sorry, I should have written it out, yep over the counter. What may start out as a few heahaches, can end up as a ton of headaches..
As far as the Imitrex goes it has a tendancy to drop some peoples blood pressure
Lol, my blood pressure was already low, (side effect of the med I was on). In fact, once the nurse tested me three times, with two different mechine, the doc didn't believe what was written down and he retested me...(which would explain my tendency to faint). Imitrex knocked me out, but I couldn't wake up, I was in horrible pain but could't move, and I had horrible dreams.
I like codine, works best for me. T3's were good, the stuff my doc gave me was better.
They are. Grandmom, Mom and me...mine started in high school, got really bad my senior year. I hate docs, I mean hate them. But I was willing to go and do whatever it took to stop the pain. Learning how to control is the best thing. Though sometimes I'll still get a bad one. I got what my doc call holiday mirgrains. Which means I could get throught the period of stress, then wamp, on my butt in pain. Stress, not sleeping and not eating right...but it's hard to control those things while in college/grad school. Now that I'm out of school and jobless, I don't get as many or as bad.
If the doc can't tell you why, or what kind of headaches, then I'd go for the MRI, given my family history, and type of pain I had, a MRI wasn't needed for me, my doc could figure out what was wrong (he did something with my head, and played with my feet...).
If your doc hasn't already told you to, start writing it all down. When you get a headach, what you feel, other symtoms (tension, light, sound, dizziness, anything), what you've eaten, what you've done, rate the pain, how long did it last, keep a record of all med's you take (for what ever reason, even if it's unrelatled), what kind, how much, how often. What are you doing when the pain starts, what's going on around you, heck the weather...anything you can think of.
If someone else cooks your food, have they added a new spice or anything different?
IME, before a problem can be fixed, you need to know the reason, what's causing the problem. ANY new stress or change in livestyle?