Harlequins Coming Tomorrow:)


Active Member
wow..... NICE!!!!!!!!!! i want one too!!! i wish i bought a 50 gallon tank... =( .. any pics of it feeding ? or even a movie? =D
just to let everybody know a little something about all those little stars that reproduce like weeds. THEY EAT SPS CORALS!!! i would never in troduce them to ANY of my tanks.
btw, for every body saying how bad it is to feed stars to the shrimp............get over it! if the stars aren't being fed in the tank, then the shrimp will die. hey! what are ya gonna do........go scuba diveing and tell all the shrimp to leave the stars alone? i think not.


What a beautiful shrimp, Slothy:) Mine should arrrive this afternoon. Just waiting for the LFS to call me......I'm getting excited. The male is to have purple dots, the female orangish-pink. Have to come up with some cute names for them! I'll send a pic as soon as I can. Keeping my fingers crossed that they arrive okay......


Active Member

Originally posted by fishlovr
What a beautiful shrimp, Slothy:) Mine should arrrive this afternoon. Just waiting for the LFS to call me......I'm getting excited. The male is to have purple dots, the female orangish-pink. Have to come up with some cute names for them! I'll send a pic as soon as I can. Keeping my fingers crossed that they arrive okay......

thats not mine, i dont even know where i found that pic... just posted it so entice could see what one looks like


Active Member

Originally posted by LORDOFTHEREEF
hey! what are ya gonna do........go scuba diveing and tell all the shrimp to leave the stars alone? i think not.

haah I like !


Active Member
thanks slothy.... starfishes dont have brains, so they cant feel the pain, they are just oversized bacteria just like crabs are oversized ticks =)


Active Member

Originally posted by LORDOFTHEREEF
just to let everybody know a little something about all those little stars that reproduce like weeds. THEY EAT SPS CORALS!!! i would never in troduce them to ANY of my tanks.
btw, for every body saying how bad it is to feed stars to the shrimp............get over it! if the stars aren't being fed in the tank, then the shrimp will die. hey! what are ya gonna do........go scuba diveing and tell all the shrimp to leave the stars alone? i think not.

Hmmm. Slightly ignorant post.
1) There are a number of species of Asterina stars that come in on LR. They are virtually impossible to identify to species, even by experts, let alone know what they eat. Some do eat SPS, but the overwhelming majority that people seem to find eat algal films, which is why they crawl on the glass. The SPS eating one appears to be relatively uncommon.
2)We are not just talking about shrimp eating starfish on the reef. In the wild, there are lots of healthy stars, and the shrimp must find them instead of getting one every week. Comparing wild shrimp and stars to captive situations is irrelevant. We have animals that don't need to be kept, that feed on specialized things. These seastars are animals that are harvested in large numbers for this and the hobby/souvenir trade, putting a lot of pressure on wild populations. I study them, so I speak from experience. The responsible hobbyist will look for the best way to enjoy their shrimp without using stars that don't need to be used (or look for ways to make the most of one star).
It is unfortunate that some of the few that survive end up being fed to animals that don't need to be kept.
By all means, spend whatever money you want. But it is a hell of a lot cheaper to go with the Asterina
stars, and ecologically more friendly.
Not that it would seem to matter much to you. Your flippant response is a pretty good indication of your attitude towards responsible reefkeeping.


Active Member
OT: ophiura i always love your replies.. each reply is like a book of knowledge.. very good reading !
It is up for debate as to whether all Asterina stars (or so they are being classified as) eat SPS. I don't have any SPS, but I do have a bunch of those little stars. They seem to hang out on the LR and glass where the algae is.
If you kept them in a sump/refugium you could probably grow them pretty easily and then spot feed your shrimp.
Good luck with your new additions.....I wish I could have one, but I don't want my Blue Linckia to be the next item on the menu. Maybe I will set up a small species tank????hmmmm?
Ophiura--I also always enjoy reading anything you post. You are quite well educated on your subject and I always learn something! Your observations are interesting and to the point.
Would you send me your email address? I have some issues I would like to discuss with you about the weird snail I have (among other things). Thanks!
sorry, but you don't know how resposible i really am when it comes to this hobby! for the past two years i've been trying to teach people to grow their own corals for the hobby. i've been growing coral for stores to sell to other hobbiest. not so much for the money, but to try and feel like my 0.00000001% has helped save some of the reefs that people are destoying for this hobby. i also make my own live rock for my tanks too. i sell it. but NOT for the money entirely. every time a rock is broken off a reef, it slowly kills an entire ecosystem. it really isn't good that stars are being used for food, but you know what, thats what they eat. at least the star isn't being hurt or killed. now, if those shrimp that only eat stars aren't being fed properly, THEY WILL DIE! just one more extinct animal in the world, right? well thats f@#ed up. people shouldn't think that way! so all i'm trying to say here is, you don't know me, and you don't know what i'm about! so don't jump all over me when i say it how it is. any wild caught animal i have will receive the same as it would in the wild. i'm not gonna go kill things if i don't have to. now can i please get back to eating my bacon cheeseburger?


Active Member
I believe it's broomer's signature that would end the arguement the best. Your Tank ~ Your Choice.
Who are we to tell him not to feed starfish to his shrimp? They will eat a linkia in the wild so why not eat one in a fish tank...As long as these starfish are available in the trade, he should/does have the right to do with them what he pleases.
Just my $0.02 (canadian funds)


Ive had plenty of herps... and did some rehab on a few owls in NJ, they eat other animals... its just a fact of life.
People do it, Lions do it, heck fish do it... leave the shrimp an starfish alone...
Just cause sarfish are cute... everyone wants to save the cute animals, the seals the starfish well what about the ugly ones the cows and the other thousands of animals that loose entire habitats cause people cant care for the planet
Giant football field area of habitat housing countless species and whole ecosystems... OR a starfish leg...
Choose your battles wisely
thank you ill be here all week! :cool:


Active Member
anyone mention about "FEEDER FISH" yet, hey they are raised for for the purpose to feed other fish/animals and have you seen where they keep them in? a small tank with hundreds cramped together. yes its cruel, i feed my turtle a fish, watching it chase it around was cool until the poor fish got chewed up =(.
If you think feeding starfish is crewl, read about how they kill the animals for furs, how they raise veal, pigs and cows.
a stupid thing to say and its not even true!!!! "if we dont kill them then the species over populate, thats why hunting should be permitted"
Lord, would you consider selling some of that homemade rock :D


As was said earlier, starfish don't even have brains. I don't think they can feel any pain when the shrimp wrenches his arms off to eat. The only 'cruel' part about switching the star to let him regenerate and then letting him get attacked again is the fact that you must throw him in a different tank each time, which is known to have adverse effects on starfish. If you had a tank divider or something of the like, you could move your regenerating starfish into a tiny area near the edge of the tank and block them from the shrimp.