Healthcare bill will pass the senate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
No, no, it's MINE. Obama told me so.

You're wrong too. You're who democrats are trying to take this country from, wealthy (you make six figures) white (you're family owned slaves) small business owning americans. After all you make more than your fair share...


Active Member
The country owes me this I know
For O-bama Told me so
All our cash to him belong
So his stash will re-main strong
Yes, Obama gives me
Yes, Obama gives me
Yes Obama gives me
The media told me so.......


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Obama is giving me oppression and tyranny along with the rest of congress and its retarded progressive liberals like yourself that adds to the problem.If you hate America the way it was meant to be, ordained by the all mighty then please take your silly ass to the closest airport and move to Spain or France.
I think you will find it more to your liking.But dont stick around here in my country trying to change it into something it not ...for instance like the cheese eating surrender monkeys over there in France or the tomato tossing ,bull running Spainards. Dont respond just go ......please.Ill even buy you your ticket.

Oh, intolerance, how widespread you are in this great country of ours. Veni is right, anyone with a differing view or opinion is wrong even if they present a reasonable argument. Also, if you do have a differing view or opinion you are a retarded progressive liberal.
I'm personally always willing to hear someone else's views even if mine differ, and if something they say makes sense to me or proves me wrong, I'll admit it. If you're so unhappy with where you think the country is going, why don't YOU leave. You are no one to tell anyone else to do anything. God, I'm sorry to inform you sir, did not make this country. It's people did (with their faith in him or not). Most of them were religious, yes, but they knew then and people like you should know now(although you choose to be blind to it) that CHURCH and STATE must have a complete separation. If you want to live in the ways our forefathers did, then by all means do so. Abandon all advances since that time and live as they did. Keep a cannon in your front yard to protect you from a burglar (it's really efficient as a home defense weapon, you know, like a grenade launcher), write your complaints on paper and copy them by hand, then hand them out to people so they can hear your views(no more internet for you). Most importantly though, go see the doctor when you get sick. When you go back home and can't work for months due to your illness, you've no money, and you need to have the doctor come see you...well we all know how that ends up. You wouldn't even be able to buy the rum you need to dull your pain. This is just an example.
Now, with this post I quoted here you are putting yourself more inline with the obviously uneducated, racist, bad grammar using 13 year old. I'm pretty sure those views he has weren't formed on his own either. It's funny because his parents are probably afraid of the supposed indocrination by the Obama administration, but they themselves are apparently instilling hatred, intolerance, and a sense of entitlement/being above others based on race. Just because you are white, doesn't mean you are smart, little boy. There are ignorant people of every race. I've always said there are white people and there are rednecks/crackers, there are black people and there are porch monkeys as the young man so aptly put it, there are hispanics and there are spics, and the list goes on and on. All those racial slurs, which I hope don't offend anyone as I was using them to give an example and better describe my point, they all mean the same thing: lazy, ignorant, fool. There are plenty of good people of every race and there will always be bad ones. It's funny that you never hear a generalization about how smart a group of people is, because generalizations are usually reserved for bad views of a group of people.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
You're wrong too. You're who democrats are trying to take this country from, wealthy (you make six figures) white (you're family owned slaves) small business owning americans. After all you make more than your fair share...
I didn't know bionic was who you say he is in matters of finance, but by your description I'd have to say that him and I probably share the same mindset on politics despite being qualified to be your typical rich a-hole that cares about nothing, but himself and his money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Oh, intolerance, how widespread you are in this great country of ours. Veni is right, anyone with a differing view or opinion is wrong even if they present a reasonable argument. Also, if you do have a differing view or opinion you are a retarded progressive liberal.
I'm personally always willing to hear someone else's views even if mine differ, and if something they say makes sense to me or proves me wrong, I'll admit it. If you're so unhappy with where you think the country is going, why don't YOU leave. You are no one to tell anyone else to do anything. God, I'm sorry to infrom you sir, did not make this country. It's people did. Most of them were religious, yes, but they knew then and people like you should know now(although you choose to be blind to it) that CHURCH and STATE must have a complete separation. If you want to live in the ways our forefathers did, then by all means do so. Abandon all advances since that time and live as they did. Keep a cannon in your front yard to protect you from a burglar, write your complaints on paper and copy them by hand, then hand them out to people so they can hear your views(no more internet for you). Most importantly though, go see the doctor when you get sick. When you go back home and can't work for months due to your illness, you've no money, and you need to have the doctor come see you...well we all know how that ends up. You wouldn't even be able to buy the rum you need to dull your pain. This is just an example.
umm, do I need to go out and start quoting harry Reid again? The difference between me saying you're ignorant for some liberal argument, (and I've YET to hear more than one or two good ones about specific subjects and most are based on a lack of facts and typically are emotional appeals) and Harry Reid on the senate floor calling people who oppose socialised medicine to people who opposed slavery... IS that I'm NOT on the senate floor and I'm NOT writing legislation...


