What's the deal? I have one blue green chromis (plan to add more) that is soooo picky with food. Here's what I feed, switching it up:
Ocean Nutrition Formula One Marine Pellet
Wardley Total Color Marine Flake Blend
MarineLand Bio-Blend Marine Herbivore Pellet
Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flake (purple)
San Francisco Bay Frozen Brine shrimp
San Francisco Bay Frozen Mysis shrimp
The chromis swims around frantically chasing the food but doesn't eat it, swimming from piece to piece then not eating. The only food I've seen it eat is one color of the Wardley flake food. I bought some Nori today thinking maybe he wanted algae or veggies and none of my fish will touch it.
Other livestock...
Lawnmower blenny (eats flake and pellet, he's a fatty)
2 Maroon Clownfish
3 hermits
3 astrea snails
Any suggestions??? Thanks
Ocean Nutrition Formula One Marine Pellet
Wardley Total Color Marine Flake Blend
MarineLand Bio-Blend Marine Herbivore Pellet
Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flake (purple)
San Francisco Bay Frozen Brine shrimp
San Francisco Bay Frozen Mysis shrimp
The chromis swims around frantically chasing the food but doesn't eat it, swimming from piece to piece then not eating. The only food I've seen it eat is one color of the Wardley flake food. I bought some Nori today thinking maybe he wanted algae or veggies and none of my fish will touch it.
Other livestock...
Lawnmower blenny (eats flake and pellet, he's a fatty)
2 Maroon Clownfish
3 hermits
3 astrea snails
Any suggestions??? Thanks