Originally Posted by bionicarm
LOLOL. I don't expect Obama to do squat for me. I voted for the guy because the alternative would've wreaked havoc on this country far worse than what he's done so far. Give me a better choice, and I'll vote that individual in. Until then, I'm willing to give our current President a chance to do what he claimed he could do during all his useless campaign speeches. If it's the "same ole' status quo" I've seen in the last two Presidents, I'll vote against him. The difference between me and you is I'm willing to give the guy a shot at fixing the crap that was left him. You only the other hand, will never accept any accomplishments he does because the simple truth is you think Democrat=Evil=Socilaism. He could turn this country around 180, and you still wouldn't back him because it goes against your logic and your beliefs in that the only political system that is good, is Conservatism. I've seen that system in action. It didn't work out all that well did it? If it did, why are their so many Americans that are obviously against a Total 100% Conservative political system?
I agree with you on the abortion comments and birth control, but the part I wanted to respond to or agree with the most is this last paragraph here. You couldn't have hit the nail more on the head on my stance as to why I voted for Obama and am willing to give him a chance. No one in their right mind can say that a Mcain/Palin administration would have been much better off than the current one. Whoever was to be elected was going to be handed a pile of excrement anyway. In actuality they weren't handed the excrement. They were made to stand in front of a fan that the excrement was fed through and then told they had to put it all back together in a way that made it not stinky. To your last sentence, I say, compromise. It's what is necessary. The problem is people think compromise is a sign of weakness, when in fact it's a sign of intelligence(if used correctly).
LOLOL. I don't expect Obama to do squat for me. I voted for the guy because the alternative would've wreaked havoc on this country far worse than what he's done so far. Give me a better choice, and I'll vote that individual in. Until then, I'm willing to give our current President a chance to do what he claimed he could do during all his useless campaign speeches. If it's the "same ole' status quo" I've seen in the last two Presidents, I'll vote against him. The difference between me and you is I'm willing to give the guy a shot at fixing the crap that was left him. You only the other hand, will never accept any accomplishments he does because the simple truth is you think Democrat=Evil=Socilaism. He could turn this country around 180, and you still wouldn't back him because it goes against your logic and your beliefs in that the only political system that is good, is Conservatism. I've seen that system in action. It didn't work out all that well did it? If it did, why are their so many Americans that are obviously against a Total 100% Conservative political system?
I agree with you on the abortion comments and birth control, but the part I wanted to respond to or agree with the most is this last paragraph here. You couldn't have hit the nail more on the head on my stance as to why I voted for Obama and am willing to give him a chance. No one in their right mind can say that a Mcain/Palin administration would have been much better off than the current one. Whoever was to be elected was going to be handed a pile of excrement anyway. In actuality they weren't handed the excrement. They were made to stand in front of a fan that the excrement was fed through and then told they had to put it all back together in a way that made it not stinky. To your last sentence, I say, compromise. It's what is necessary. The problem is people think compromise is a sign of weakness, when in fact it's a sign of intelligence(if used correctly).