No problem,
I hope your MR BOX is health and happy.. Dont worry about it... Why have a fish if you are parenoid to the point you cant enjoy him! They are awesome and the chance of him hurting your system is like 1%....
Thats great he eats flaked food .. Try frozen mysis too.. mine gobbled it up.. What I do is make a mixture of Mysis shrimp, marine cuisine, veggie pellets, plankton and krill and put it in a bowl with zelcon, vibrance or zoe and let it sit for an hour or so then feed them the mixture. I also put the leftover mixture covered in the fridge overnight to feed them the next day.. Usually I dont let it sit more than 2 days because I dont want it to spoil.... but I think overnight is fine... ALSO, the mixture is nice and soaked with the vitamins....
ElitsoH, I think a 22 galon is kind of small for a full grown box.. but your choice of tankmates seems fine.. A 22 would be fine for now, but plan on moving him to a bigger tank as he grows. A small tank could b a reason to stress him out.. and you dont want that.. The boxfish,, be it a cowfish or spotted boxfish can grow very large, my friend had one that was over 5 inches and remember they are " A BOX" so not just long like a regular fish BUT FAT!
Hope this helps..
Thanking you kindly, Kim