Happity's 8g Nano

its a red hawaiian anemone... its doing good as of now. my zoos are doing good too, but the crabs keep knocking them from were i want them. any advice for gluing them? i got the gel glue, but now what...? :)


Active Member
Another reason to not get crabs. even glued they find a way to knock suff over.
Just place the glue on the bottom of em. and stick em whever u want. Pretty simple. Just take it out of the water put the glue on andplace em whever!

HOpe the anemone does good for you
cool, ill probably glue them down this afternoon.
oh, and about that question of how long the tank cycyled? everytime i checked my levels they were always perfect. I asked the guy at my lfs if i had all lr and ls, and it didnt have any die off he said my tank could allready be cycled, or it went through a mini cycle of sorts and had a small ammonia spike, but is fine now, but idk, i read about a guy whos tank took weeks to show any signs or cycling... im just going to keep testing and making sure that my levels stay right :)


Thats so funny that we got that glue for a dollar and at the lfs it was 6 ! I couldnt believe that..... Oh by the way, I guess since youre not just arguing anymore, I'll read it again :)
you left yours and your baster at my house. they forgot to put myn into my bag :( , so im going to take my reciet and get a package of them on my lunch break... :)


Yeah, I found that mushroom in my tank today and I really needed to glue it down.... I just used regular super glue and it seems to have done the job

AND ... Today I decided I'm tearin down the 55. I already started breaking up pieces of the lr and putting ot on the sump of my biocube
I can't wait to get those bulbs in the mail !!! See you tonight. Oh yeah. I think I left my cellphone there too
no cell phone here, i just looked all over my house, unless moxi hid it (wich is totally liable). i wondered. you havnt been answering my texts :)
but yeah, thats exciting. no more 55, only biocubes :) woo!!!!
and i went to dollar tree and got my glue.
I cant wait to get them, they are coming in on Fri.
on another note, does anyone know how to treat bryopsis? it came on a piece of lr that my yumas are on, thats why they were so cheap. I heard that you cant get rid of this particular algea. any suggestions? should ?i just move the yumas off of the lr and onto another piece? How would I do that? Any and all sugestions are appreciated. :)
thanks em, even though no one seems to be able to help?
i cant wait for my zoas to get here!!!! :)
ohoh, i have bunches of copepods all over the front of my glass. :) they're moving all around, its crazy how many of them there are....
wooo! saltwater rocks my socks :)
oooo, those fire and ices look so awesome, i think theyre my favorite in my frag pack as of now. but maybe when i see them, that will change

crypt keeper

Active Member
how many pounds of LR did you end up putting in? How long did you cycle it for? Your tank is sweet looking. Im trying to set mine up little like yours. I have a few more gallons to play with so i think that two clowns and a shrimp goby are enough fish for me
there is 12-16 lbs of lr (roughly), it didnt need to cycle, i put all established material in it, and my levels have been perfect. Its only been about two weeks though, so I am still watching it very closely... I dont want it to crash right under my nose. :)
Im doing one picasso clown, and one other small fish, havnt decided what yet though. any suggestions?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Im learning just like you on these tanks. I put in new sand and water so it will be a week or so for me. I have a 90 gallon with a trigger puffer and snowflake eel. These small tanks. who knows. Its all trial and error. I take half of what people say and then apply my own. If it works then awesome. If it doesnt I get upset but try again.
it might be longer than a week, the only reason i think myn didnt really cycle was bc it was allready so established. it might take no less than a month for your tank to get past its peak, but who knows. good luck, and keep me updated.