Headache Help


Active Member
I'm still betting on an allergy or something similar. Sinner is right, you need to look into the timing of your headaches and if they are mostly school, there is something there.
Paints,stains, inks, venalation etc.
Maroonytun - I'm betting its one of the following triggers - Weather -has it been stormy in your area? Lighting at school or use of computer screens can also influence Migraines. I'll bet that the weather is going to be your best bet though. My husband calls his brother and I human barometers because we both flair up with Migraines before a storm.


Hi everyone,
Lately the headaches have been occuring at school, home and anywhere. I have a log of when they occur, but I will have the times tomorrow.There also haven't been any storms lately.
Thanks again,


for what its worth, I had unbelievable headaches that did not respond to anything. Like Jokerj, it turned out to be viral meningitis. Your age and being in school makes you a prime canidate. If all else fails, maybe discuss the possibility with your Dr. A spinal tap (lumber puncture) is needed to diagnose it or anti-viral meds to treat for it rather you confirm it or not. Hope you feel better. Been there...done that!!


Active Member
MRI will be the best thing you can do right now. Hopefully one is scheduled so you can find relief soon.


They stopped for the summer, but I believe the cause is that the day before the headaches started, I did a major header in soccer and that did something, I never thought that would be it.Now, yesterday, Sunday, I wasn't paying attention and was going up the stairs and walked right into a wall, then today, Monday and my headaches came back.


Active Member
did you ever have an MRI? Well, I am thinking you may have gotten relief when soccer stopped and then aggravated it when you hit the wall. (someone once opened a door when I was picking something up and man I swear I saw stars for a day) My little guys soccer coach won't let the boys do those head butts with the balls right now. He thinks years of that is not too great.


Thanks for the reply, no I didn't get an MRI, it was to close to the end of the school year, wanted to see if it dealt with school.


Active Member
try doing this to help with the pain. 1.) there are some pressure points in your hands. like in between your thumb and index finger... pinch,squeeze, and put pressure on that spot when headach is occuring. do it very hard ( almost to the point where it hurts) for about 1 and a half minute incraments: stop for 30 seconds then do it again. it would be best to have someone do it to you. if you can get 2 people... one for each hand. that should help. if not... 2.) get in the tub, put head under the phoset and let pretty warm water run on ur head. and if none of this is working for you. then 3.) pray to have it stop