Happy Birthday CRIMZY!!!

paul anonymous

New Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/394573/happy-birthday-crimzy#post_3511872

Hey everyone and anyone.. can somebody please direct me to the page where i could Create My first Forum? I cant find it a tab or a option where i could create any sort of forum. They only thing i can find easily is how to Reply to other people forum. please someone HELP me. And btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY to that someone! :) thanks you guys. i hope someone reads this message


Active Member
Just find the most fitting category and click on "start thread"' Now back to the "cheeky" question...
Your birthday the 8th or 9th? Mine is the 8th and I'm always bummed cause no one cool shares my birthday. I mean, Seth Green, if he's "cool"...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///t/394573/happy-birthday-crimzy#post_3512056
Your birthday the 8th or 9th? Mine is the 8th and I'm always bummed cause no one cool shares my birthday. I mean, Seth Green, if he's "cool"...
Don't feel bad, it's because you are cool enough to have the whole day of the 8th just for you...Crimzy's B-day is the 9th.


Active Member
Clemson, I'm the 9th... sorry you can't use me as the cool person you can share your birthday with...
Reef... that's just so appropriate. BTW, cheeky can also mean "naughty"...