Happity's 8g Nano

I rearranged my lr today, I'm going to wait for all the debris to settle before I post pictures of the new set up. The new rock has two perfect shelves on it and it is now the centerpiece of the tank :)
If all my lr and ls were from a previously cycled tank would I have to wait for myn to cycle? There was no die off whatsoever on any, as it was all in water during transportation (maybe a tiny dieoff), but yeah...
also, i have a pinkish read anenome on the new rock and I wanted to know if he was good or bad? I will post pics here in a bit for identification


Active Member
I would still wait a few weeks just to be safe. As far as a snowflake clown, not sure about that but they are big bucks
yeah, I found one snowflake online and they wanted $300 for it, it was on craigslist though in washington or something. i wish :)
i planned on waiting at least two to three weeks before i introduce anything alive, other than the hitchiker anenome who is already in there and doing fine at this point


Active Member
If it were my tank I would take the anemone out, especially if it was a hitchhiker. If that thing dies, which it most likely will, your whole tank could take a dive very fast. Its just not worth it, especially for a hitcher. JMO
yeah,how do you remove it? Can I just pluck it off or do I need to buy some sort of chemical to kill it? Are there any chemicals that can help speed up my cycle? I'm so anxious to see it with my corals :)


Active Member
Hmm, not sure how to remove as I have never had one. Post a thread in the clownfish/anemone section. As for adding something to quicken the cycle. I wouldn't just do your research in the meantime. What are your parameters anyhow??
they are all 0, ph is 8.2-8.3, its all too perfect. Both times that i have checked, every other day. Thats why i think that it's already cycled
front view

side view

some sort of anenome... good or bad?

on another note, my dog (she's died blue), and my fw cichlid 46g bowfront in the background
Woo page 2!!! :) I got an identification on my anenome. He is a red hawaiian anenome... and I've decided to keep him and see if he survives my cycle. Hopefully my picasso clown will host the anenome when i get him, that'd be awesome:)
hopefully it doesn't get too big, otherwise I am going to get rid of it :)
ttyl guys :)
So, I rearranged my rocks for the last and final time. I'm finally satisfied :)
Need to charge my camera's batteries, then I will get pics posted.
Their is one big arch now, with lots of little crevices for coral