. so that to me doesnt sound like an independant contractor with a ind cont you already know the job that you are going to be doing before you start it. I could be wrong though since I wasnt the one doing the job but I do know they paid to get her there and all equipments she used while there but when it came to coming home thats when the backs were turned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tru conch
i started to shed a little light on this in the other theard about hilldog.
im on my second tour as a grunt in iraq. i was here in 2003-2004. we ate MRE's and the same two T-Rats (big MREs they heat up in a field kitchen) until KBR (a company of halliburton) set up a proper chow hall. it was such a morale booster to eat just REAL food and have a cold drink.
this time around ive spent more time out in sector in small patrol bases. guess who brings the ice (which is cruical when its a 130 out wearing 80+ lbs of kit and walking 5 km), the building materials for builing up the bases properly, and other supplies (side note the army truck drivers do run supplies as well)? KBR=halliburton.
i could give a fiddler's fart how much they make. they run convoys nonstop to help keep the ground troops going. if you think chow isnt important, try this. go to and army navy store and buy a case of MRE's. now get a case of hot water, and fil a back pack up with 50lbs and sit in extreme heat. eat those mres, and tell me how great you feel. and you wont even be walking or fighting terrorists.
it's been over 4 years since we invaded iraq, and it's a moot point as to why we are here, cos we are here. but know this, we are kicking the everliving crap out of the bad guys here. no links to 9/11? who cares because when i snatch up or drill a memember of AQI (al-qaida iraq), thats one less scumbag who believes in their cause, to attack our way of life.
and one last bitter pill to swallow. you cannot support the troops but not the war. thats a contradicting statement, like saying you support football players but not football. my job is to locate. close with, and destroy the enemy, foreign or domestic. if you dont support the war, you dont support what im doing over here, what ive sweated, bled to do, and you dishonor the memories of all of my buddies who arent coming home.
Well said!

Thanks for your service, and come home safe.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by tru conch
i started to shed a little light on this in the other theard about hilldog.
im on my second tour as a grunt in iraq. i was here in 2003-2004. we ate MRE's and the same two T-Rats (big MREs they heat up in a field kitchen) until KBR (a company of halliburton) set up a proper chow hall. it was such a morale booster to eat just REAL food and have a cold drink.
this time around ive spent more time out in sector in small patrol bases. guess who brings the ice (which is cruical when its a 130 out wearing 80+ lbs of kit and walking 5 km), the building materials for builing up the bases properly, and other supplies (side note the army truck drivers do run supplies as well)? KBR=halliburton.
i could give a fiddler's fart how much they make. they run convoys nonstop to help keep the ground troops going. if you think chow isnt important, try this. go to and army navy store and buy a case of MRE's. now get a case of hot water, and fil a back pack up with 50lbs and sit in extreme heat. eat those mres, and tell me how great you feel. and you wont even be walking or fighting terrorists.
it's been over 4 years since we invaded iraq, and it's a moot point as to why we are here, cos we are here. but know this, we are kicking the everliving crap out of the bad guys here. no links to 9/11? who cares because when i snatch up or drill a memember of AQI (al-qaida iraq), thats one less scumbag who believes in their cause, to attack our way of life.
and one last bitter pill to swallow. you cannot support the troops but not the war. thats a contradicting statement, like saying you support football players but not football. my job is to locate. close with, and destroy the enemy, foreign or domestic. if you dont support the war, you dont support what im doing over here, what ive sweated, bled to do, and you dishonor the memories of all of my buddies who arent coming home.
Not as if it matters,but for the record You Have My Full Support.Keep up the good work and God Bless.


Originally Posted by tru conch
i started to shed a little light on this in the other theard about hilldog.
im on my second tour as a grunt in iraq. i was here in 2003-2004. we ate MRE's and the same two T-Rats (big MREs they heat up in a field kitchen) until KBR (a company of halliburton) set up a proper chow hall. it was such a morale booster to eat just REAL food and have a cold drink.
this time around ive spent more time out in sector in small patrol bases. guess who brings the ice (which is cruical when its a 130 out wearing 80+ lbs of kit and walking 5 km), the building materials for builing up the bases properly, and other supplies (side note the army truck drivers do run supplies as well)? KBR=halliburton.
i could give a fiddler's fart how much they make. they run convoys nonstop to help keep the ground troops going. if you think chow isnt important, try this. go to and army navy store and buy a case of MRE's. now get a case of hot water, and fil a back pack up with 50lbs and sit in extreme heat. eat those mres, and tell me how great you feel. and you wont even be walking or fighting terrorists.
it's been over 4 years since we invaded iraq, and it's a moot point as to why we are here, cos we are here. but know this, we are kicking the everliving crap out of the bad guys here. no links to 9/11? who cares because when i snatch up or drill a memember of AQI (al-qaida iraq), thats one less scumbag who believes in their cause, to attack our way of life.
and one last bitter pill to swallow. you cannot support the troops but not the war. thats a contradicting statement, like saying you support football players but not football. my job is to locate. close with, and destroy the enemy, foreign or domestic. if you dont support the war, you dont support what im doing over here, what ive sweated, bled to do, and you dishonor the memories of all of my buddies who arent coming home.

