Headed to Michigan


Active Member
Sounds like we will be drive to Michigan this weekend. My wife's dad has had a real bad accident:(. Any tips for leaving a tank for 7- days in the hands of an amateur?


Long drive for you guys, hope your father in law is alright and recovers well. Good luck finding someone to care for the tank. No doubt you will suffer from withdrawls as well. What part of michigan?


Active Member
Thanks Thomas. He lives in Kalkaska but he was life flighted to St. Mary's Hospital in Saginaw.
leave complete day by day instructions
have all top off water ready to go
make up food packs and put dates and morning/evening when they should be fed
Basically make it idiot proof


sorry to hear about your accident. are you going to take the ferry across?
go get timers and automatic feeders, for the general stuff, do what mighty said, make it so they have to do as little as possible, and have them come over a day before you leave if you can so that you may show them step by step what you want them to do.


Active Member
Thanks guys, dummy proof will be good.
No ferry. I can take I-80 all the way to Portage then I-94 to I-69 to I-75 and into Saginaw. That's what looks best on the map anyway.


Active Member
what I did when we left town was put every day's worth of food into a snack baggie and then put them all in one big ziploc and put it in the freezer. I then hid all the other food.
I put the top off in 1 gallon water jugs and wrote right on the jugs what to do and when to do it .....
then I had the kid watching my nano come over to the house and read everythign and then do the first day worth of feeding, etc. while I was there.
You might also try to line up a local reefer to serve as a point of contact for your fill-in care-taker person!
Best of luck on the drive and to your father-in-law


Active Member
overanalyzer, that's a good plan;)... thanks
Cyslyde, thank you. Prayers are alwasys welcome:)
Thomas, small world!! if everything works out lunch would be nice. We can swap war stories:). I'll shoot you a email when I know what we are doing. Not to make light of the situation but is there any good window shopping to be had in Saginaw?


Many prayers and best wishes for your father-in-law, wife, family, and you.


hope everything works out, my grandpa went thereone time, great hospital. saginaw is 25 mins away from me also.


Active Member
Daniel & KrUnk thank you.
Sounds like the plan may be changing. My wife may just jump on a plane. The kids start school next week... and that is in fact a LONG drive.


snif snif been so long since i been to saginaw i can't remember how long it would take me.... GR area here.
Wow sounds like you got a lot on you mind reef


Sorry to hear about yhe accident....today hospitals are amazing though...so I hope ebverything works out well for your wife's dad.
When I leave for any period of time over a day, I unplug my skimmer etc so that there is not water coming in, or going out of the tank. My set-up is very simple though, so I don't know if this would work for you. I do it because my tank is fine with the power heads for a week without any skimming, and then this way, I do not have to stress about overflows etc. Lights are on timers, and if i feed the fish well before I go, then in a week period, someone would only have to feed them once, and add top off water....and most people can handle that!
Again, I hope all goes well.


Active Member
Thanks Cyslyde, I don't have near as much on my mind as the wife does.
smarls thanks, my biggest concern was the evap rate. The last time I went out of town the top off pump quiet and my wife had to manually fill it.
Sounding more and more like she will be flying unless he doesn't make it. Running a 50/50 chance right now. I'm still getting the plan on the tank ready just in case.
sorry to hear about the accident, if you decide to make to drive watch for heavy constuction on I-69 east of Lansing to Flint and on I-75 north from Flint to Clio. It is a real bear to be in. Thoughts will be with you.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your need to go to michigan.
For 7 days, I would just leave everything alone. If you don't have a timer on your lights then add one. If it was two weeks then I would consider a fish setter. But probably not. Three weeks then definately.


Active Member
Yeah, 7-14 days with no top off water, food, etc....:rolleyes:
Your tank would be dry as a bone, and your salinity would match the Great Salt Lake! :eek:
Hey buddy! My best to you and your family!