have you been injured by your livestock?


New Member
i haven't been yet, but i have accumulated quite a collection. i wonder if there are any species i should look out for. (and i am allergic to everything in nature) -any good stories?


look out for lionfish scorpionfish and foxface/ rabbitfish. also anemones. A lot of species dont dting but these ones do. The only injury i have ever attained is being spiked by one of my spotted raphael. Freshwater fish


Active Member
Bristleworms and fireworms are nasty too. The bristles will stick in your skin and burn like mad.
Stonefish are poisonus too.


Active Member
I have never had an injury(knock on wood) but my oscars years ago would nip when we were cleaning the tank.


Active Member
Alot of blennies are venomous-
Forktail Blenny
Canary Blenny
Black-Lined Blenny
Red Sea Mimic Blenny
Harptail Blenny
Bundoon Blenny
Gumdrop Coral Croucher Goby
Leaf Fish
and countless others
For safetys sake dont try to pet your fish. I am in the same boat.
Do some research on your fish before you get it to see if it can hurt you.


New Member
This was back when I had freshwater.....my 8 year old more than a foot long piranha givs me a BIG bite on my hand OUCH!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by ClarkiiClo
For safetys sake dont try to pet your fish.

That just sounded really funny. dont know why...


Active Member
LOL- Well I can pet my goldfish. Yes I still have a goldfish.
It was originally a feeder that my fahaka puffer never ate. He decided it was his friend. Now the goldfish is about 7" long.
Lives with a large alligator gar and an unknown south american cichlid.


I've been bitten by a blk and wht clown fish but nothing serious but he didnt wanna let go of my finger he drew a lil blood the lil stinker.


Active Member
my long spinned urchin....kicked my butt. it hurt so bad, and thoes spinns breakup in you so u cant get them out


Active Member
I cut myself on a sharp piece of live rock one time, and then the SALT went into the cut.

And I like to touch my goldfish. They are cute...and when I place them in the tank, I normally pick them up and set them in the water gently. I've had my goldfish tank longer than any other tank that I have.


New Member
when i was a kid there was a coi at the mall fountain that would let me pet it. each time i would go to the mall i would stick my hand in and it would swim right up and let me stroke it from head to tail. once i told my mom and she didn't believe me untill i showed her.


Yes koi love to be petted, I pet mine and hand feed them. Itried petting my eel before I put him in my tank he freaked and literaly flew from the net into my in tank filter-took 2 hours to catch him. I also pet my clowns when I feed them.


my maroon clowns love to be patted, dont know why and can't explain it. You just cant do it at feed time or they bite, and yes they have gone through my skin


New Member
the other day i was cementing my frogspawn into my live rock and i was "attacked" by my cleaner shrimp. at the time i thought it was pretty funny considering their size. then i read that they clean people also. i think i might start letting my friends get manicured by my shrimp.


Active Member
i was trying to clean some algae off the glass one day and i guess i got too close to my female tomato clown's eggs so she like, headbutted me and tried to bite me. i dont know what she thought she was gonna do to me though. shes like 4 inches. anyways, i thought it was pretty funny. lol