Has anyone ever built their own tank? Cost?


I'm thinking about making my own tank and I'm wondering if it is worth doing or too risky. Also, is it cheaper?


If you're building a custom made tank, it's worth it. Say, an extra huge tank. However, if you want a tank that is less than say 400 G (which you can purchase at a reasonable price and warranty), I think it's not worth making your own tank. I mean, the hassle, risk of breakage, sealant problems, etc. Just my .02


Active Member
Unless you just like doing things for the fun of it or the tank is large as Rockster said, I would buy the tank. I would love to build my own tank but, until I can build the size I want, I'll just buy them.
You can build your own tank for cheaper than you can buy it, but, you run the chance of it leaking or even worse, falling apart. Not worth the risk until you get up into the bigger tanks IMO.
Sorry to disagree with everyone on this subject, but I am in the process of building a tank. I have just completed the cabinet, a total of 37 dollars. Of course I have access to a steel shop and welder to build the frame, and I enclosed it with some nice wood, stain, and polyurethane. I have the glass cut and sitting in my closet, and will start on this next. Glass cost 97 dollars. 3/8 inch. Will make a 80 gallon tank.
It might hold water, then again it might not. We will see. I enjoy doing things myself, and get a sense of accompishment. I own my own house, and have found out that things are not as compicated as people make it, as I do repairs and projects myself, and save thousands.


Steam, you must have a lot of time in your hands plus added resources (that will easily save money) but we're talking about starting from scratch. Anyway, the tank you're building is not that big and can be bought on sale/used for less! Making a 80 gallon tank from scratch is silly for a busy person.
Silly, huh. I work 2 jobs. put in 70 hrs. a week. I get aprox. 4 hrs of sleep a day.
Too much time on my hands?
I wish.
Some people get satisfaction out of doing things themselves. It's called pride in ones work. Most of the furniture in my house was built by my own two hands. Seems to last better than particle board crap.
I took me 3 months to build my cabinet for the upcoming tank.
I don't think you have any room calling what people do silly. It's my choice, not yours. Can't seem to find any NEW 80 gallon tanks with cabinet for for less than 150 dollars.
No, mine is not on sale, and it is not used. It is hand crafted and new.


Red, the only thing I can add here is that I'm in the process of building a 220 and I'm enjoying the heck out of doing it! As has been mentioned above, the enjoyment of building something from scratch is it's own reward. Am I saving money, yeah as a matter of fact BIG money, but not over a standard square glass cube. The tank is a piece of furniture and even before being completed the local ******** designer has told me he can place it for over $2,500 if I wanted to sell it when I'm done, my cost without hardware will be about $600, less than many people spend for a wall unit of pressboard and laminate. Hey, it's fun and rewarding but only IF you enjoy the DIY thing, otherwise you're much better off buying one, either way, it's all about enjoying the beauty of your private little slice of the the ocean.


Steam, I have expressed my opinion and it was not intended specifically for you but you seem to like wearing the shoe. Well, how does it fit? And working 2 jobs is your choice, not mine. I'm glad I don't have to work that hard.
When you started your post out with Steam, I could have sworn that was me that that was directed at. I just hate to see anyones hard effort minimized to "silly". Whether it be a 10 gallon tank or a 10000 gallon. I take my hat off to anyone that does a project like this.
Good luck, RED!!


Steam, that's personal. Stupid is what stupid does. Your MOM and DAD may not have the genes (I will spare them and not blame them for yours). However, mutations does exist and you're a PERFFECT example. Hope you're sterile or if you have kids, hope they did not get the mutation and got their mother's genes. This world has enough of your kind roaming around.:p :p :p
Yep, that was personal. It was meant to be. At the request of NMReef, I will no longer flame.
Hey professor, I don't have any plans per sey, but I will be glad to draw some up. Pretty easy to do, but I have to say that the framework for my stand is made of 3x3x1/4 steel angle. I work in a steel shop, so it was not hard for me to do. Its one heavy son of a gun when you wrap wood around it. Turned out very nice.


New Member
I'm pretty new at saltwater, about 2 months to be exact. I just finished building my own 55 Gallon Stand. I didn't do it to save money only, but it was a factor; the thrill of it all was in making the stand myself and finding out that, indeed; it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It cost me about $60 and looks just as good or even better that the one in my LFS. I too commend those who build their own, be it a stand or tank. Quite often people forget that this is a hobby and you have to invent ways to make it exciting. If you'd rather spend money on equipment than build it, noone is knocking you, but if you'd rather build it and use the saved the money for more exotic fish(which is what this is all about), then hey, you've added a new facet to the hobby.
Just my .02
P.S. I'd like to thank all of you for your opinions and words or wisdom. Thanks to reading the views & opinions of this forum, I've only had one casualty since I began & that was when my tank cycled.


I want to build my own 300 gallon tank out of glass, but I am afraid of cutting the glass and breaking it. Anyone done this before? What do you use to cut glass that thick? The stand and canopy would be a snap for my father he is a wood worker in his spare time.(woodaholic) Would be a good father and son project.


Personally, if I were building an all glass tank that size, I'd have the glass cut and drilled by the people I was buying the glass from.
Later, Paul


Active Member
Rockster, just to let you know your posts are completly uncalled for and not to mention possiblt the rudest i have yet seen on this BB, Has anyone ever told you that hardwork builds character? If life was completley automated and simple what kind of use would we have for the hard working, intelligent, and caring people in this world? Sadly, thats what it is turning into. When you start a post w/ someones name, YES, it is intended for them. This is not a board for verbally bashing its other members. If i need to tell you what it is truly for then why are you here?