I have been there done that and still dont like haliburtons ethics thats not to say that havent done good things for the troops but when it comes to their own employees that are over there I think the severly dropped the ball and in my eyes have no consequences for it.
I do support the troops and anything that makes their jobs easier I am all for it wiether it be funding, foods, care packages, prayers, and any support thats needed.
I think the main problem with haliburton is that the process was evaded and a quick setup was done * not saying quick wasnt a prority* but when you have one compnay with out restrictions in my eyes sets it up for things to happen.


Active Member
Just want to say, I have no problem with Haliburton being a business. But they are making a huge profit from this war and the war is being paid for by tax payers who half of which don't even support the war. I'm sorry if I have a problem with making the rich richer.


You're right the rich shouldn't get richer, its not like they pay 98% of the government's revenue from income tax, no not at all; they are stealing money from the poor. I remember the other day, my vp and I went on a burgalry spree. We got a little old lady, and a homeless guy (we got two quarters out of him), oh yes this is all in a days work in big business.
There is nothing wrong with philanthropy, just not when it is forced. Also, where do you come off saying that kind of thing, everyone on this board is here for a reason, we all have fish tanks and enjoy them. Thus, all of us could easily give up this luxery and give our fish tank money to charities or maybe we could use it to pay more in taxes; a novel idea.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Just want to say, I have no problem with Haliburton being a business. But they are making a huge profit from this war and the war is being paid for by tax payers who half of which don't even support the war. I'm sorry if I have a problem with making the rich richer.
Just wondering, how much do you pay in taxes?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
There is nothing wrong with philanthropy, just not when it is forced. Also, where do you come off saying that kind of thing, everyone on this board is here for a reason, we all have fish tanks and enjoy them. Thus, all of us could easily give up this luxery and give our fish tank money to charities or maybe we could use it to pay more in taxes; a novel idea.

I have no idea what your point is. Halliburton is bribing, overcharging, committing fraud, lying, etc. and is getting rich off of taxpayer dollars. You want to pay more in taxes so these Bush, Cheney and their buddies can get richer? Is this your best argument????


Originally Posted by crimzy
I have no idea what your point is. Halliburton is bribing, overcharging, committing fraud, lying, etc. and is getting rich off of taxpayer dollars. You want to pay more in taxes so these Bush, Cheney and their buddies can get richer? Is this your best argument????
Actually I pay taxes to support the war, I'm glad that is where my tax dollars go. Id rather they not go to medicare. Halliburton is a good business and owns a lot of information that other companies would have to pay to use anyway. So in your same logic, if the bid went to another company and they pay Halliburton to use those technologies and apparently Halliburton is then paying off Bush and Cheney, its the same result except there are even more pockets lined.
Is that your best argu


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
Actually I pay taxes to support the war, I'm glad that is where my tax dollars go. Id rather they not go to medicare. Halliburton is a good business and owns a lot of information that other companies would have to pay to use anyway. So in your same logic, if the bid went to another company and they pay Halliburton to use those technologies and apparently Halliburton is then paying off Bush and Cheney, its the same result except there are even more pockets lined.
Is that your best argu
I deleted my post because I didn't feel like getting sucked into this argument. But by the way, I really cannot debate you because your points are not founded in logic. Example: see above where you suggest that I argued that other companies should pay Halliburton. Huh??? The issue of this thread is whether people will condone Halliburton's bribery, misrepresentation and overcharging at the expense of taxpayer dollars. Seems that you want more of it... doesn't seem that bright to me but I'm sure they'd take your money.


Actually, I didn't mention paying more in taxes. However, if higher taxes were required to support the war, I wouldn't have an issue with that. There are a lot of resources in the middle east, I'd rather have a foot in the door sans tribal God-king control of these resources.