Have you seen a star

bang guy

Sand sifters are bad for deep sand beds. Green brittle stars are bad for fish. Neither are directly bad for reef tanks.
I've had a green bs for 6 months, he has grown quite large. about 14" tip to tip.
it has never harmed anything but I target feed him when I feed anemonies.
A well feed star is harmless, but dosen't clean up much..
they also quickly eat dead fish.
I would say fish are more dangerous than the star!!


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Sand sifters are bad for deep sand beds. Green brittle stars are bad for fish. Neither are directly bad for reef tanks.

OOOOKAAYYY........? :thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by richfish
why are sandsifters bad?

I've heard they can devour a sandbed of all the good critters in no time and then they will starve to death. Bang might think otherwise. :D


so if i have a deep sand bed i should get rid of my sand sifters i have 3. what can i get to detris on the bottom? I also have a brittle star what about him?


Active Member

Originally posted by starten
so if i have a deep sand bed i should get rid of my sand sifters i have 3. what can i get to detris on the bottom? I also have a brittle star what about him?

Three sand sifters means that each will die of starvation faster. In fact, the sand sifters are eating
the nearly microscopic worms and crustaceans that will help eat your detritus. The stars do not eat detritus at all. I disagree that nearly any snail or crab will eat detritus. Many are grazers or worse. You may be better off with some variety of sand sifter snails. Brittlestars may not care for detritus either...some, like the green, are predatory and prefer larger meaty things, which I suggest you give them.

bang guy


Originally posted by DEdwards
Almost any snail or crab will eat detrus.

I only know of a couple snails sold in the hobby that will eat detritus:
Strombus alatus
What others do you know about?


Since I had to do a search to know for myself, I assume there are others who dont know as well...
Strombus alatus = Florida Fighting Conch


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Can Sandsifting Starfish eat Cerith Snails?

I wouldn't put it past it. I've seen a fantastic picture of a close relative of the sand sifter that ate a large sand dollar. Probably cost its life in trying to eat it (it was a museum specimen) but it tried to do it.....so who knows about snails.