Originally Posted by stdreb27
umm, do I need to go out and start quoting harry Reid again? The difference between me saying you're ignorant for some liberal argument, (and I've YET to hear more than one or two good ones about specific subjects and most are based on a lack of facts and typically are emotional appeals) and Harry Reid on the senate floor calling people who oppose socialised medicine to people who opposed slavery... IS that I'm NOT on the senate floor and I'm NOT writing legislation...
Like I said the other day, it was clearly an example (the Harry Reid statement) he was using and it was entirely misconstrued because some people fail to analyze anything they hear in a manner that might cause them to be wrong or agree with someone they do not like/agree with usually anyway. The main people who oppose health care reform are insurance companies! Giant, rich insurance companies that screw people over for their own profit/success at a cost to the taxpayer! Who do you think ends up picking up the tab for those people that end up on welfare because they're insurance company won't pay for a treatment or surgery that might allow them to keep working for themselves? YOU, ME! I'm not talking about the jobless, stay at home mom with 8 kids collecting welfare. I'm talking about the oh so loved "Joe the plumbers" out there that get effed right up the A by insurance companies, lose their jobs/businesses because they had to sell things off to stay their medical bills. Therefore, yes, it's comparable to slavery. Who opposed slavery the most? The large plantation owners, who made the most money off of slave labor. Are you comfortable with being on the side defending insurance companies that have more money than you will ever see in your lifetime? Are you comfortable with defending them even though they will take peoples super overpriced premiums every month for years and then when that person comes down with cancer, they'll claim a pre-existing condition that they make up out of thin air to not cover that person in their most needing times? How about giving that person back all the money they paid?

