Healthcare bill will pass the senate.

darthtang aw

Active Member
So the senate democrats have their 60 votes to avoid a filibuster.
To do this, they inserted some pork for the senator in Nebraska stating the federal government would pick up the medicaid costs for nebraska.
I find it irritating that it is illegal for a company to give a senator or congressman money in exchange for government contracts. But congressman can sell their votes in the same manner. Now not only do we get the healthcare bill....everyone across the country is paying for nebraska's medicaid costs.


Active Member
I wouldn't be shocked if this gets blown up by the left either in the Senate or the house. I think it's far from a done deal

darthtang aw

Active Member
The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof recently wrote a column about John Brodniak of Oregon, who developed a cavernous hemangioma, causing him great pain as blood leaks into his brain.
According to Kristof, Brodniak can't get medical help because we don't have universal health care. Senators who vote against ObamaCare, Kristof said, are morally equivalent to someone who would walk past a man "writhing in pain on the sidewalk."
Here is the kicker....Oregon has a state run universal health care program.....except, it only can cover around 30,000 people through a lottery style system, the rest are just crap out of luck.....
Oregon passed this healthcare bill back in the 90's....yet they still have uninsured people that can't afford healthcare and are dying because it....

veni vidi vici

Active Member

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny"
Thomas Jefferson


Originally Posted by troy989
lol i like the last pic
i am only 13 and i hate this bill so much. I think obama is a stupid porch monkey

Seriously? Porch monkey? If you want to express your opinion, please do not include racial slurs, That is uncalled for. By the way, it only hinders your point of view, and makes you sound ignorant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by louti
Seriously? Porch monkey? If you want to express your opinion, please do not include racial slurs, That is uncalled for. By the way, it only hinders your point of view, and makes you sound ignorant.
You are going to learn that any opposition to Obama is labeled as being motivated in racism as a way to avoid debating the issues. When you use racial terms like that you pretty much blow any possibility of being taken seriously by about 95 percent of those who oppose Obama, and about not a single person who supports him.


Active Member
Happy? Lmao but I realy don't care that u all think I'm racist because I am and there are good reasons like 80% of theft is comited by them. All of the ones in my school are very stupid And I'm sure that alot aren't bad alls I'm sayin is that in general

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by troy989
Happy? Lmao but I realy don't care that u all think I'm racist because I am and there are good reasons like 80% of theft is comited by them. All of the ones in my school are very stupid And I'm sure that alot aren't bad alls I'm sayin is that in general
Well at least no one can accuse you of being politically correct.Your thirteen and forming your opinions which im sure will change a few times as you live life.This is America and you get to have your opinions even though some may find them offensive.
My view of this president has nothing to do with his race but that he is a socialist assclown trying to fundamentally destroy my country.


Active Member
Originally Posted by troy989
Happy? Lmao but I realy don't care that u all think I'm racist because I am and there are good reasons like 80% of theft is comited by them. All of the ones in my school are very stupid And I'm sure that alot aren't bad alls I'm sayin is that in general
All? You telling me not one of them is as smart as you? Oh brother

You have a lot of surprises coming your way in life.


Active Member
sorry reefraf one is but he talks like a im not even gona say it... im in gt but that one is prety smart ill give him that and thats y i said generaly


Originally Posted by troy989
sorry reefraf one is but he talks like a im not even gona say it... im in gt but that one is prety smart ill give him that and thats y i said generaly
Ok read your sentence, you just typed, out loud to yourself, and then say afircan americans are more dumb than whites.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Well at least no one can accuse you of being politically correct.Your thirteen and forming your opinions which im sure will change a few times as you live life.This is America and you get to have your opinions even though some may find them offensive.
My view of this president has nothing to do with his race but that he is a socialist assclown trying to fundamentally destroy my country.
Gee Vini, when did Obama give you the keys to the country? I thought it was OUR country, not YOURS.%%


LOL. You type a barely coherent, misspelled sentence about black people being dumb. How ironic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by troy989
Happy? Lmao but I realy don't care that u all think I'm racist because I am and there are good reasons like 80% of theft is comited by them. All of the ones in my school are very stupid And I'm sure that alot aren't bad alls I'm sayin is that in general
U R sure gud at rightin and spiking well, for a 13 year old. I bet you're the top of your 8th grade class at Trailer Park Middle School. Take that attitude to school, and you won't make it to high school.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Gee Vini, when did Obama give you the keys to the country? I thought it was OUR country, not YOURS.%%
Obama is giving me oppression and tyranny along with the rest of congress and its retarded progressive liberals like yourself that adds to the problem.If you hate America the way it was meant to be, ordained by the all mighty then please take your silly ass to the closest airport and move to Spain or France.
I think you will find it more to your liking.But dont stick around here in my country trying to change it into something it not ...for instance like the cheese eating surrender monkeys over there in France or the tomato tossing ,bull running Spainards. Dont respond just go ......please.Ill even buy you your ticket.