Healthcare bill will pass the senate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I'm not talking about independent pharmacists that have their own little private apothecary. You are correct, they can deny service to whoever they like. I'm talking about the pharmacist that works for the major chain, and that chain has no policy denying ANY specific prescription from getting filled.
And you're right, that's exactly why I don't live in Podunk, USA. I choose to live where I have MY personal freedoms to decide who to give my business to.
The chain would have the right to fire him as far as I am concerned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I am the same way. Most people assume I am a right wing Republican.
I am not pro life but do favor things like parental consent and even a short waiting period for elective abortions.
I would legalize Marijuana and maybe cocaine
While not in favor of Gay marriage I would vote against a ban that didn't offer gays a civil union provision of some sort that offers them the exact same rights a married couple has
I don't think tax cuts are the answer to all life's problems
I am sure there are more but......

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

That would fit my bill for the most part as well. I personally am pro-life...however this has been ruled upon and so in my opinion is a done deal....the odds of an overturn are so small it isn't worth the effort. Now you have to educate people on their options as a pro-lifer nd do not demean anyone that chooses to follow through with an abortion. For many women it is a hard enough choice to make without some pro-life person belittling them.
While I'm no longer on here much do to a 4 mo. old, full time job, etc., this is exactly why I enjoy debating with you two guys in particular. We may not agree on everything (or much in some cases), but you show your "own mind" and not just isolate along party lines


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
The chain would have the right to fire him as far as I am concerned.
That's already been tried. The pharmicist took the chain to court and sued them because they fired her because of her 'religiousd convictions'. The courts made the chain give her job back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
That's already been tried. The pharmicist took the chain to court and sued them because they fired her because of her 'religiousd convictions'. The courts made the chain give her job back.

Yeah, I know. The chain obviously needs to amend its employee manual to guard against this type of thing. Had the employee manual and employment documents covered this there would have been no issue. You can't sign away a right but if you agree to follow a specific set of rules and don't you can be fired no matter what.
It actually depends on the state as well, some have laws covering this and some don't.