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Oh, intolerance, how widespread you are in this great country of ours. Veni is right, anyone with a differing view or opinion is wrong even if they present a reasonable argument. Also, if you do have a differing view or opinion you are a retarded progressive liberal.
I'm personally always willing to hear someone else's views even if mine differ, and if something they say makes sense to me or proves me wrong, I'll admit it. If you're so unhappy with where you think the country is going, why don't YOU leave. You are no one to tell anyone else to do anything. God, I'm sorry to inform you sir, did not make this country. It's people did (with their faith in him or not). Most of them were religious, yes, but they knew then and people like you should know now(although you choose to be blind to it) that CHURCH and STATE must have a complete separation. If you want to live in the ways our forefathers did, then by all means do so. Abandon all advances since that time and live as they did. Keep a cannon in your front yard to protect you from a burglar (it's really efficient as a home defense weapon, you know, like a grenade launcher), write your complaints on paper and copy them by hand, then hand them out to people so they can hear your views(no more internet for you). Most importantly though, go see the doctor when you get sick. When you go back home and can't work for months due to your illness, you've no money, and you need to have the doctor come see you...well we all know how that ends up. You wouldn't even be able to buy the rum you need to dull your pain. This is just an example.
Now, with this post I quoted here you are putting yourself more inline with the obviously uneducated, racist, bad grammar using 13 year old. I'm pretty sure those views he has weren't formed on his own either. It's funny because his parents are probably afraid of the supposed indocrination by the Obama administration, but they themselves are apparently instilling hatred, intolerance, and a sense of entitlement/being above others based on race. Just because you are white, doesn't mean you are smart, little boy. There are ignorant people of every race. I've always said there are white people and there are rednecks/crackers, there are black people and there are porch monkeys as the young man so aptly put it, there are hispanics and there are spics, and the list goes on and on. All those racial slurs, which I hope don't offend anyone as I was using them to give an example and better describe my point, they all mean the same thing: lazy, ignorant, fool. There are plenty of good people of every race and there will always be bad ones. It's funny that you never hear a generalization about how smart a group of people is, because generalizations are usually reserved for bad views of a group of people.
Intolerence isnt the question here its weather this government is following the Law of the Land or not as provided in the Constitution.The answer is no.
Now to weather God Almighty had any say in the formation of the USA I would point you to books for you to read about the history of the formation of my country and GODs part in doing so through the founding fathers.-Im here to stand up for my country agaist those who would try and destroy it ,and i guess you would be one.Its these little things that build up over time and cause a fracture in the foundation.You are part of the problem so you should leave while you still can.
There is a storm brewing .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Now to weather God Almighty had any say in the formation of the USA I would point you to books for you to read about the history of the formation of my country and GODs part in doing so through the founding fathers.-
Ahh, so your wonderful, magnanimous god created this country huh? I guess he was the one that put slavery in place too huh? You ultra right wing ultra christian idiots that feel that if you are not a christian and dont subscribe to your absurd belief that your silly religion created this country are what is really wrong around here these days.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
The main people who oppose health care reform are insurance companies! Giant, rich insurance companies that screw people over for their own profit/success at a cost to the taxpayer! Who do you think ends up picking up the tab for those people that end up on welfare because they're insurance company won't pay for a treatment or surgery that might allow them to keep working for themselves? YOU, ME! I'm not talking about the jobless, stay at home mom with 8 kids collecting welfare. I'm talking about the oh so loved "Joe the plumbers" out there that get effed right up the A by insurance companies, lose their jobs/businesses because they had to sell things off to stay their medical bills. Therefore, yes, it's comparable to slavery. Who opposed slavery the most? The large plantation owners, who made the most money off of slave labor. Are you comfortable with being on the side defending insurance companies that have more money than you will ever see in your lifetime? Are you comfortable with defending them even though they will take peoples super overpriced premiums every month for years and then when that person comes down with cancer, they'll claim a pre-existing condition that they make up out of thin air to not cover that person in their most needing times? How about giving that person back all the money they paid?
Look it up. Health insurance companies make a lower profit margin than 75% of the business industry. 4 of our hospitals spend more money on medical research than any one country and all their hospitals combined.
Our high cost is due to large part to our medical research. Look it up...
I have posted these statistics before......
Don't give me the excuse the companies are gouging us so we need to stick it to them when that is not the case.
Someone once mentioned Germany's health care plan as being ideal....which may be so./ But in Germany you realize you are taxed on the size of your house? You are told how much square footage you need for a family of four....if you own anything over this square footage you are taxed additionally on top of your normal property tax. This is how they pay for it....Either way WE are footing someone else's bill. When was the last medical breakthrough to come out of Germany since they started their healthcare program...for that matter, give me the last medical breakthrough for any country since they socialized healthcare....These plans come at a cost either way.......
By the way, a family of four gets an 800 SQ FT allowance.



Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Intolerence isnt the question here its weather this government is following the Law of the Land or not as provided in the Constitution.The answer is no.
Now to weather God Almighty had any say in the formation of the USA I would point you to books for you to read about the history of the formation of my country and GODs part in doing so through the founding fathers.-Im here to stand up for my country agaist those who would try and destroy it ,and i guess you would be one.Its these little things that build up over time and cause a fracture in the foundation.You are part of the problem so you should leave while you still can.
There is a storm brewing .

