Congrats with the new fish! But, you shouldn't of added to fish at once. It is best to take it slow, the slower, the better. What filtration do you have? If you want another triggerfish you can get away with it in a 250. Heres some types of triggerfish you can get that would do great. Huma Huma triggerfish, Assasi triggerfish, niger triggerfish, pink tail triggerfish. These are some good fish you can get with your male blue jaw. You can only get one of those triggerfish. There are other triggerfish you can get, but these triggerfish would do great. Only get another triggerfish if you have many caves, tunnels, and other hiding places. I have three triggerfish and it works because, there are many territories for the fish. If you have one or barely any others I wouldn't get the triggerfish till you get more territories. So so far the fish would be a zebra eel, male blue jaw, another trigger (I would go with one of the more peaceful ones I stated before get them around 4 in. because male blu jaws are pretty nice.), a harlequin tusk would be nice. Get it around maybe 6 in. I would purchase an australian, they have more color, are more hardy, but are more money, but is worth the extra bucks. You can get away maybe with a grouper, a panther would do good. Not as mean like other groupers. All of these fish are aggressive, and would love meaty foods. Krill, mysis, squid, brine, and other meaty foods are good. The triggers and the tusk will eat flake to. Remember to have no openings in the tank, or else your eel may escape. And remember go slow, good luck.