Happity's 8g Nano

Im charging my camera right now :)
the clean up crew is doing good, and almost all the diatom is gone. these little guys work fast. one of the crabs has a little feather duster attached to her shell. its cool.
i put a little frag of zoos in, and they are still looking good too,allready fully open. as long as they are doing good all week, i plan on putting the rics in on next thurs, as long as my levels are all dong as good as they have been, and then the following thursday Im going to get my first fish :)
woo for my tank:)


Originally Posted by happityLogan
this guys smart

what kind of shroom is what i meant? i think its a fuzzy, but it isnt that furry. not a ric or a yuma
guess you're still sour at the my comment of how vain you are. Next time ask specifically what you want to know.
Thats what I get for trying to be helpful..an insult.

its a



gosh, ya'll can't even talk about fish tanks without getting your ego's hurt
How about a lil recap on the rules here:
-Do not post suggestive pictures. Please keep it clean. The mods will delete pictures that are marginal or unacceptable.
-Remember young people surf this board, and we don't want parents to worry about what they will see here.
-The judgement of the moderators is final, please do not ask why a picture was deleted. It really shouldn't be necessary.
-Last but never least: PLAY NICE!! (
especially this one)
JMO. Not trying to be rude, but come on.
Originally Posted by Emilaya101
gosh, ya'll can't even talk about fish tanks without getting your ego's hurt
How about a lil recap on the rules here:
-Do not post suggestive pictures. Please keep it clean. The mods will delete pictures that are marginal or unacceptable.
-Remember young people surf this board, and we don't want parents to worry about what they will see here.
-The judgement of the moderators is final, please do not ask why a picture was deleted. It really shouldn't be necessary.
-Last but never least: PLAY NICE!! (
especially this one)
JMO. Not trying to be rude, but come on.

for sure em, i dont know why that guy keeps hating on me, i thought i made it pretty apparent that i dont want or need any of his advice.


Whoa Whoa Whoa, that is not what I meant. I think you started this thread to share your experience and get some advice in the meantime,right ?
and I don't see why you wouldn't want advice from a particular person just because ya'll disagree on a thing or two. Isn't that why we all come here ? To learn and share advice and experiences ?
If yall can't get along, it shouldn't matter, that should be put aside, i mean we're all on this site cause we love the same thing, right ? Tell me if i'm wrong, but I was pretty sure it was called SALTWATERFISH.COM



Originally Posted by happityLogan
for sure em, i dont know why that guy keeps hating on me, i thought i made it pretty apparent that i dont want or need any of his advice.
I was never "hating" on you. You asked me a question on the 29,14...nano thread about my mandarin
. Which lead me to check out your tank and saw you were taking grief about your pic. Silly me for speaking out loud for what everyone else was thinking. Then, after you were insulted, to lighten the situation (because who am I to tell you your vain), I deleted my post. Soon after you changed your avatar pic..Then when you asked a question I answered it for you (thats what we do here), I apologize it wasn't the exact answer you were looking for.
Good luck with your tank!
well im not gona want advice from someone who talked such major trash. he deleted his post and i wish you would of seen it. so no. i dont want his advice.
whatever im prolly going to start another aquarium journal on another site i guess :(


Originally Posted by happityLogan
well im not gona want advice from someone who talked such major trash. he deleted his post and i wish you would of seen it. so no. i dont want his advice.
whatever im prolly going to start another aquarium journal on another site i guess :(
you can see my thread, you quoted it...
I deleted it, because you asked me to....doesn't sound like a hater to me.


Originally Posted by happityLogan
a hater, imo, is somone who calls someone vain, and they dont even know who the other person is? i dont know you. nor do i want to now.
yea, you took it down, cause you knew it was rude, did you ever stop to think before you type?
im not trying to make a big deal about it, im over it actually, i just dont understand why all this ever happened anyways. like you said, i asked you about your mandarin. you looked at my thread, assumed i was vain. and imo, made yourself out to be a total

. of course im not going to want your opinion or advice. are you kidding me?
alright, I was going to leave it by now you're using rude names, that like Em said, kids are on here.. this is going to the admins.
as said before good luck with your tank!


Active Member
haha this thread has a lot of hate. I dont think fcatch and logan like each other! Lets make up guys!
Neways tank look good. and nice aquascape.
HOw long did the tank cycle?
Also that ushrooms looks like a rhodactus (I dont know how to spell it) mushroom.
And that anemone looks like a warathh anemone. and its a cold water species. So I doubt itd do good in ur tank unless ur gonna have a chiller and keep it at about 68-72 degrees...