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, wow. You're one of those, huh? There's a storm brewing, revolution is coming? Please. We're not in olden times, sir, and I guarantee that if it came to that it would be a quite shortlived "revolution". Most people who talk real "hard", so to speak, are the first to tuck tail and run in a real combat situation, if that is what you are implying by you're so called "storm" that is brewing. I'm all for intelligent, civilized discussion, but I just laugh when I hear things like this. Being a "liberal", as I'm called because I don't agree with everything Republicans believe (you'd be surprised to know I actually am not all that liberal, I'm just not a Richard), thanks to the second amendment I have quite a nice collection that will keep my family and I safe in the event of this so called "storm". I'm free to defend what I believe in as well as an American, and I will throughout my life. My father came from Cuba because he was against everything Castro stood for. My family lost land and wealth. My father and grandfather fought in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and had to kill their own countrymen in an effort to try and take their country back from tyranny. REAL TYRANNY, not a made up tyranny thought up to build support for one party or another. I've always been a Republican, since we were betrayed/let down by a Democratic government during Bay of Pigs, but as I grew older I realized you can't let hatred, a grudge, or political ideas that were taught to you decide what is right or wrong blindly---who is good and who is bad. Education, logic, and compassion for others should all be determining factors in any decision we make, especially when it comes to our own political views. Do I agree with everything democrats do? No. Republicans? No. It's all about creating your own thoughts and ideas and deciding based on facts, not on out-of-left-field creations to distract one from the real issues.
BTW, you're face is a problem.
Religion, no matter which one it is, has no place in politics. Morals? Yes. Religion? Absolutley not.
P.S. I'd think twice before vaguely threatening people over the internet. Not that I care, but it just looks bad. I know it makes you feel good about yourself, as if you're doing a great service to your country by telling the guy with differing political views as you to watch out because a "storm" is coming, but it's really not all that scary. I'm sure your buddies at whatever diner you hang out at will think it's cool, but I'm pretty sure no one really cares.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
Ahh, so your wonderful, magnanimous god created this country huh? I guess he was the one that put slavery in place too huh? You ultra right wing ultra christian idiots that feel that if you are not a christian and dont subscribe to your absurd belief that your silly religion created this country are what is really wrong around here these days.
Although I get the same urge to call people horrible things, I hold back. I agree with what you're saying, but when you use the name-calling it dulls one's argument down. I do, however, believe that the attempt at meshing Religion into politics is what is really destroying this country and causing so much conflict. A lot of conservatives on this board criticize having to be p.c. these days, but they don't remember that they have several Christian groups to thank for the implementation of such harsh politically correctedness...Lots of civil rights groups too.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Look it up. Health insurance companies make a lower profit margin than 75% of the business industry. 4 of our hospitals spend more money on medical research than any one country and all their hospitals combined.
Our high cost is due to large part to our medical research. Look it up...
I have posted these statistics before......
Don't give me the excuse the companies are gouging us so we need to stick it to them when that is not the case.
Someone once mentioned Germany's health care plan as being ideal....which may be so./ But in Germany you realize you are taxed on the size of your house? You are told how much square footage you need for a family of four....if you own anything over this square footage you are taxed additionally on top of your normal property tax. This is how they pay for it....Either way WE are footing someone else's bill. When was the last medical breakthrough to come out of Germany since they started their healthcare program...for that matter, give me the last medical breakthrough for any country since they socialized healthcare....These plans come at a cost either way.......
By the way, a family of four gets an 800 SQ FT allowance.
I'm looking up the profits right now, I'll post again after I read a bit more.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, wow. You're one of those, huh? There's a storm brewing, revolution is coming? Please. We're not in olden times, sir, and I guarantee that if it came to that it would be a quite shortlived "revolution". Most people who talk real "hard", so to speak, are the first to tuck tail and run in a real combat situation, if that is what you are implying by you're so called "storm" that is brewing. I'm all for intelligent, civilized discussion, but I just laugh when I hear things like this. Being a "liberal", as I'm called because I don't agree with everything Republicans believe (you'd be surprised to know I actually am not all that liberal, I'm just not a Richard), thanks to the second amendment I have quite a nice collection that will keep my family and I safe in the event of this so called "storm". I'm free to defend what I believe in as well as an American, and I will throughout my life. My father came from Cuba because he was against everything Castro stood for. My family lost land and wealth. My father and grandfather fought in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and had to kill their own countrymen in an effort to try and take their country back from tyranny. REAL TYRANNY, not a made up tyranny thought up to build support for one party or another. I've always been a Republican, since we were betrayed/let down by a Democratic government during Bay of Pigs, but as I grew older I realized you can't let hatred, a grudge, or political ideas that were taught to you decide what is right or wrong blindly---who is good and who is bad. Education, logic, and compassion for others should all be determining factors in any decision we make, especially when it comes to our own political views. Do I agree with everything democrats do? No. Republicans? No. It's all about creating your own thoughts and ideas and deciding based on facts, not on out-of-left-field creations to distract one from the real issues.
BTW, you're face is a problem.
Religion, no matter which one it is, has no place in politics. Morals? Yes. Religion? Absolutley not.
P.S. I'd think twice before vaguely threatening people over the internet. Not that I care, but it just looks bad. I know it makes you feel good about yourself, as if you're doing a great service to your country by telling the guy with differing political views as you to watch out because a "storm" is coming, but it's really not all that scary. I'm sure your buddies at whatever diner you hang out at will think it's cool, but I'm pretty sure no one really cares.

