Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16


My Name is Rueben,
Me and my wife live on beautiful Oahu and are starting a salt water tank!
I wanted simple so the Nuvo 16 seems small enough and came with almost everything i need!
We picked up the water at this local water treatment facility who purifies salt water, Everything i read said it was perfect for salt water tanks.
A few local hobbyist said local beach sand works so we went with that too!
Day 1

On day 2 we picked up some live rock (the store was closed by the time i finished with the sand and water on day 1). Roughly 17 lbs. We also tested the water. Salinity 1.027, ph 7.8, nitrate 0 (i still need to do homework on what nitrate and nitrite does or means), alkalintiy 7, ammonia 0
DAy 2

Were on Day 4 now, and everything seems to be going smoothly. The live rock is growing some cool purple leaves, ive seen some green bulbs (not sure what they are), there is a bunch of purple, pink, and orange stuff spreading on the rock, ive seen a few small crabs and snails that i guess came on the rock.. and a few mollusks. All seem to be doing ok, i think the mollusks may be dying, atleast one has fallen off the rock. I do have algae growing here and there also.
I plan to buy the innovative Marine AuqaGadget Protein Skimmer soon but wasnt sure if your supposed to run them during the cycle or let it do its own thing. I got some small particles floating around but its not out of hand.
Day 4

I will do another water test on day 7 to make sure the cycle is going smoothly.. Thank you for looking. All comments and advise welcome. Thanks ahead of time!


Active Member
welcome to the sport. i am not fimiliar with that set up.is that an under gravel filter set up? i would leave the lights off most of the time.they will only add to algae during the cycle .you might want to think about adding another powerhead .maybe just a korilia nano.i do love the rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16#post_3517559
welcome to the sport. i am not fimiliar with that set up.is that an under gravel filter set up? i would leave the lights off most of the time.they will only add to algae during the cycle .you might want to think about adding another powerhead .maybe just a korilia nano.i do love the rock.
The IM Nuvo line is a nice little plug-in-play system similar to a biocube (I have the Nuvo 8). No under gravel filters.
I agree with deejeff, you got some real nice rock there. It does look a little big in the tank, but you should be fine. Worst case you can always take it out and break it up a little to make a few more pieces to make some caves and hideouts for the fish. Also, a power head would help a lot. I do not have one for my 8g but need to get one.
(i still need to do homework on what nitrate and nitrite does or means)
Kajunram, check out the sticky's on top of the new hobbyists section and there should be a thread on the initial cycle. This should give you lots of info on the nitrogen cycle.
Good luck and have fun!!


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you're doing fine and people like me (us?) are jealous you are so near saltwater and corals.
Personally I prefer macro algaes to help balance out and stabilize the operation but that's just my.
Pssst: algae in the rocks can serve much the same function.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Since you had sand in your tank B4 the rock, did you push the rock down threw the sand to rest on bottom of tank? If not please do so now B4 a creature burrows under rock and gets crushed. Otherwise looks
, I like the large rocks makes it look like a chunk of ocean was carved out. What are you putting in there?


Quote:Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16#post_3517559
welcome to the sport. i am not fimiliar with that set up.is that an under gravel filter set up? i would leave the lights off most of the time.they will only add to algae during the cycle .you might want to think about adding another powerhead .maybe just a korilia nano.i do love the rock.

Ive considered replacing the powerheads in the pic to ones that that spin or rotate, the tank manufacturer sells them. Do you think that would be sufficient or a third should be installed? Thank you for the love on the rock, its 3 pieces


Quote:Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16#post_3517571
The IM Nuvo line is a nice little plug-in-play system similar to a biocube (I have the Nuvo 8).  No under gravel filters. 
I agree with deejeff, you got some real nice rock there.  It does look a little big in the tank, but you should be fine.  Worst case you can always take it out and break it up a little to make a few more pieces to make some caves and hideouts for the fish.  Also, a power head would help a lot.  I do not have one for my 8g but need to get one. 
Kajunram, check out the sticky's on top of the new hobbyists section and there should be a thread on the initial cycle.  This should give you lots of info on the nitrogen cycle. 
Good luck and have fun!!

Thank you, its not a huge rock, they are tall slim plate like rocks.. so they lean againts the back of the tank and fish can swim under/behind them. I will get a pic from the side so you get a better view and let me knwo if you think that works!


Quote:Originally Posted by beaslbob http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16#post_3517575
Looks to me like you're doing fine and people like me (us?) are jealous you are so near saltwater and corals.
Personally I prefer macro algaes to help balance out and stabilize the operation but that's just my.
Pssst: algae in the rocks can serve much the same function.

Should i consider purchasing some for the tank during the cycle? im very patient, i know rushing only costs more money lol.. Also Should i run my protein skimmer during the cycle?


