Happy as a clam


So how do I tell if my clam is happy and getting everything it need. Someone said if it's wide open it's not happy. I haven't seen a clam yet when left alone for a while in good light that didn't open up wide.


whoevr told u that has it backwards. A clam will be wide open if happy. tap the glass or hit the lites, it snaps shut.

bang guy

The only way is growth. If it ain't growin' then it's dyin'.
Growth is indicated by white shell at the top.
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Active Member
I agree with Bang, if it's growing it should be fine. Poor mantel extention, to extent where the mantel is almost completely withdrawn, may be taken as a sign of stress.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Tridacna Squamosa

I hear he is one that can be kept under VHO's? I was heading out to a lfs(well more like wholesaler) in a bit and they have Squamosa for $29, always wanted to have one.


Active Member
T. gigas and H. hippopus are two clams that will often thrive under VHO and power compacts. H. hippopus is highly sensitive to any sudden changes in salinity or pH, so it's recommended that the hippopus is kept under only the best conditions. T. gigas is one of the bigest of the tridacna clams, and can quickly outgrow smaller sized aquariums.

bang guy

Graham, I could be wrong but I didn't think Hippopus was a Tridacna Clam.
Derasa is also one of the larger less light needy Clams. Keep in mind that the larger deep water clams require more phytoplankton... on the order of 10X more.... than the light loving shallow water clams.


Yeah, I think i might hold off on the clam a bit. I'm not dosing any calcium and last I checked(4-5 days ago) I was only at about 380 for calcium. Clams need what min 400 prefer 450? They did have some sweet ones though. As far as lights go I have four 6' vho's, so thats like 640watts total.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Graham, I could be wrong but I didn't think Hippopus was a Tridacna Clam.

Yes, you're right. H. hippopus was the correct name. Thanks for the correction.
Clams need what min 400 prefer 450?
I would aim for 450ppm. Also check alkalinity regularly, as that can be extremely important in calcification. I would aim for an alkalinity of around 9-13dKH.