Im certainly no one to get into a special olympics boxing match online with someone ive never met nor seen ,im not fool enough to believe i can whip everyone on the face of the planet....but there are some i sure would like to take a shot at.
oh, and yes there is a storm comming

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Ahh, so your wonderful, magnanimous god created this country huh? I guess he was the one that put slavery in place too huh? You ultra right wing ultra christian idiots that feel that if you are not a christian and dont subscribe to your absurd belief that your silly religion created this country are what is really wrong around here these days.
Your ignorance on the subject makes a discusion with you impossible.Let me just say this just because you dont believe in GOD dosent mean the founders of this country did not and btw they did .Read dumbass and you shall find the truth on the subject.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Someone once mentioned Germany's health care plan as being ideal....which may be so./ But in Germany you realize you are taxed on the size of your house? You are told how much square footage you need for a family of four....if you own anything over this square footage you are taxed additionally on top of your normal property tax. This is how they pay for it....Either way WE are footing someone else's bill. When was the last medical breakthrough to come out of Germany since they started their healthcare program...for that matter, give me the last medical breakthrough for any country since they socialized healthcare....These plans come at a cost either way.......
By the way, a family of four gets an 800 SQ FT allowance.
To be completely honest, that's one of the more innovative taxation plans I've heard of to fund a program. Sure, 800 sq ft is small for a family of four, but I doubt many families of four live in such small spaces, so they pay taxes on their additional space which funds their program. I bet they pay the taxes, but they don't have to pay for an insurance premium every month. I'm sure the government did set the allowances knowing that most families of that size don't live in such small spaces and would then have to pay some additional taxes. While I might not agree with the space allotments they say are appropriate for that size family, I think taxing someone who buys a giant house based on the sq footage is kind of brilliant. It kind of makes sense to make the allowance for the 4 person fam smaller though, because if they made them larger then they wouldn't be able to tax everyone, only the rich would get taxed as they generally have larger homes. If you have more money than most and you want to buy a house larger than most, then you make that decision to buy based on wether you are willing to pay the additional taxes or not, it's your decision. Now, moving down the food chain to someone who isn't as wealthy, it is a matter of how much they get taxed per sq footage of the extra space. I really can't agree or disagree with it unless I have an idea of how much the taxes are, but if i had a fam of 4 in a space bigger than 800sq ft and I already lived in that space before the system got put into place, I wouldn't be upset about paying the additional taxes because I know it's going toward my families health care. It does make sense.
I had a simple idea for health care. If you have a base coverage system that covers everything (universal healthcare), then you have the option to augment some things. It works like this in Italy at the moment, to give an example. If you have to go to the hospital, you're covered. You get a regular room, probably shared, but if you want a better/private room, then you pay out of pocket or have your private add on insurance that you pay a small amount for every month kick in and cover the additional costs. You still see the same doctors and get the same treatment. Of course we have to pay for it through taxes and/or premiums paid my clients, but it's worth doing. I've said many times before, there are a lot of B.S. programs that the government currently funds that are not necessary. A lot of useless programs can be shut down and have their funding re-approriated to help a new health care system.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Im certainly no one to get into a special olympics boxing match online with someone ive never met nor seen ,im not fool enough to believe i can whip everyone on the face of the planet....but there are some i sure would like to take a shot at.
oh, and yes there is a storm comming
Oh, I'm sorry, we wouldn't be able to get into a special olympics boxing match online or anywhere for that matter because I'm not a special needs person. I'd feel bad anyway because we would be unevenly matched. I can't box someone who does have special needs when I don't...that's just wrong. I don't worry too much about a storm though. For one, I live in Florida, and aside from that, I've got pretty powerful umbrellas.
I wouldn't debate you on anything so much, if you weren't such an angry and intolerant poster all the time. I do apologize(honestly), but you come off as intolerant of any people with differing views on life period. Can't say for sure, but you sure do come off that way. Oh, and arrogant too.

Like I said before, I'm all for a good argument/debate, but keep it civil and please keep the "a storm is brewing" ridiculousness between your clan. By clan, I mean your family and friends and in no way meant, you know, THE CLAN clan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Obama is giving me oppression and tyranny along with the rest of congress and its retarded progressive liberals like yourself that adds to the problem.If you hate America the way it was meant to be, ordained by the all mighty then please take your silly ass to the closest airport and move to Spain or France.
I think you will find it more to your liking.But dont stick around here in my country trying to change it into something it not ...for instance like the cheese eating surrender monkeys over there in France or the tomato tossing ,bull running Spainards. Dont respond just go ......please.Ill even buy you your ticket.