Quote:Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16#post_3517601
Since you had sand in your tank B4 the rock, did you push the rock down threw the sand to rest on bottom of tank? If not please do so now B4 a creature burrows under rock and gets crushed. Otherwise looks
, I like the large rocks makes it look like a chunk of ocean was carved out. What are you putting in there?

I did move the sand and push the rock all the way down! Thanks for the heads up, i remember reading that somewhere and a buddy told me too!
Ive always wanted a lion fish, but i think ill start smaller.. plus i dont know what gets along with lion fish. I think ill start with some clownes, an anemone, and some feather dusters.. maybe a few small crabs and a cleaning shrimp.. its only 16 gallons so idont want to over populate.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Sorry I don't think there is a lion fish that will live happily in a 16gal tank. And the lights that come with that system will not keep a anemone alive. Ocellaris clowns (2) will live and the other things. I never had luck with feathers we keep our tanks to clean from them to live long, they are filter feeders..


Active Member
i would add another powerhead.look at some blennies they love sand and stay small.stay away from damsels they can be nasty.what sweatervest was saying is ,fish like hiding places.it reduces stress.maybe get a few 3-4 inch rocks and stack them so the fish can hide.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kajunram12 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16#post_3517633
Should i consider purchasing some for the tank during the cycle? im very patient, i know rushing only costs more money lol.. Also Should i run my protein skimmer during the cycle?
I put macro algaes in right from the beginning and use no skimmer.
You might be surprised what you get for parameters if you do that.
Chaetomorphia (brillo bad) behind the rocks with perhaps a small light shining on the chaeto would be nice.
I also like caulerpa profilera because it is more "plant like". but you do have to keep that trimmed up.
If you want after some running I would recommend the smallest male molly you can get to test the tank. If the molly can live for a few weeks then the tank is ready for marine only stuff.
my .02


Active Member
isnt a molly a brackish fish? i have been at this for a long time but ,i have always had bigger fish.i dont know much about the little ones.


Here is a side view so you can judge the lay out of the LR better.

deejeff442: Those Blennies look pretty cool.. ill def have to grab one. If this ill look into grabbing a few smaller rocks to create a few more hiding spots if you think its necessary for 3-4 fish.
Mr. Limpid: I guess i will have to wait a few years until im ready to upgrade to a larger tank to get my lionfish.. Thanks for letting me know. As far as the lighting, i was unaware that certain lightes were required for anemones. Are there a certain kind you recommend, id really like to get an anemone in my tank.. especially if im going to get clowns.
beaslbob: I do like the look of Chaetomorphia, and ive ready it can help controle Nitrate.. ill go to my LFS and see if they can get any. You think behind the rocks? with a light shining back there?
Another question for the crowd.. Ive noticed the algae has significantly spread over the last two days (5-6 days into the set up). Should i try to control it now with something or let it do its own thing for now and fix it later?


Sorry if im post happy, im just excited like any new hobbyist.. Her are a few images of things growing in my tank so far.. if you would be so kindly to explain WTH they are, id be thankful! lol
Image 1: That white spongy stuff? any clue? The purple stuff seems to be spreading too!

Image 2: The purple leaves are growing faster than algae, any clue? That weird thing with the tentacles is cool too, not sure what it is though!

Image 3: you see that cute little tube in there? if you tap the glass it tightens the rim of the tube up.. its got little tentacles or feathers on the rim too.. any clue?

Image 4: Awesome Orange stuff on the rock, spreading slowly.. Any clue?

Image 5: Here are those purple leaves and some algae thats forming.

Image 6: just the other side of the tank so you can get another view.


Active Member
the white and orange are sponge.the purple isnt leaves just good coraline growing .if you poke them they are brittle and will break off.you have a healthy tank for sure to have all that growth.

mr. limpid

Active Member
For lighting look at Apollo Reef SLC36W it on sale and would be perfect for your size tank and will keep any coral or anemone alive.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kajunram12 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16#post_3517680
Here is a side view so you can judge the lay out of the LR better.

beaslbob: I do like the look of Chaetomorphia, and ive ready it can help controle Nitrate.. ill go to my LFS and see if they can get any. You think behind the rocks? with a light shining back there?
You could put some form of partition at the left and right ends of the rocks with chaetomorphia between. Then just add a round reflector and spiral "pig tail" light )(10w or so 6500k) behind the tank pointing forward. the chaeto will really take off and produce many pods in addition to consuming nitrates, phosphates, and co2 while returning fish food and oxygen. Plus it actually prefers to consume ammonia over nitrates so should something go wrong it prevents dangerous ammonia spikes.
For a partition I just used 1/4" square egg crate on my 55g from building supply stores. 4'x2' section was $11 or so. Pods and macros would poke through and smaller fish would even swim through the grid to catch pods. nitrates dropped to unmeasureable levels in 3 weeks.
Look like you live rock is becoming live.