Harlequin Tusk! Let me see them!


Active Member
Awesome Hammer...Now that the camera is working, we need a thread about your tank please and more pictures


Active Member
will do, I have been playing with the camera, and I am due for water changes. I will get a thread going on my 220 soon, and follow up with the reef, right now unless anyone needs pics of algae I need time to clean.


Active Member
thats a great looking tusk!
my heniochus does not like my tusk. the heniochus was added first to the tank because it had been in a bag from shipping so i decided to let it out early, as for the tusk, i let it out 2 minutes later. right now, everytime the tusk comes out to swim or eat, the heniochus swims up to it and pushes it down into the rocks. the tusk swims on his side, kind of like clownfish do when they try to show submission
will this go away? im thinking that maybe where the heniochus came from there was a fish similar in shape, size, or color that may have been a threat to them, so its trying to keep it away
its not an attack but its annoying him. kind of like its keeping its eye on it to make sure it doesnt do anything


Active Member
That's exactly what the Henio is doing, just displaying, or attempting to, dominance. Once the Henio is satisified that he's the boss (or thinks he is), they should get along better.
What are the sizes of each of them?


Active Member
i think the tusk is larger, at about 7-8" from tip of the mouth to the end of the tail, the heniochus is smaller at around 5" from the tip of the mouth to end of the tail, but its banner is pretty long; from top to bottom id say 7"
right now the heniochus swims around trying to see if he can catch the tusk. after it goes into hiding, the henio comes around, but when he sees the tusk it starts swimming towards it while the tusk goes back into the caves
once in a while the henio will actually be too involved in looking for the tusk


Active Member
Yea, looks like the Henio is still adjusting, which is weird because usually Henio's adjust pretty well. Still there are always the handful I suppose....
Hard to say what he's actually doing. Looks a bit larger then your typical Henio, so maybe looking for a partner? Probably just trying to establish 'who's the boss' still. I guess as long as they keep it non-violent, and both fish eat, should be okay.


Active Member
how much do you feed fowlr tanks? 3 times a day too much? 3 times every other day? i got the skimmer running and added rowaphos to my phosphate reactor


Active Member
It depends what's in there, my first go around only had predators, but they just got pellets in the morning and then the good dinner.
Now with angels and tangs, they get 'fed' three times. Pellets/flake in the morning, Algae sheets after work, and then the good dinner at night.
I wouldn't feed the Tusk or Henio more then they'd eat. Probably twice daily is a good starting point.


Active Member
the heniochus has stopped chasing the tusk around. tusk is coming out more, so things are getting better
thanks for all the help everyone!


This is the only pic (I think) I have of my beloved Harly Tusk. One cold January morning, the sponge of the powerhead intake came off and I was too lazy to put it back on. Upon my return, poor Harly had been sucked to death!


Active Member
I don't know if its been mentioned; this is a long thread and I have a short attention span. IMO, not only are the Aussies prettier; they're more robust and, like all Australian fish, likely to be hardier. (Because of capture techniques) Most are caught on small barbless, baited hooks! IMO, the greatest all-around SW fish on the market, unless you have a reef.


Hi guys, new here. But here's mine.. in the quaratine tank, got a small bout of ich, but healing nicely.



Here's mine. I took this picture when it was drip acclimating in the bucket. Looks really pretty under MHs, with the blues and red.


Active Member
great looking tusk --, when I got mine it was kind of an impulse buy but after having this fish it has become one of my favorites. Once they are eating well they really do great.


Thanks, I just bought it and I already really like this fish. Mine ate from the first day. I was able to hand feed it silversides and krill. It also eats raw shrimp and the regular food I put in for the other fish. Even eats algae that I feed the tang and foxface.


I would love to have a HT someday, but I definitely want to find an Aussie. I have seen many Indo Tusks at stores but they never have looked that great, maybe cause of bad acclimation techniques, or bad diet, or they way they were collected. But when I finally see an Aussie Tusk I will buy it. I also heard that they are only available at a certain time each year.