Vini, that's your pat childish answer whenever someone disagrees with your slanted viewpoint. Well hey, I can turn it around and say if you don't like the direction this country is heading, YOU MOVE. It's people like you with one-sided logic that's actually destroying the makeup of this country. If you got rid of everyone on the far right (like yourself), and everyone on the far left (hate to disappoint you, but that's not me), you'd probably see this country run more efficiently for the betterment of ALL Americans, regardless of their party affiliation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Oh, I'm sorry, we wouldn't be able to get into a special olympics boxing match online or anywhere for that matter because I'm not a special needs person. I'd feel bad anyway because we would be unevenly matched. I can't box someone who does have special needs when I don't...that's just wrong. I don't worry too much about a storm though. For one, I live in Florida, and aside from that, I've got pretty powerful umbrellas.
I wouldn't debate you on anything so much, if you weren't such an angry and intolerant poster all the time. I do apologize(honestly), but you come off as intolerant of any people with differing views on life period. Can't say for sure, but you sure do come off that way. Oh, and arrogant too.

Like I said before, I'm all for a good argument/debate, but keep it civil and please keep the "a storm is brewing" ridiculousness between your clan. By clan, I mean your family and friends and in no way meant, you know, THE CLAN clan.

Good arguments from the left, example.
People who oppose this bill are extreemists. From the floor of the senate...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
To be completely honest, that's one of the more innovative taxation plans I've heard of to fund a program. Sure, 800 sq ft is small for a family of four, but I doubt many families of four live in such small spaces, so they pay taxes on their additional space which funds their program. I bet they pay the taxes, but they don't have to pay for an insurance premium every month. I'm sure the government did set the allowances knowing that most families of that size don't live in such small spaces and would then have to pay some additional taxes. While I might not agree with the space allotments they say are appropriate for that size family, I think taxing someone who buys a giant house based on the sq footage is kind of brilliant. It kind of makes sense to make the allowance for the 4 person fam smaller though, because if they made them larger then they wouldn't be able to tax everyone, only the rich would get taxed as they generally have larger homes. If you have more money than most and you want to buy a house larger than most, then you make that decision to buy based on wether you are willing to pay the additional taxes or not, it's your decision. Now, moving down the food chain to someone who isn't as wealthy, it is a matter of how much they get taxed per sq footage of the extra space. I really can't agree or disagree with it unless I have an idea of how much the taxes are, but if i had a fam of 4 in a space bigger than 800sq ft and I already lived in that space before the system got put into place, I wouldn't be upset about paying the additional taxes because I know it's going toward my families health care. It does make sense.
I had a simple idea for health care. If you have a base coverage system that covers everything (universal healthcare), then you have the option to augment some things. It works like this in Italy at the moment, to give an example. If you have to go to the hospital, you're covered. You get a regular room, probably shared, but if you want a better/private room, then you pay out of pocket or have your private add on insurance that you pay a small amount for every month kick in and cover the additional costs. You still see the same doctors and get the same treatment. Of course we have to pay for it through taxes and/or premiums paid my clients, but it's worth doing. I've said many times before, there are a lot of B.S. programs that the government currently funds that are not necessary. A lot of useless programs can be shut down and have their funding re-approriated to help a new health care system.
Here in San Antonio, I'm already taxed like Germany's system. I pay approximately 4% of the appraised value of my home on an annual basis in property taxes. In the last 5 years, the appraised value of my home has gone up over 40%, when in reality, I couldn't sell it for anywhere close to what the County appraisers have it appraised for. Of that 4%, one percent goes to the County Healthcare system to help fund the County hospital and its associated clinics. The County hospital takes in all the indigent 'uninsured' individuals that cannot afford health insurance and pretty much provide them free healthcare. Of course they're supposed to treat only those who have emergency illnessses, but someone with just a high fever is considered 'emergency' in their minds. So if the Federal healthcare bill took this route, I'd probably save money on my taxes in the long run.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Oh, I'm sorry, we wouldn't be able to get into a special olympics boxing match online or anywhere for that matter because I'm not a special needs person. I'd feel bad anyway because we would be unevenly matched. I can't box someone who does have special needs when I don't...that's just wrong. I don't worry too much about a storm though. For one, I live in Florida, and aside from that, I've got pretty powerful umbrellas.
I wouldn't debate you on anything so much, if you weren't such an angry and intolerant poster all the time. I do apologize(honestly), but you come off as intolerant of any people with differing views on life period. Can't say for sure, but you sure do come off that way. Oh, and arrogant too.

Like I said before, I'm all for a good argument/debate, but keep it civil and please keep the "a storm is brewing" ridiculousness between your clan. By clan, I mean your family and friends and in no way meant, you know, THE CLAN clan.

I currently reside in Ocala FL.Maybe someday we can sit down a have a debate about the storm and my arrogance .I call it boldness and confidence in my beliefs BTW.