I have a 135g tank ready to go in my garage, but I'm holding off setting it up because I'm contemplating going with a 240g.
Lighting: 48" Current USA Outer Orbit 2x250W 14K Phoenix HQI w/4x54W T5s.
I like the 135gal. Good demensions but I would like to trade the height for some more depth. If you have the chance to go to a 240 I would go for it if you want to spend a lot for the equipment.
How do you like the your SM damesl? Beautiful pair of clarkii clown. They are clarkii right.
The Sargeant Major is the original tenant (1st fish added). He's survived all my learning experiences and has tripled in size since last year (no exaggeration). Great fish.
Yes, those are Clarkii's. Feisty, but not too aggressive. Had a Gold-Striped Maroon that was a real terror. These were sold to me as a mated pair....sure do act like it.
Originally Posted by aquaguy24 http:///forum/post/3109916
Awesome tank. Did u have another tank before this one.
This is my first reef.
I attempted (unsuccessfully) a 55g fish-only saltwater tank almost 20 years ago. We're talking pre-Internet times, so no online forums to learn from. I'm too embarrassed to share some of the things I did or attempted to do with that tank. Thinking back now, the tank never stood a chance.
Originally Posted by salt210 http:///forum/post/3110207
in the 2nd pic, is that clam hosting the clown?
them fish are crazy
It is. Funny, huh?
When I first put the clam in there, the Clarkii clowns would push it around because they didn't like it blocking the entrance to their cave. Now, it's all love, baby.