Harley vs The Tank update


Active Member
Does she still see you in "her" living room? I think this is a question for Dr Phil, you can reach him at Oprah.com :D


well atleast everyone agrees that we all have our opinions. while yes a relationship is all about compromising, and women need to feel loved. would a truely good quality woman, (be it looks intelligence or whatever, my chick has all these, also note she will be reading this post <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> ) want you to change something that is this important in your life?
i think not. you go into a longterm relatinship wanting to live/love/enjoy the person you met and fell in love with. not to change them. I have been dating my chick for 5 years now and she has watched my hobby turn into an obsession. At first she thought it was strange, but i do not bother anyone about it, now she has come around and spends as much time infront of the tank as i do. Every morning we get out of bed and walk out to the couch and just watch the tank before our morning classes. I can't think of a more relaxing way to start our day.


I have never heard any one call this hobby dorky. Everyone I've ever met has been in awe of my large display tank, which is the centerpiece of our living room. You guys must be really young. She sounds like high school with these types of insecurities. But as a couple her problems are in fact your problems you can not differentiate anymore. If she is really unable to understand and accept one of the most important things to you, I don't think she can really be in love with you anyway--she's in love with some guy she thinks she can turn you into.
give and take, then give, give, give, but always take what makes you you.
I totally think a couples home should reflect BOTH people-not just one persons. I understand a guy doesn't really want to go furniture shopping or go to pick out wallpaper but I always show pictures or get samples or somehow include him, especially in areas he spends the most time in.
This is his home as much as mine and i feel really bad for the guy who goes to bed every night under the floral quilt looking at the lace drapes with roses embroidered on them. I don't want my husband hating his own home, the one he works so hard for.
This is great--marriage counseling in a reef forum.