There's really only two scenes of nud!ty in the film as well. A mother feeding her child as one, and a guy jumping out of a car trunk nudÊ.... The bulk of the nud!ty comes from the pictures during the credits.
isn't really the bulk problem here. The drug content is WAY too much for a 12 year old. It was a very funny movie though.
What's Rufilin?
Dude, you're like the worst drug dealer ever!
Or something like that.
Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/3191763
Have you ever seen Cheech and Chong?
Yes and IMO a 15 year old shouldnt watch the Hang Over. Funniest movie ever though. You laugh your tail off.
you know what i saw last night and thought was hilarious... Year One w/ jack black and michael cera. i didnt hear much about it after it came out, but it was great. i know this has nothing to do w/ the hang over, but whatever.
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego http:///forum/post/3191805
If you want to buy him a good movie for Christmas, get him Teeth.
He'll remain abstinent until he's 35, guaranteed.
Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/3191728
Thanks. Nope. Pass. Wait, what kind of drugs.... he's seen Cheech and Chong a 1000 times.
Albeit it can't be much morse than Grand Theft Auto.
I wouldn't let a 12 year old watch it. It was an grown up movie. PRobably the funniest movie I've seen this year.
Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/3191925
He wanted to spend time with us. *sigh* I couldn't watch it.