Happity's 8g Nano

So, I've finally taken the plunge, and with a lot of help and the constant tease of my best friends saltwater tank, I've started my first ever saltwater. I bought the Biocube 8 gallon, its all I can afford right now. I hope to move up to the 14 gallon, but this is good for now. I'm just pumped to get this thing started.

I hope to have: a picasso clown, a green mandarin, and a six line wrasse as my occupants. I dont think the tank will be too cramped. What does everyone else think?

I've allready bought a couple pieces of coral that my friend is holding in her 55g, a small zoo frag, a rock anenome (hitchiker on a piece of live rock I have), some sort of mushroom, either a ricordea or a furry shroom, will post a pic to get an identification, I want to have a lot of ricordeas, and yumas, and zoos. They're awesome.
but yeah, Im just glad to have this thing started, any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated


Active Member
No six line and no Mandarin. You may be able to fit a pair of Picasso's. The six line and mandarin both need pods to survive and a tank of your size cannot supply them.


Active Member
Tank looks great. As far as fish, mandarin is not possible. A sixline however may be, but it would have to be the only fish most likely. I have one and he eats pods on the rocks all day long, but gladly accepts mysis shrimp and also prime reef flake. Don't know if I am lucky or what but he is not a picky eater. Beautiful fish and very interesting to watch constantly prowling the rocks. Like I said it would probably have to be all alone though, maybe a clown goby or other really really small fish. Good luck and ask any and all questions, better to ask them here then blow money making the same mistakes that some of us have already made
Originally Posted by subielover
Tank looks great. As far as fish, mandarin is not possible. A sixline however may be, but it would have to be the only fish most likely. I have one and he eats pods on the rocks all day long, but gladly accepts mysis shrimp and also prime reef flake. Don't know if I am lucky or what but he is not a picky eater. Beautiful fish and very interesting to watch constantly prowling the rocks. Like I said it would probably have to be all alone though, maybe a clown goby or other really really small fish. Good luck and ask any and all questions, better to ask them here then blow money making the same mistakes that some of us have already made

Awesome! thanks, and I think I've scratched the whole six line mandarin idea. I for sure want a picasso clown, or maybe a pair, but idk. Any suggestion on fish?


Active Member
Picassos aint common lol. If some common fish cost as much as though then idk what this world is coming to lol.
Yellow watchman is common. At least get a diff kind of watcman Goby
Im for sure getting the picassos,at least one, my lfs sells them for 100 bucks a piece and I think this is an awesome deal. I can't wait :)
I dont think i like the yellow watchman gobies. I wish I could get a mandarin :(


Active Member
That is a good price on picassos. Are they ora? What about a citron clown goby, very cute and lots of personality. Plus they stay really small.
Originally Posted by subielover
That is a good price on picassos. Are they ora? What about a citron clown goby, very cute and lots of personality. Plus they stay really small.
I don't know, I think I might want a purple flame goby too, would he get along pretty well with the clowns?
ora is? (sorry, kinda new to this)


Active Member
Never heard of that type of goby. If you had a pair of picassos though you would be maxed out as far as fish go. But if you just get one clown you could probably fit another small goby. You just have to be careful because although it says 8 gallons, you probably have closer to 5 gallons of water volume, which is of course not much at all.
Oh yeah, ORA is just a well-known distributor and breeder of picassos and other "nicer" fish and coral.
I meant the purple flamefish. oops :/
yeah, I measured 6 gallons when i filled up, and it was full when i put all my lr in.
This thread is going pretty good as of now :)