Hefner's 180 Thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stachy
I like it, but maybe some caves or a shelf would be nice.
Yeah, I agree. The only hole that I have is right in the middle - and it's not too big. The only thing I've found though is that it seems the more spread out the rocks are - the less stable... so I'm still fiddling with the idea of a more permanent structure - using cement or something. I'm not sure on what to use though - never seen any before. I've also thought of using the acrylic rods - but that seems a bit difficult. Still not sure on what to do, but yeah, I would like to make it for fish friendly... recs?

matt b

Active Member
It prob say somewhere but Are you going to cover up the black crate or what ever it is on the bottom? And I LOVE having my caves. I built it like put a good sized rock ever 10in and then lay a sheet rock ontop of that and then build up from that. If that helps any


Active Member
Yeah, ugly black crates will be covered with caribsea seaflor special grade sand. Got it for a pretty decent deal online. 165 lbs for $135 shipped. The crates are actually coke crates with the tops cut off. You can see a whole one earlier in the pic with the tank filling. I got a bunch of Cherry Coke Zero - love that stuff!
And yeah, I do have a couple more flat rocks - I might try that idea. I've been following your 75 thread - I like the large flat space in the middle - nice spot to put your coral.
Heart and sole recommended a bonding agent - anybody know what's good/easy to use?


For bonding you can get aquamend from Home Depot. I would really look into upgrading your skimmer if possible. I have that one and the smaller one running on my 92g corner and it is still not really enough. Everything else looks great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jpa0741
I would really look into upgrading your skimmer if possible. I have that one and the smaller one running on my 92g corner and it is still not really enough. Everything else looks great.
shoot, really? you have the one rated for 220 gal? and doesn't keep up with your 92 gal? That's a bummer. I figured it would do quite well. why do you think it doesn't skim well? the pump? or just size of the simmer itself? And do you have a large bioload?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
shoot, really? you have the one rated for 220 gal? and doesn't keep up with your 92 gal? That's a bummer. I figured it would do quite well. why do you think it doesn't skim well? the pump? or just size of the simmer itself? And do you have a large bioload?
Good point. I'd upgrade that skimmer quickly too. The manufacturers rating may be for 220, but the true rating in use is for 90g. I'd go with Euro-Reef, ASM or something even beefier than that.


Active Member
Wow. Yeah, that is quite an eye opener. Thanks so much for the info from that website. And Yeah, I'd love one of those skimmers... just wish they were a little cheaper. But well - if you're going to do it - you should do it right... right? Well, I better start lookin! Thanks again.


Active Member
Well friends... after much thought and torment, I've decided to go aggressive with this instead of a reef. Just too many beautiful fish that I would like to try.
If a mod would like to move this thread to the aggressive boards, feel free.
Well, I've got the sand in and I'm just over 5 weeks into my cycle. Levels are zero now, but I'll wait it out. WON'T be long now!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Well friends... after much thought and torment, I've decided to go aggressive with this instead of a reef. Just too many beautiful fish that I would like to try.
If a mod would like to move this thread to the aggressive boards, feel free.
Well, I've got the sand in and I'm just over 5 weeks into my cycle. Levels are zero now, but I'll wait it out. WON'T be long now!

Reef is sooooo much better


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B

Reef is sooooo much better

yeah, like I said.. after much thought and torment...
To be honest... If I could afford the lighting I want now... I would start a second reef. But right now, I got my 55 gal reef and realized that this was a chance to try all the fish that I've been wanting that I couldn't put in the 55 b/c it was a reef and too small...
But like you said... I do agree.. reef is def the way to go! Man.. I better not start second guessing myself.. it took forever to make that decision the first time.


Active Member
Well... Finally some updates!
First, we'll start with the sand:
11x 15lb bags of CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade = 165 lbs total.
I got a pretty decent deal online for it: $135 Shipped.
Much cheaper than my LFS.
A couple exciting pics:

I sure wish I would have gone with this on my 55gal reef. I used oolite sand on it and really don't like it. Oh well...


Active Member
And here's the sand going in...

And then the tank of white.. I don't know why we all post this picture... but here it is:


Active Member
Well, I liked how things looked, but like you guys said.. there needed to be more places for fish to hide- caves, holes, etc.
I also had decided that I definitely wanted an eel. So I got some 3inch pvc pipe and two 45 deg elbows and made a tunnel.
Everything was rearranged:

I then dug a trench in the back for the pvc and placed it in.



Active Member
I covered up the pvc with sand and then began arranging the rock.
Its a pretty similar design, just spread out some more..

Here's a closer up shot of the eel tunnel:


...So, like this arrangement a little better?


I'm confused. Why is there already a fish in there? Did I miss something?
The rock looks fantastic. I love it.


I like the new aquascaping. A couple of things...
With any tank, but especially one this size, you want to put the rocks in first, then the sand. This way you don't risk the sand shifting under the rocks and waking up with a broken tank and water all over your house.
Second, why is there a fish in there? Did the tank cycle already?


Active Member
Ha, yeah - I guess I left one of the biggest things out so far! Whoops.. I talked about it on another thread and forgot to update it here. Anyway, the tank cycled fully - I let it go almost 7 wks to be fully sure. I then transferred my blue tang over. So yup - my first addition is the blue. It loves it's new home.