Originally Posted by
Veni Vidi Vici
Obama is giving me oppression and tyranny along with the rest of congress and its retarded progressive liberals like yourself that adds to the problem.If you hate America the way it was meant to be, ordained by the all mighty then please take your silly ass to the closest airport and move to Spain or France.
I think you will find it more to your liking.But dont stick around here in my country trying to change it into something it not ...for instance like the cheese eating surrender monkeys over there in France or the tomato tossing ,bull running Spainards. Dont respond just go ......please.Ill even buy you your ticket.
Oh, intolerance, how widespread you are in this great country of ours. Veni is right, anyone with a differing view or opinion is wrong even if they present a reasonable argument. Also, if you do have a differing view or opinion you are a retarded progressive liberal.
I'm personally always willing to hear someone else's views even if mine differ, and if something they say makes sense to me or proves me wrong, I'll admit it. If you're so unhappy with where you think the country is going, why don't YOU leave. You are no one to tell anyone else to do anything. God, I'm sorry to inform you sir, did not make this country. It's people did (with their faith in him or not). Most of them were religious, yes, but they knew then and people like you should know now(although you choose to be blind to it) that CHURCH and STATE must have a complete separation. If you want to live in the ways our forefathers did, then by all means do so. Abandon all advances since that time and live as they did. Keep a cannon in your front yard to protect you from a burglar (it's really efficient as a home defense weapon, you know, like a grenade launcher), write your complaints on paper and copy them by hand, then hand them out to people so they can hear your views(no more internet for you). Most importantly though, go see the doctor when you get sick. When you go back home and can't work for months due to your illness, you've no money, and you need to have the doctor come see you...well we all know how that ends up. You wouldn't even be able to buy the rum you need to dull your pain. This is just an example.
Now, with this post I quoted here you are putting yourself more inline with the obviously uneducated, racist, bad grammar using 13 year old. I'm pretty sure those views he has weren't formed on his own either. It's funny because his parents are probably afraid of the supposed indocrination by the Obama administration, but they themselves are apparently instilling hatred, intolerance, and a sense of entitlement/being above others based on race. Just because you are white, doesn't mean you are smart, little boy. There are ignorant people of every race. I've always said there are white people and there are rednecks/crackers, there are black people and there are porch monkeys as the young man so aptly put it, there are hispanics and there are spics, and the list goes on and on. All those racial slurs, which I hope don't offend anyone as I was using them to give an example and better describe my point, they all mean the same thing: lazy, ignorant, fool. There are plenty of good people of every race and there will always be bad ones. It's funny that you never hear a generalization about how smart a group of people is, because generalizations are usually reserved for bad views of a group of people.