Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16


deejeff442: Thanks for the information! Hopefully it all survives the cycle
Mr. Limpid: Thanks for the information the lights. As far as the tub, the one in my tank is tiny clear and the feathers/tentacles are not as large as the ones in the picture. Maybe its not fully matured. I hope its nothing that will mess up my tank.
beaslbob: Thanks, my LFS doesnt carry it. I found some online that will ship dry, so ill have to get some of those egg crates for walls or maybe smaller rocks to block the edges off.. ill see whats available!
Once again thanks everyone for the assistance and information!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kajunram12 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16/20#post_3517729
deejeff442: Thanks for the information! Hopefully it all survives the cycle Mr. Limpid: Thanks for the information the lights. As far as the tub, the one in my tank is tiny clear and the feathers/tentacles are not as large as the ones in the picture. Maybe its not fully matured. I hope its nothing that will mess up my tank. beaslbob: Thanks, my LFS doesnt carry it. I found some online that will ship dry, so ill have to get some of those egg crates for walls or maybe smaller rocks to block the edges off.. ill see whats available! Once again thanks everyone for the assistance and information!
ask around to your local hobbiests. I'll betcha there are some throwing chaeto away each month.
Also I thing you have an interesting purple macro algae on the rocks also. Pretty.
hopefully the tentacles are not aptisa. They get invasive and hard to get rid of.
my .02


DAY 8 of Cycle....Nitrites: 0, Salinity: 1.029, PH: 8.2, Nitrates: 0, Alkalenity: 2.25, Ammonia: 0
Does that sound about right?


Well-Known Member
Tank looks great. I love the rock. Also w fish. Since your in the area that there collected. Have you looked at fire fish? Small yet colorful.


deejeff442: some of the water seems to have evaporated from the tank.. based on the waterline on the side of the tank. Could that be the reason for the jump in salinity?
jay0705: Thanks, no i haven't looked into fish yet. I been trying to make sure this cycle process is going smooth. Ill def have to check them out. Right now me and the wife agree we want a gopy and pistol shrimp. I think we may upgrade the lights so we can have an anemone and a pair of clowns too.


Active Member
t takes alot of fresh r/o water to bring down salinity. i would take a little water out and replace it with fresh r/o till its 1.026


Well-Known Member
also when you do your water changes mix your water to a lower salinity. like a 1.020-1.021 ish that will help bring it down too. you can add straight fresh but becareful not to lower it too much.




JUst wanted to update everyone on my NUVO 16.. everything is going smooth after 3 weeks.. I never had a spike during the 3 weeks before i added fish..Still have yet to get a spike in anything.. and all my levels are perfect (dumb luck??). This week i did some rock scaping, to make some caves for my new additions of a feather duster, 2 Halloween hermits, a snail, 2 clowns. Everything was awesome. I had an algae problem on the sand, and my hermits weren't doing much., so i added a pink spotted watchman goby yesterday. I think my clowns are scared of him, they wont leave the top of the tank anymore.. Hope they come around.. But everything is still striving!


Quote:Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16/20#post_3518770
The clowns will adjust. Mine where like that w my fox face. Now they swim togather.

I think you're right. Last night i turned the lights completely off when we went to bed, and as soon as i turned them off the clowns started moving all over the tank. Which brings me to my next questions... I used to run my white lights all day, and the blue lights from sun down till sun up.. I dont mind the algae, because it feeds my goby, snails, and crabs. What is the recommended timing for lights?


Active Member
what do you mean white lights and blue lights? are the blue moon lights?the white compacts?imo just put lights on as little as possible.the fish wont mind and as for the fish eating algae they will nip at the lr all the time. the trick is to get a balance of algae that the fish eat and what still looks good to us.


Quote:Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16/20#post_3518823
what do you mean white lights and blue lights? are the blue moon lights?the white compacts?imo just put lights on as little as possible.the fish wont mind and as for the fish eating algae they will nip at the lr all the time. the trick is to get a balance of algae that the fish eat and what still looks good to us.

Im not to sure how to explain them other than blue and white.. the blue moon light i guess.. if you look at the Innovative Marine lighting you'll see what i mean. Thanks for the advise.


Active Member
man there are so many light systems out now.moonlights are just little led thingys (lol) barely put light out. compacts need to be changed alot so the spectrum dont fall off and create alot of algea.imo on a small tank led lighting is the way to go now a days.